Rules for Radicals and Climategate

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 5, 2010

The Allentown Morning Call covers the ongoing “Climategate” scandal involving Penn State’s Michael Mann. Joe Sterns, our director of communications, does a great job of staking out our position.


Read More: Rules for Radicals and Climategate

Government Accountability

Live Webinar: Job Opportunities in Public Policy

  • February 5, 2010

Looking for a career path that will enable you to advance the ideas of liberty?  Already in a position, but looking to gain the professional skills and management training to…


Read More: Live Webinar: Job Opportunities in Public Policy

Taxes & Economy

Final Nail in I-80 Tolling’s Coffin?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2010

The FHWA is expect to announce shortly that, once again, the have rejected the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s bid to toll I-80 across the state.  Eric Boehm has the details…


Read More: Final Nail in I-80 Tolling’s Coffin?

Public Union Democracy

Dude, Where’s My Raise?

  • February 4, 2010

A struggling economy and high unemployment left many without their yearly raise or bonus in 2009. That is, of course, unless you were a government employee. As originally reported on…


Read More: Dude, Where’s My Raise?

Taxes & Economy

Free Money Or Greater Burden?

  • February 4, 2010

Pennsylvania has not known the meaning of fiscal responsibility for quite some time. Unfortunately, for working Pennsylvanians, that is not about to change. Pennsylvania’s General Fund revenues are already…


Read More: Free Money Or Greater Burden?


Penn State Whitewashes Climategate Investigation

  • February 3, 2010

HARRISBURG, PA – The Commonwealth Foundation today released the following statement in response to Penn State’s internal investigation of alleged scientific misconduct by Michael Mann, a prominent global warming…

Press Release

Read More: Penn State Whitewashes Climategate Investigation