State Budget

Tax Foundation Analysis of Rendell’s Tax Proposals

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2010

Joe Henchman of the Tax Foundation has put together a Fical Fact looking at Gov. Rendell’s tax increases in the proposed Pennsylvania state budget. Here is the quick overview:…


Read More: Tax Foundation Analysis of Rendell’s Tax Proposals

Taxes & Economy

NTU Congressional Ratings for Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2010

The National Taxpayers Union released their annual Congressional report card (for votes in 2009). Here are the votes they rated. NTU’s rating is based on “every roll call…


Read More: NTU Congressional Ratings for Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Debunking the Green Job Myth

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 25, 2010

US News and World Report has an excellent piece from AEI’s Kenneth Green debunking the green job myth. Government can create jobs: Green explains how governments cannot create…


Read More: Debunking the Green Job Myth

Government Accountability

Who’s Blogging About CF?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 25, 2010

Here are some recent updates from various blogs mentioning Commonwealth Foundation, or giving us some good linkage: Redstate notes our call for an independent investigation into Penn State professor…


Read More: Who’s Blogging About CF?


Property Tax Relief Not as Awesome as Rendell Says

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 25, 2010

Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner put out another report that should embarrass the Rendell administration, this one one the claimed benefits of property tax relief. (Full report in…


Read More: Property Tax Relief Not as Awesome as Rendell Says


Who’s to Blame for the Rising Costs of Higher Ed?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 24, 2010

Rendell’s FY 2010-11 budget funds state related universities at the same level as FY 2009-10 budget. University officials claim they need an increase in state funding to keep tuition…


Read More: Who’s to Blame for the Rising Costs of Higher Ed?