
Boeing-Sized Welfare Checks

  • July 17, 2006

For the past three and one-half years, the ostensible premise of Gov. Ed Rendell’s “economic stimulus” plan has been that by making “targeted investments” in politically chosen companies and industries,…


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Taxes & Economy

Minimum Rationality for Minimum Wage

  • July 14, 2006

In an election year, legislators do irrational things, such as spend more money than the budget supports, fund pork projects for their districts, and raise the minimum wage.


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State Budget

Whiskey and Car Keys

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 11, 2006

Author P.J. O’Rourke once wrote: “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” He must have been thinking about Gov. Rendell and…


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Government Accountability

Legislative Pensions: Avoid Them to Fix Them

  • June 26, 2006

The distance between the rulers and ruled continues to widen in Pennsylvania. For retiring and defeated members of the Pennsylvania House and Senate, the daily perks and privileges of office…


Read More: Legislative Pensions: Avoid Them to Fix Them

Government Accountability

The Real Candidates for Office: Liberty vs. Safety

  • June 19, 2006

On a stone pillar near the top of the steps ascending toward the Pennsylvania State Capitol is inscribed the following quote from Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential…


Read More: The Real Candidates for Office: Liberty vs. Safety

Taxes & Economy

Decoding the Swann Property Tax Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2006

The property tax relief plan introduced by gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann last month offers a radically different approach to the problem. Swann’s proposal contains some good provisions, some flawed provisions,…


Read More: Decoding the Swann Property Tax Plan

Government Accountability

A Mandate for Reform

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • June 14, 2006

Much has been written about the “message” of the May 16 primary election in the weeks since Pennsylvania’s voters thunderously registered their displeasure with “business as usual” in Harrisburg. By…


Read More: A Mandate for Reform


Cut the Fat

  • June 13, 2006

While Gov. Ed Rendell claims that his administration is “squeezing every nickel out of government,” an analysis of state spending released by the Commonwealth Foundation and Citizens Against Government Waste…


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State Budget

Ending Pennsylvanias Business as Usual Budget

  • June 7, 2006

The General Assembly’s post-primary return to Harrisburg signals the start of budget season in Pennsylvania—and taxpayers all across the Commonwealth should be clutching their wallets a little tighter in nervous…


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State Budget

Return the Windfall Profits

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 25, 2006

There is a massive organization imposing a financial burden on the Pennsylvania economy. It is consuming an ever larger portion of the average person’s income. The costs for what it…


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Taxes & Economy

Building Excise Fees are Not Property Tax Relief

  • May 22, 2006

Henry David Thoreau said, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” In Pennsylvania, that “evil” is the school property…


Read More: Building Excise Fees are Not Property Tax Relief

State Budget

Gov. Rendells Blah, Blah, Blah Campaign Strategy

  • May 15, 2006

Ever had a conversation with someone who starts to tell a story and then, midway through, says “Blah blah blah” (or words to that effect) and then skips ahead to…


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Property Tax Relief through School Choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2006

Pennsylvanians deserve property tax reform and relief—not a shift and a sham. But the only way to relieve all homeowners while not burdening other taxpayers is to reduce public school…


Read More: Property Tax Relief through School Choice

Government Accountability

A Revolution in 2006?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 9, 2006

The 2006 primary election will serve as an important yardstick as to the lingering outrage in the electorate from the legislative pay raise on July 7, 2005 and failure to…


Read More: A Revolution in 2006?


The Governments Gas Problem

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 8, 2006

Government’s energy policies and regulations have been leading us down the wrong road for years, yet the only solution Governor Ed Rendell and plenty of Republicans like Sen. Arlen Specter…


Read More: The Governments Gas Problem


PHEAAs Split Personality

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 4, 2006

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) has a split personality complex, complete with an uncanny ability to assume different identities at a moment’s notice. One day, the student loan…


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Taxes & Economy

The Key to Property Tax Relief

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 1, 2006

The failure to pass a property tax “relief” plan in Harrisburg has everything to do with politics—politicians can’t agree on whose ox to gore. Current proposals require some taxpayers to…


Read More: The Key to Property Tax Relief

Taxes & Economy

Tax Freedom Day in Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2006

Happy Tax Freedom Day, Pennsylvania! If you are looking for a reason to celebrate, you need look no further than Tax Freedom Day.


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Corporate Welfare No Boon for Philadelphia Job Market

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2006

Despite receiving large corporate "welfare checks" to spur job growth in manufacturing and technology, the Philadelphia region still lags behind other areas of the Commonwealth in employment. The region has…


Read More: Corporate Welfare No Boon for Philadelphia Job Market

State Budget

Breaking Pennsylvania’s Budget Tradition

  • April 17, 2006

Traditionally in Pennsylvania’s “budget season,” the governor has submitted his spending plan for the coming fiscal year, and the General Assembly has accepted it as the starting point for the…


Read More: Breaking Pennsylvania’s Budget Tradition