
Our Undemocratic Teachers’ Unions

  • James Paul
  • March 30, 2015

Is American democracy under assault? That’s a question often asked when businesses exert political influence, unelected bureaucrats misuse power, or reporters engage in slanted storytelling. It’s time to add public-school…


Read More: Our Undemocratic Teachers’ Unions

Government Accountability

Wolf Negotiates Billions with Unions Who Gave Him Millions

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 26, 2015

Wolf received more than $2.6 million in campaign contributions from six of the government unions with whom he will be negotiating. How does Wolf square these contributions to his…


Read More: Wolf Negotiates Billions with Unions Who Gave Him Millions

State Budget

Wolf’s $1,000 Per Second Spending Plan

  • March 10, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf has proposed a budget with a spending rate clocking in at a blistering $1,000 per second. That means in the time it takes you to read this…


Read More: Wolf’s $1,000 Per Second Spending Plan

Government Should Do Less So We Can Do More

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2015

Prosperity or ruin? In theory, it’s a simple choice with an obvious answer. But in practice, complicating factors make the decision anything but easy.


Read More: Government Should Do Less So We Can Do More

Public Union Democracy

Paycheck Protection is About Morality, not Cost

  • February 17, 2015

It is a principle of good government that electoral politics are not mixed with official government business. Yet state and local governments in Pennsylvania continue to collect political campaign funds…


Read More: Paycheck Protection is About Morality, not Cost


Long Term Problems are Big Opportunities for Change

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 11, 2015

Pennsylvania added nearly two dozen new lawmakers in November, and there’s a new face in the Governor’s Mansion. Indeed, that face will look very new, as Tom Wolf is the…


Read More: Long Term Problems are Big Opportunities for Change


Crisis Management: PA’s Public Pension Problem

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 5, 2015

Crisis management can be broken down into three general phases: identifying the problem, developing the best plan to fix it, and executing that plan while adjusting as needed. It’s a…


Read More: Crisis Management: PA’s Public Pension Problem


After 50 years of Union Control, Philly Schools Still Failing

  • James Paul
  • January 29, 2015

Academic failure, school violence, and financial mismanagement have been the dubious hallmarks of the School District of Philadelphia for decades. In that time, there has been one constant actor fighting…


Read More: After 50 years of Union Control, Philly Schools Still Failing


Shale Gas Fuels Pennsylvania Job Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 26, 2015

It’s indisputable that where there is Marcellus shale drilling there has been robust economic growth. Over the past six years, Pennsylvania counties with Marcellus shale drilling led the state in…


Read More: Shale Gas Fuels Pennsylvania Job Growth

Government Accountability

Wolf’s Multi-Million Dollar Conflict of Interest

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2015

Governor-elect Tom Wolf has come out of the gate leading a charge for ethics reform in government. But if accepting a small gift creates a conflict of interest, the gov.-elect…


Read More: Wolf’s Multi-Million Dollar Conflict of Interest


Lawmakers: Mary’s Law is Worth Fighting For

  • January 8, 2015

As a teacher, a father of kids in public schools, and a taxpayer, I urge all our elected officials to join me in standing up for what’s right. Pass a…


Read More: Lawmakers: Mary’s Law is Worth Fighting For


Pennsylvanians Deserve True Fairness

  • December 11, 2014

Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to pursue success in our state. While Gov.-elect Wolf's intentions echo this noble sentiment, many of his proposals fall far short of his vision.


Read More: Pennsylvanians Deserve True Fairness


Teachers’ Unions: The Common Roadblock to Reform

  • James Paul
  • December 9, 2014

From Philadelphia to York to the Pittsburgh suburbs, parents and taxpayers are looking to improve public education without breaking the bank. But there’s a common roadblock standing in their way:…


Read More: Teachers’ Unions: The Common Roadblock to Reform

Public Union Democracy

Why Corbett Missed the National Wave

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • November 25, 2014

Why did voters strongly reject Gov. Corbett’s re-election bid by double digit margins in favor of Tom Wolf—a candidate promising higher taxes on the “rich” and more spending on public…


Read More: Why Corbett Missed the National Wave


A Smarter Way to Fund Students

  • James Paul
  • November 20, 2014

Imagine writing a large check for a new car and finding out a year later that it fails safety tests, won’t pass inspection, and needs thousands in repairs. You’d probably…


Read More: A Smarter Way to Fund Students


Green Jobs Threatened by EPA Regs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • November 17, 2014

John Oelbracht has managed the Westwood Generation power plant in Schuylkill County for 10 years. It’s more than a job to him—it’s an undertaking to clean up the environment while…


Read More: Green Jobs Threatened by EPA Regs


Is Second Worst Good Enough for York Students?

  • James Paul
  • November 10, 2014

The second lowest-performing school district in Pennsylvania is asking for more time to improve but refusing recommended reforms. Unfortunately, more time is not something students and families in York City…


Read More: Is Second Worst Good Enough for York Students?