Pennsylvania’s future is in the hands of the next generation. Parents and students—not activist agendas—should drive the Commonwealth’s education policy. While policymakers have been entrusted with ensuring the next generation receives a quality education, parents should be empowered to choose the quality education that meets their unique child’s needs. Charter schools and tax credit scholarships are integral pieces of school choice, but more reforms are needed to make school choice a reality for all Pennsylvania students.


School Districts Overwhelmed by Pension Costs

  • James Paul
  • June 18, 2015

Pennsylvania’s public sector pension crisis is undeniable.  Consider the burden it places on local school districts, whose pension contributions increased from $1.4 billion in 2012-13 to $1.9…


Read More: School Districts Overwhelmed by Pension Costs


District Reserve Funds Continue to Rise

  • James Paul
  • June 17, 2015

Contrary to claims about budget cuts to public education, Pennsylvania school districts continue to accumulate large reserve funds, up to $4.1 billion in 2013-14. This amounts to more than 15 percent…


Read More: District Reserve Funds Continue to Rise


Examining State Aid for Public Schools

  • James Paul
  • June 16, 2015

State revenue to school districts reached an all-time high in 2013-14, at $9.7 billion. In part 2 of our week-long series on education finance in the commonwealth, take a look at…


Read More: Examining State Aid for Public Schools


Another Year, Another Record High in School Spending

  • James Paul
  • June 15, 2015

Pennsylvania spent $26.1 billion on public schools in 2013-14. According to state data, this amounts to a $600 million increase over the 2012-13 baseline.  As you can…


Read More: Another Year, Another Record High in School Spending


A Solution for Persistently Failing Schools

  • James Paul
  • June 12, 2015

Amidst a flurry of hearings on severance taxes, incomes taxes, and pension reform, a piece of legislation with less fanfare advanced with bipartisan support out of the…


Read More: A Solution for Persistently Failing Schools


School Spending Update, 2013-14

  • James Paul
  • June 12, 2015

The Pennsylvania Department of Education recently released new expenditure and revenue figures for the 2013-14 school year. This memo presents trends in school spending, revenue, pension contributions, district fund balances,…


Read More: School Spending Update, 2013-14


Will Tax Shifting Help Public Schools?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2015

As I pointed out yesterday in a chart and blog post, Pennsylvania spends significantly more per student on public schools than the national average. Moreover, increased spending has…


Read More: Will Tax Shifting Help Public Schools?


Chart: Education Funding Per Student

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2015

There is an ongoing myth that Pennsylvania underfunds public schools because our “state share” is low. Let’s set the record straight. As a reminder, schools receive revenue from local, state,…


Read More: Chart: Education Funding Per Student


Charters Drowning in Red Tape

  • James Paul
  • June 3, 2015

What could your family, business, or place of work do with an extra 700 hours? This is a question Pennsylvania charter schools are likely asking after a new report from…


Read More: Charters Drowning in Red Tape


Testimony: Natural Gas Tax Costs Jobs, Threatens Family Budgets

  • June 1, 2015

Natural Gas Tax Costs Jobs, Threatens Family Budgets Fixing Pensions & School Funding Formula Better Solutions for Education Good morning, Today, Commonwealth Foundation Vice President of Policy Analysis Nathan…

Press Release

Read More: Testimony: Natural Gas Tax Costs Jobs, Threatens Family Budgets


Natural Gas Severance Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 1, 2015

Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources Energy Committee And Finance Committee Good afternoon. I want to thank Chairmen Yaw and Yudichak and Chairmen Eichelberger and Blake, along with the…


Read More: Natural Gas Severance Tax


Just the Facts: Education Spending

  • James Paul
  • May 29, 2015

Do we spend enough money on education? How much do we need to increase funding to improve results? How does Pennsylvania compare to the rest of the nation? These questions…


Read More: Just the Facts: Education Spending


Audio: House Expands State Scholarship Programs

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • May 20, 2015

Last week, Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives approved a significant expansion of two state scholarship programs, the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit…


Read More: Audio: House Expands State Scholarship Programs


Education Spending & Academic Achievement

  • James Paul
  • May 19, 2015

Increased education spending has not led to improved academic performance. This is reflected in SAT scores and NAEP results, as well numerous studies at the state, national, and international level.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Education Spending & Academic Achievement


House Expands Indispensable Scholarship Programs

  • James Paul
  • May 12, 2015

In a sweeping, bipartisan vote, members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a substantial increase to the state’s cherished scholarship programs—the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)…


Read More: House Expands Indispensable Scholarship Programs


Release Time: Diverting Public Resources to Unions

  • May 11, 2015

Release time allows government employees to take a leave of absence from their jobs to perform union work. Many government employees working for the union are paid by taxpayers while…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Release Time: Diverting Public Resources to Unions


Wolf’s Education Doctrine

  • James Paul
  • May 5, 2015

Governor Wolf has wasted little time crystalizing his vision for public education—and it doesn’t look promising for families supportive of school choice. If his first few months are any indication…


Read More: Wolf’s Education Doctrine


Important Education Bills Advance in House

  • James Paul
  • May 4, 2015

In a promising move for Pennsylvania students, the House Education Committee passed two important bills today that will keep effective teachers in the classroom and expand educational options.  HB 805,…


Read More: Important Education Bills Advance in House


Wolf’s Education Agenda Discourages Choice

  • James Paul
  • May 1, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf has wasted little time staking out his vision for public education, and it doesn’t appear to have much room for school choice. In a recent…


Read More: Wolf’s Education Agenda Discourages Choice


Video: Tax Credit Scholarships Give Options to Thousands

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • April 17, 2015

The Educational Improvement Tax Credit program (EITC) offers businesses the chance to be more involved in their communities by offering tax credits in exhange for sholarship funding. This program allows…


Read More: Video: Tax Credit Scholarships Give Options to Thousands


Trapped: One Teacher Tells His Story

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 9, 2015

Frank is a high school teacher in Lackawanna County who has been frustrated with the NEA’s support of abortion for a long time: “I just don’t want to see any…


Read More: Trapped: One Teacher Tells His Story