
Video: Matt Brouillette Breaks Down PA’s Fiscal Problems

  • February 21, 2011

Commonwealth Foundation President & CEO Matt Brouillette was recently interviewed by Tony May, a partner at Triad Strategies.  They discuss a broad range of topics including Pennsylvania’s current fiscal situation…


Read More: Video: Matt Brouillette Breaks Down PA’s Fiscal Problems

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania Prison Postponed, Pork Prolonged

  • February 18, 2011

Yesterday, Gov. Corbett cancelled a planned prison construction project in Fayette County, estimated to cost taxpayers $200 million. In January, Auditor General Wagner called for a halt on…


Read More: Pennsylvania Prison Postponed, Pork Prolonged

Public Union Democracy

The Tide Against Public Sector Collective Bargaining

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 18, 2011

Earlier this week, I blogged on state bankruptcy and how some believe budget problems can be solved if states are willing to challenge the…


Read More: The Tide Against Public Sector Collective Bargaining


School Vouchers vs Public School Reserves

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 17, 2011

One of the most popular criticisms of school choice is that it would drain funds from public school.  But consider this: Critics of…


Read More: School Vouchers vs Public School Reserves


Understanding the Support for Liquor Store Privatization

  • February 17, 2011

On Valentine’s Day, the Senate Law and Justice Committee heard testimonies on liquor store privatization, including comments from CF’s Nathan Benefield and Duquesne University professor Antony Davies. During the…


Read More: Understanding the Support for Liquor Store Privatization


Philly’s Anti-Defamation League Chapter Supports Vouchers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 16, 2011

The Anti-Defamation League has a long history of opposing vouchers for public school students. As part of that tradition, they object on the principal of separation of church and state,…


Read More: Philly’s Anti-Defamation League Chapter Supports Vouchers

State Budget

Is State Bankruptcy a Solution?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 16, 2011

What do New York, California and Illinois have in common? They are in fiscal disarray and may soon be asking for a bailout from Congress. Bailing out these states would…


Read More: Is State Bankruptcy a Solution?