Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Budget Presentation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 24, 2010

Below you can find my latest version of a presentation on the Pennsylvania state budget and economic policy. PA Budget and…


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State Budget

PA House Republicans’ Cost Savings Plan

  • May 24, 2010

In an attempt to balance the state budget without raising taxes, the House Republican Caucus has developed a plan to reduce spending in the Pennsylvania State Budget. One interesting…


Read More: PA House Republicans’ Cost Savings Plan

Taxes & Economy

Another Commercial Produced by PA Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 24, 2010

I caught another TV commercial produced by Pennsylvania state government the other night. This one is intended to scare viewers who are thinking of committing insurance fraud…and make the…


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Most Pennsylvanians are Right Wing Extremists

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 23, 2010

If one listens to analysts in the mainstream media, anyone calling for a repeal of the federal health care law, or supporting a state immigration law like Arizona’s is on…


Read More: Most Pennsylvanians are Right Wing Extremists

Taxes & Economy

Who is Adding Jobs in PA?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 21, 2010

The latest BLS report on state jobs is out, and is pretty good news for Pennsylvania, which added 34,000 jobs (seasonally adjusted) in April – 2nd most among the…


Read More: Who is Adding Jobs in PA?


The Failure of Economic Development Incentives

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 21, 2010

With budget season upon us, politicians are scrambling for new revenue sources or programs to cut.  “The Failures of Economic Development Incentives,” a 2004 report by Alan Peters and…


Read More: The Failure of Economic Development Incentives

Taxes & Economy

Corbett v. Rendell: Who is Right on PA’s Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 20, 2010

In his acceptance speech Tuesday night, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett vowed to get Pennsylvania’s economy back on track after years of stagnation and misguide policy decisions. Gov. Rendell…


Read More: Corbett v. Rendell: Who is Right on PA’s Economy?

Public Union Democracy

Obama’s Run-Around of Congress

  • May 20, 2010

Q: What do Card Check and Net Neutrality have in common? A: They are bad policy ideas Congress won’t pass, yet the White House is finding ways to work…


Read More: Obama’s Run-Around of Congress