
A Christmas Wish List for Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 22, 2016

“No more lives torn apart, and wars would never start, and time would heal all hearts.” You might recognize those words from the ubiquitous-around-the-holidays song, “Grown-Up Christmas List.” Grown up? Sure.


Read More: A Christmas Wish List for Pennsylvania


Don’t Wait on Washington for Manufacturing Jobs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • December 12, 2016

During his campaign stops in Pennsylvania, President-elect Donald Trump touted his intention to bring manufacturing jobs back to the state. That’s a worthy goal, but the truth…


Read More: Don’t Wait on Washington for Manufacturing Jobs

Civility in a Clickbait Culture

  • November 30, 2016

Jeff Coleman, founder & principal of Churchill Strategies, former state representative and author of With All Due Respect, joins us for a conversation about political discourse, finding common ground and…


Read More: Civility in a Clickbait Culture


Ghosts in the Education Machine

  • James Paul
  • October 28, 2016

If Pennsylvania students miss three days of school without an excuse, the law says they must be reported. But across the commonwealth, certain teachers have been absent for years—without consequences…


Read More: Ghosts in the Education Machine

Matt Lewis on the Roots of Conservatism

  • October 19, 2016

Political commentator Matt Lewis, author of “Too Dumb to Fail,” argues that to stay relevant, conservatives must overcome the media’s soundbite culture and advocate for long-term policy solutions consistent with the…


Read More: Matt Lewis on the Roots of Conservatism

CF in the News

  • October 15, 2016

Education funding is the job of the legislature, not the courts. Per-student spending is already at an all-time high in Pennsylvania, more than $3,000 above the national average.


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CF in the News

  • October 15, 2016

Education funding is the job of the legislature, not the courts. Per-student spending is already at an all-time high in Pennsylvania, more than $3,000 above the national average.


Read More: CF in the News

Charter Reform: Get it Right

  • October 15, 2016

Nearly 20 years after charter schools were introduced in Pennsylvania, 130,000 students benefit from the educational choice offered by these independently managed, publicly funded schools. It’s no secret that charter…


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Charter Reform: Get it Right

  • October 15, 2016

Nearly 20 years after charter schools were introduced in Pennsylvania, 130,000 students benefit from the educational choice offered by these independently managed, publicly funded schools. It’s no secret that charter…


Read More: Charter Reform: Get it Right

Changing the Conversation

  • October 15, 2016

The news and information industry is changing rapidly as mobile technology overtakes traditional media platforms. Podcasts have emerged as a popular medium that offers even more flexibility and opportunity for…


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Changing the Conversation

  • October 15, 2016

The news and information industry is changing rapidly as mobile technology overtakes traditional media platforms. Podcasts have emerged as a popular medium that offers even more flexibility and opportunity for…


Read More: Changing the Conversation

Did you Hear Oct-Nov

  • October 15, 2016

Standing up to Philadelphia union bosses is not for the faint of heart. Some might have been cowed into silence after becoming the target of union violence. Sarina Rose didn’t back…


Read More: Did you Hear Oct-Nov

Did you Hear Oct-Nov

  • October 15, 2016

Standing up to Philadelphia union bosses is not for the faint of heart. Some might have been cowed into silence after becoming the target of union violence. Sarina Rose didn’t back…


Read More: Did you Hear Oct-Nov

Note from the Team Oct-Nov

  • October 15, 2016

 If you’re shopping on Amazon, visit first and you can select Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives as your charitable organization beneficiary…


Read More: Note from the Team Oct-Nov

Note from the Team Oct-Nov

  • October 15, 2016

 If you’re shopping on Amazon, visit first and you can select Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives as your charitable organization beneficiary…


Read More: Note from the Team Oct-Nov

Understanding America

  • October 5, 2016

All men are created equal. This simple idea—just five words—changes world history, according to Matthew Spalding, author of We Still Hold These Truths and Associate Vice President and Dean of Educational Programs for Hillsdale…


Read More: Understanding America

Taxes & Economy

Tax Sends Vape Shops Up in Smoke

  • September 23, 2016

Imagine you find a way to help others live healthier lives, and this passion leads you to invest your savings to start a related small business. Now, imagine state government…


Read More: Tax Sends Vape Shops Up in Smoke

Government Union Campaign Spending (2010-2016)

  • September 21, 2016

It is a crime for elected officials to use public resources for politics. Yet, public resources are used to funnel union dues and campaign contributions from workers' paychecks to union…


Read More: Government Union Campaign Spending (2010-2016)