Pennsylvania’s future is in the hands of the next generation. Parents and students—not activist agendas—should drive the Commonwealth’s education policy. While policymakers have been entrusted with ensuring the next generation receives a quality education, parents should be empowered to choose the quality education that meets their unique child’s needs. Charter schools and tax credit scholarships are integral pieces of school choice, but more reforms are needed to make school choice a reality for all Pennsylvania students.


SAT Scores Slip While Spending Soars

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 16, 2014

Pennsylvania education spending is at at all-time high and ranks near the top in dollars spent per student among the states. But all of that extra spending isn’t helping kids…


Read More: SAT Scores Slip While Spending Soars


Playing the Education Lottery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 31, 2014

Last month, families from across Pennsylvania waited anxiously to hear if they had finally won the lottery. But these hopeful parents weren’t looking to win the MegaMillions—they were hoping for…


Read More: Playing the Education Lottery


Time for Paycheck Protection in Pa

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 17, 2014

The government liquor monopoly, the pension time bomb, and Philadelphia’s public school crisis—what do they have in common? Each of these public policy disasters was supported by government unions. What’s…


Read More: Time for Paycheck Protection in Pa


Charter School Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 14, 2014

Good morning, my name is Nathan Benefield; I am the vice president of policy analysis for the Commonwealth Foundation. I wish to thank Auditor General DePasquale for the opportunity to…


Read More: Charter School Reform


The $1 Billion Lie Exposed

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 4, 2014

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) took out full-page, color ads in several major state newspapers last week proclaiming Gov. Corbett “closed neighborhood schools” and laid off teachers in Philadelphia…


Read More: The $1 Billion Lie Exposed


A Public School Funding SOS

  • Priya Brannick
  • February 28, 2014

The governor has proposed $10.1 billion for public schools, slightly higher than last year, which was then a record high. So what’s all the fuss about cuts?  At the same…


Read More: A Public School Funding SOS


The Berlin Wall of Philadelphia’s Public Schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2014

Students in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh had their hopes dashed last week when they lost out on the chance to land one of the few vacant openings in charter schools. In…


Read More: The Berlin Wall of Philadelphia’s Public Schools


Myth: PA Spends Less on Education

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 25, 2014

There are many myths circulating about how much Pennsylvania spends on public education. One such myth is that the state government used to provide 50 percent of all revenue for…


Read More: Myth: PA Spends Less on Education


7 Little-Known Facts on Pennsylvania Public School Spending

  • Priya Brannick
  • February 11, 2014

For years, teachers unions in Pennsylvania have claimed the governor cut $1 billion from schools. But the real story is more complicated. A huge influx of federal stimulus funding expired,…


Read More: 7 Little-Known Facts on Pennsylvania Public School Spending


Pennsylvania Still Not Making the Grade

  • February 3, 2014

The bipartisan education reform group, StudentsFirst, released its annual State Policy Report Card grading each state’s education policies and demonstrating the need for more student-centered reforms. How did Pennsylvania…


Read More: Pennsylvania Still Not Making the Grade


Win for Transparency in Public School Spending

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 22, 2014

How would you like to know what’s in a teachers’ contract before your school district passes it—and locks in spending—for four years? And how would you like to track how…


Read More: Win for Transparency in Public School Spending


Philly Experiment Shows Charter School Promise

  • Jessica Barnett
  • January 17, 2014

Philadelphia schools have long battled declining student achievement, sky-rocketing violence, and unsustainable spending levels. Yet, several turn-around schools have managed to overcome this bleak educational trajectory and should…


Read More: Philly Experiment Shows Charter School Promise


Paycheck Protection Benefits Teachers and Taxpayers

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 15, 2014

Pennsylvania’s AFL-CIO union boss Rick Bloomingdale is absolutely right that there is a “war on workers” here in Pennsylvania—he should know, because he is waging it. His recent opinion piece…


Read More: Paycheck Protection Benefits Teachers and Taxpayers


PODCAST: StudentsFirst on Education Reform

  • January 8, 2014

Part two of our conversation with Ashley DeMauro, PA state director for StudentsFirst, features an in-depth discussion of seniority reform, teacher evaluations, school transparency, and charter school reform.


Read More: PODCAST: StudentsFirst on Education Reform


Philly Schools Spending Crisis Set to Grow

  • January 7, 2014

$3.1 billion is a lot to spend for violent and failing schools. A Pennsylvania Independent report by Maura Pennington examines the School District of Philadelphia’s new budget and highlights…


Read More: Philly Schools Spending Crisis Set to Grow


Union Dues Exploit Teachers, Taxpayers

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 2, 2014

What if I told you that regardless of your political beliefs, several hundred dollars will be deducted from your paycheck each year to support politicians whose views you may not…


Read More: Union Dues Exploit Teachers, Taxpayers


Keeping Teachers in the Classroom

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 2, 2014

Given our still-sputtering economy, Americans have grown used to their public schools facing tight budgets. This fiscal squeeze has drawn out a hidden crisis in public education: How do we…


Read More: Keeping Teachers in the Classroom


VIDEO: Charter Schools Threatened by Punitive Rules

  • January 2, 2014

With a waiting list 30,000 students long, you’d think Philadelphia would be working to expand the reach of charter schools. Sadly, Philadelphia’s School Reform Commission is seeking just the opposite, …


Read More: VIDEO: Charter Schools Threatened by Punitive Rules


Top 5 Articles of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 31, 2013

Yesterday, we gave you the 5 most popular blog posts of 2013.  Today, we are highlighting the 5 most read articles of 2013 on our website. 1) The (Growing)…


Read More: Top 5 Articles of 2013


Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 30, 2013

As 2013 winds to a close, we thought we’d run down the top stories of the past year.  Here are Commonwealth Foundation’s top 5 blog posts, as chosen by you…


Read More: Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013


PODCAST: StudentsFirst & Performance Profiles

  • December 19, 2013

In our latest podcast, Ashley DeMauro, PA state director for StudentsFirst, discusses Pennsylvania’s recently implemented school performance profiles. What do they measure? How can parents learn about their…


Read More: PODCAST: StudentsFirst & Performance Profiles