Government Accountability

What Would a PA Constitutional Convention Include?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2010

At the PA Leadership Conference, my former colleague, and now Executive Director of the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania, Joe Sterns touted the need for a state Constitutional Convention. In…


Read More: What Would a PA Constitutional Convention Include?

Government Accountability

PA Leadership Conference Wrap-Up

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 18, 2010

Here are some news stories and blogs from the PA Leadership Conference: William Cinfici’s blog: focusing on Dick Morris’s speech and the panels on polling and government corruption. John…


Read More: PA Leadership Conference Wrap-Up

Government Accountability

Live from PA Leadership Conference (#PALC)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 16, 2010

For those of you unable to attend the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference this year, most of the sessions will be carried live on PCN TV.  You can also listen…


Read More: Live from PA Leadership Conference (#PALC)

State Budget

PA Budget Deficit Grows by $800 Million, Plus More Fees for Lawyers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 16, 2010

To fill last year’s overspending, Pennsylvania lawmakers and Gov. Rendell drained all of the state’s reserve funds, including the MCare fund. Yesterday, the Commonwealth Court ruled this raid was illegal,…


Read More: PA Budget Deficit Grows by $800 Million, Plus More Fees for Lawyers

Taxes & Economy

PA Losing Ground in Economic Rankings

  • April 15, 2010

This month, the American Legislative Exchange Council released their third annual ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitive Index. Unfortunately, in the last three years Pennsylvania’s economic rankings not only have been…


Read More: PA Losing Ground in Economic Rankings

Taxes & Economy


  • April 15, 2010

Federal, state, and local taxes consume about 28% of the income earned by Pennsylvania residents, in the aggregate. This represents 103 days – meaning…


Read More: Tell ’em PLEASE NO MORE TAXES!

Taxes & Economy

How Fast Is Harrisburg Spending Your Money?

  • April 15, 2010

Pennsylvania state government is spending $66 Billion of YOUR money this fiscal year at a clip of $180,000,000 per day. $7,500,000 per hour.

Press Release

Read More: How Fast Is Harrisburg Spending Your Money?


Are Pittsburgh Public Schools Among the Nation’s Best?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 15, 2010

A recent national ranking said the Pittsburgh Public Schools were 7th best among large cities in the nation. (HT Grassroots PA). This was quite surprising, as the Pittsburgh…


Read More: Are Pittsburgh Public Schools Among the Nation’s Best?