Pennsylvania’s future is in the hands of the next generation. Parents and students—not activist agendas—should drive the Commonwealth’s education policy. While policymakers have been entrusted with ensuring the next generation receives a quality education, parents should be empowered to choose the quality education that meets their unique child’s needs. Charter schools and tax credit scholarships are integral pieces of school choice, but more reforms are needed to make school choice a reality for all Pennsylvania students.


Young Entrepreneurs in Action

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • September 18, 2018

It’s rare to see kids voluntarily give up their Saturday to work. But that’s exactly what my 12- and 14-year old daughters—along with a dozen other kids—did at the recent…


Read More: Young Entrepreneurs in Action


More is Not Always Better

  • Marc LeBlond
  • September 10, 2018

In the ongoing school funding case, William Penn School District v. Pennsylvania Department of Education, several school districts are suing the state on the grounds that Pennsylvania has…


Read More: More is Not Always Better


Safe Schools and School Choice

  • Marc LeBlond
  • August 24, 2018

It’s back-to-school time. For parents, sending children into someone else’s care can be bittersweet. We want our kids to experience the wonder of learning and the joy of play. But…


Read More: Safe Schools and School Choice


“Sick Schools”: Philadelphia Students Deserve Better

  • August 8, 2018

Earlier this year, the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News published a shocking series, “Toxic City: Sick Schools.” The report revealed abysmal conditions in Philadelphia district schools: peeling lead paint,…


Read More: “Sick Schools”: Philadelphia Students Deserve Better


Filling in the Gap: Cyber Charter Schools

  • August 6, 2018

Last month, the Commonwealth Foundation sat down with cyber charter school leaders Dr. Maurice “Reese” Flurie, Tom Longenecker, and Christine Hakes to discuss school choice. As the CEO, COO, and…


Read More: Filling in the Gap: Cyber Charter Schools

Criminal Justice Reform

Spending Trends & Policy Developments Under Gov. Wolf

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2018

In the last four years Pennsylvania has experienced rapid state spending growth. On the plus side, constant tax hike proposals have been largely rejected and policies like pension reform, school…


Read More: Spending Trends & Policy Developments Under Gov. Wolf


Philly’s Soda Tax is Legal But Not Beneficial

  • July 20, 2018

This week the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld Philadelphia’s soda tax, citing the Sterling Act as grounds for their decision. While supporters celebrate their good intentions, the tax is…


Read More: Philly’s Soda Tax is Legal But Not Beneficial


ESAs: The Future of Education

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • July 19, 2018

“Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don’t upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way.” This Burger King jingle from the 1970s…


Read More: ESAs: The Future of Education


Statement on 2018 AFT Convention

  • July 15, 2018

Commonwealth Foundation VP and COO Nathan Benefield issued the following statement regarding the American Federation of Teachers convention taking place in Pittsburgh this weekend. The convention’s keynote speakers on Friday,…

Press Release

Read More: Statement on 2018 AFT Convention


A New Push for Student-Based Ed Funding?

  • Marc LeBlond
  • July 9, 2018

Despite a history of one-note rhetoric about underfunded schools—and thus pushing for more spending and higher taxes—recent comments indicate Governor Wolf may be open to more nuanced education solutions. In…


Read More: A New Push for Student-Based Ed Funding?


School Choice Momentum in Pennsylvania

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • July 5, 2018

The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program established Pennsylvania as a school choice leader when it was introduced in 2001. The program helps thousands of students, but it hasn’t kept…


Read More: School Choice Momentum in Pennsylvania


What does Janus mean for school choice?

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • July 1, 2018

On June 27th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a historic ruling in Janus v. AFSCME. The 5-4 decision found that forcing public sector workers to pay union fees—or lose their jobs—violates their…


Read More: What does Janus mean for school choice?


Students Win Big with Tax Credit Scholarship Boost

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 26, 2018

The recently enacted state budget includes a $25 million increase in the successful and popular Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. This increase is tremendous for families—given that…


Read More: Students Win Big with Tax Credit Scholarship Boost


Impact of ESAs Under HB 2228

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • June 26, 2018

Education is not one-size-fits-all. For children with special needs, this is particularly true. Ann and Tony Zanca of Florida know this first hand. Their 14-year-old son Ben has dealt…


Read More: Impact of ESAs Under HB 2228


Every Child Deserves the Opportunity to Succeed

  • June 21, 2018

The Ben Franklin Bridge is all that separates Pennsylvania students from Camden, New Jersey, where families choose from a diverse menu of schools. In 1999, New Jersey enacted the…


Read More: Every Child Deserves the Opportunity to Succeed


House-Passed Spending Plan Holds Line on Taxes

  • June 20, 2018

Today, the Pennsylvania House passed a $32.7 billion 2018-19 spending plan in an overwhelming, bipartisan vote (188-10). The legislation, House Bill 2121, avoids tax increases and pulls back from…

Press Release

Read More: House-Passed Spending Plan Holds Line on Taxes


The Urgent Need for Tax Credit Scholarships

  • Marc LeBlond
  • June 19, 2018

Pennsylvania’s tax credit scholarship programs have helped many students, but thousands of students are turned away each year. Senate Bill 1204 would end the supply problem by allowing tax credit…


Read More: The Urgent Need for Tax Credit Scholarships


New Legislation Tackles the EITC and OSTC Waiting List

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 15, 2018

The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs have offered lifelines to hundreds of thousands of low to moderate-income Pennsylvania students. Yet many…


Read More: New Legislation Tackles the EITC and OSTC Waiting List


EITC In Context

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 14, 2018

Pennsylvania’s Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) provide tax credit scholarships to low and moderate-income students. These scholarships are lifelines for tens of…


Read More: EITC In Context


Troubling Features of Pa. Teacher Contracts

  • Jessica Barnett
  • June 14, 2018

Union-negotiated collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) dictate the compensation packages and workplace conditions of over 100,000 teachers in Pennsylvania's 500 school districts—regardless of their union membership. As the “exclusive representative” of all teachers…


Read More: Troubling Features of Pa. Teacher Contracts


Education Spending Trends 2016-17

  • June 13, 2018

$4.5 billion—that's the collective balance in Pennsylvania school district reserve funds. Reserve balances are at an all-time high and hold enough money to cut every Pennsylvania student a $2,860 check,…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Education Spending Trends 2016-17