Taxes & Economy

More Grief for Mann

  • May 4, 2010

Virginia attorney general Kenneth Cuccinelli II has filed an exhaustive investigative request with the University of Virginia, seeking records pertaining to research grants obtained by Climategate scientist Michael Mann.


Read More: More Grief for Mann

State Budget

Yes, a Severance Tax Will Discourage Drilling

  • May 4, 2010

The Philadelphia Inquirer recently depicted Gov. Rendell as willing to compromise on a natural gas severance tax in Pennsylvania, asking the industry to accept a fair severance tax. In…


Read More: Yes, a Severance Tax Will Discourage Drilling

State Budget

Big Brother Want Your Back Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 4, 2010

Pennsylvania’s latest Orwellian tax amnesty ad – with “We Know Who You Are” – has been making the rounds. Reason, Cato Institute, and Grassroots PA all blog…


Read More: Big Brother Want Your Back Taxes