Taxes & Economy

By the Way, Residents Don’t Like High Taxes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 26, 2011

Dr. Antony Davies, a member of CF’s Council of Scholars, and John Pulito add to the growing body of research showing higher state taxes drive out residents. Their new study,…


Read More: By the Way, Residents Don’t Like High Taxes

Health Care

Changing the Incentives in Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 22, 2011

Medicaid spending is set to skyrocket under the federal health care overhaul in the next two years, but it already consumes 31 percent of Pennsylvania’s budget. It is no…


Read More: Changing the Incentives in Medicaid

Public Union Democracy

New Polling Shows 72 Percent of Pennsylvanians Support Right to Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 21, 2011

New polling conducted by Douglas E. Schoen, LLC for the Manhattan Institute nationally and in 10 targeted states shows widespread bipartisan support to reduce state government spending rather than…


Read More: New Polling Shows 72 Percent of Pennsylvanians Support Right to Work

Taxes & Economy

State Regulators are Best Equipped to Monitor Drilling

  • September 20, 2011

Congress is considering the FRAC Act, legislation to transfer hydraulic fracturing oversight from states to the Environmental Protection Agency, but the EPA has already proved itself incapable of the…


Read More: State Regulators are Best Equipped to Monitor Drilling


Wasteful Wine Wizards Cork Kiosk Caper!

  • September 20, 2011

Put a cork in it!  That’s apparently what the Sultans of Syrah said suddenly today as they will pull the putrid pinot plug on the wasteful wine kiosk catastrophe.


Read More: Wasteful Wine Wizards Cork Kiosk Caper!


SAT Scores by State, 2011

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 19, 2011

EDITORS NOTE: Click here for the 2014 SAT Scores by state Every year, the College Board puts out SAT scores by state, but only in PDF format.  Since…


Read More: SAT Scores by State, 2011