Health Care

Obama Concedes CF was Right About Slacker Mandate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2010

I hate to toot my own horn (wink wink), but a few months ago, I wrote that a “slacker mandate” included in the federal health care bill would fail…


Read More: Obama Concedes CF was Right About Slacker Mandate

Public Union Democracy

Special Interests Denounce “Special Interests”

  • May 11, 2010

HARRISBURG, PA (05.11.10) — The Commonwealth Foundation expressed disappointment today that special interest groups which demand taxpayer subsidies for certain energy companies are attacking Pennsylvania’s natural gas companies for simply…

Press Release

Read More: Special Interests Denounce “Special Interests”


PA School Districts Have $2.5 Billion in Reserves

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 10, 2010

PA Independent highlights the $2.5 billion school districts have in reserve accounts – $1.8 billion in “undesignated reserves.” To put that it lay terms – it’s a lot of…


Read More: PA School Districts Have $2.5 Billion in Reserves

Taxes & Economy

Appraising the Candidates on Energy: Mandates Over Markets

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 10, 2010

PA gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett recently put out a policy paper on energy praising markets:  “a properly structured market place can effectively incentivize alternative energy investments – perhaps even…


Read More: Appraising the Candidates on Energy: Mandates Over Markets

Taxes & Economy

Talking Transportation Funding

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 10, 2010

PA Independent’s Eric Boehm talks with State Rep. Rick Geist about Pennsylvania transportation funding in their latest podcast. For more info on transportation funding, check out our…


Read More: Talking Transportation Funding