A Visitor’s Guide to Buying Booze in PA

  • May 10, 2017

Planning a dinner? Picking up a hostess gift? Here’s our handy shopping guide to keep things E.A.S.Y.*  *Every Annoying Stop You have to make to get what you need.


Read More: A Visitor’s Guide to Buying Booze in PA

Everything You Need to Know About the State Budget

  • May 10, 2017

The Good Spends less than Gov. Wolf’s proposal. The $33.3 billion budget Gov. Wolf outlined was never seriously considered, given how far it was outside the realm of political possibility.


Read More: Everything You Need to Know About the State Budget

Everything You Need to Know About the State Budget

  • May 10, 2017

The Good Spends less than Gov. Wolf’s proposal. The $33.3 billion budget Gov. Wolf outlined was never seriously considered, given how far it was outside the realm of political possibility.


Read More: Everything You Need to Know About the State Budget

Commonwealth Foundation’s Harrisburg Office Got a Makeover!

  • May 10, 2017

Commonwealth Foundation’s Harrisburg office got a makeover! Since 2002. We’ve changed significantly since we moved in, and thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to complete some…


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Commonwealth Foundation’s Harrisburg Office Got a Makeover!

  • May 10, 2017

Commonwealth Foundation’s Harrisburg office got a makeover! Since 2002. We’ve changed significantly since we moved in, and thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to complete some…


Read More: Commonwealth Foundation’s Harrisburg Office Got a Makeover!

Victory for Dave!

  • May 10, 2017

With the help of the Fairness Center, Dave and Don challenged Wolf’s order in court. And in September, the Commonwealth Court struck down Wolf’s executive order unionizing home care workers.


Read More: Victory for Dave!

Victory for Dave!

  • May 10, 2017

With the help of the Fairness Center, Dave and Don challenged Wolf’s order in court. And in September, the Commonwealth Court struck down Wolf’s executive order unionizing home care workers.


Read More: Victory for Dave!


  • May 10, 2017

Charter schools, “are public schools that are operate outside of the school district infrastructure…They’re given a degree of autonomy and freedom in exchange for accountability."…


Read More: Soundbites


  • May 10, 2017

Charter schools, “are public schools that are operate outside of the school district infrastructure…They’re given a degree of autonomy and freedom in exchange for accountability."…


Read More: Soundbites

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania Government Union Dues Used for Politics

  • May 8, 2017

Since 2007, Pennsylvania government unions spent $62.7 million from membership dues on “Political Activities & Lobbying.” Including national affiliates the total reaches $342 million during the 2016 election cycle alone. Here…


Read More: Pennsylvania Government Union Dues Used for Politics

Ghost Teacher Ban Passes Senate Committee

  • April 27, 2017

These ghost teachers are teachers in name only; many haven’t taught in decades and will never return to the classroom. In some cases, ghost teachers receive taxpayer-funded salaries, gain seniority,…


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Ghost Teacher Ban Passes Senate Committee

  • April 27, 2017

These ghost teachers are teachers in name only; many haven’t taught in decades and will never return to the classroom. In some cases, ghost teachers receive taxpayer-funded salaries, gain seniority,…


Read More: Ghost Teacher Ban Passes Senate Committee

After Obamacare: Myths & Facts

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 27, 2017

Will people lose insurance? Will hospitals lose money? Are jobs going to be lost?  The truth of Obamacare repeal is more optimistic. …


Read More: After Obamacare: Myths & Facts