Criminal Justice Reform
One act of love can reform a system failing juvenile offenders
Originally published in The Philadelphia Inquirer Aqilah David’s journey began with an act of love. Living alone with her 10-year-old brother and 6-year-old sister — partially due to adults…
Read More: One act of love can reform a system failing juvenile offendersPennsylvania’s Justice Reinvestment Initiatives of 2012 and 2019 successfully reduced the state’s prison population while maintaining community safety. But our work is far from over. With a state recidivism rate of 41 percent, now is the time for reforms that promote reintegration into society and enable the criminal justice system to focus its resources where it counts. Pennsylvania can continue to lead the nation in powerful criminal justice reforms that preserve public safety, save taxpayer resources, and promote true rehabilitation.
Criminal Justice Reform
Pennsylvania Prison Postponed, Pork Prolonged
Yesterday, Gov. Corbett cancelled a planned prison construction project in Fayette County, estimated to cost taxpayers $200 million. In January, Auditor General Wagner called for a halt on…
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Criminal Justice Reform Needed
Auditor General Wagner has warned the Governor and state legislators to begin using alternative-sentencing instead of long-term prison sentences for non-violent offenders, in order to control the ballooning prison…
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New PA Task Force on Prison Spending
Following testimony that inmates might riot if the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections didn’t a funding increase, the state House Appropriations Committee decided to create a task force to…
Read More: New PA Task Force on Prison SpendingCriminal Justice Reform
Instituting Meaningful Corrections Reform
Eric Boehm has a good article on the opportunity to help balance the state budget by reforming prison and probation. The inmate population in Pennsylvania’s prisons is growing at…
Read More: Instituting Meaningful Corrections ReformCriminal Justice Reform
Prison Overcrowding Solutions
Testimony submitted to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee We would like to thank the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for giving us the opportunity to submit testimony on the…
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Mandatory Minimum Sentences Increase Costs
A study by the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing found that mandatory minimum sentences increase the cost of the corrections system without decreasing crime. Corrections costs are already a major…
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Pennsylvania Corrections Spending
Facing a massive budget deficit, and with sizeable financial obligations looming, Pennsylvania needs to re-examine how taxpayer dollars are spent. Spending on the Department of Corrections has grown far beyond…
Fact Sheet
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Reforming State Corrections
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review has a story on a Pew study on the cost of incarceration/corrections in states. There is little question that the cost of our prisons…
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Private Prisons Increase Capacity, Save Money, Improve Service
Good Afternoon, my name is Nathan Benefield, I am the Director of Policy Research with the Commonwealth Foundation, a research and educational organization based in Harrisburg. I would like to…
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