State Budget

Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: June 2010

  • June 1, 2010

Following May’s tax collections, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue reports that state General Fund revenues are $1.2 billion below estimate for the 2009-10 fiscal year. Tax collections have…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: June 2010


Rendell: Democrats will Do Well if Voters Ignore the Policy Debate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 1, 2010

The Wall Street Journal recently published an interview with Gov. Rendell that highlighted Rendell’s analysis of policy issues – the stimulus, Wall Street/bailouts, and Immigration – at least in…


Read More: Rendell: Democrats will Do Well if Voters Ignore the Policy Debate

Taxes & Economy

Follies of Pittsburgh’s Beverage Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 1, 2010

This week the student-run Publius Foundation think tank in Pittsburgh released their second study. Looking at the proposed Pittsburgh Beverage Tax, the brief concludes soda taxes harm the economy…


Read More: Follies of Pittsburgh’s Beverage Tax

Taxes & Economy

Top Mann Nemesis: He’s Not a Fraud

  • May 28, 2010

The person who was most instrumental in debunking Penn State scientist Michael Mann‘s hockey stick chart, Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit, said at a climate realists’ conference last week…


Read More: Top Mann Nemesis: He’s Not a Fraud


Tobacco Tax Fact Check

  • May 28, 2010

The misinformation that comes out of the Policy and Budget Center (PBC) amazes me. Here is the first post of a two-part fact-checking on taxing smokeless tobacco products…


Read More: Tobacco Tax Fact Check