Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.


Faculty Benefits Driving Up Tuition Costs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 7, 2016

APSCUF—the union representing faculty at state-owned universities—has begun a vote to authorize a strike. One of APSCUF's complaints with the proposed contract is higher health care expenses. In…


Read More: Faculty Benefits Driving Up Tuition Costs

Government Accountability

Transparency Improves the Collective Bargaining Process

  • September 1, 2016

On August 30, Secretary of Administration Sharon Minnich announced the details of a new three-year labor agreement between the Wolf Administration and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal…


Read More: Transparency Improves the Collective Bargaining Process


Public Remains Supportive of School Choice

  • James Paul
  • August 30, 2016

That’s the upshot of the 10th annual public opinion survey from Education Next, which covers a range of topics including school choice, school spending, personnel policy, testing, and accountability.


Read More: Public Remains Supportive of School Choice


Understanding Your School District?s Labor Contract

  • James Paul, Jessica Barnett
  • August 17, 2016

CF reviewed labor contracts in each of Pennsylvania’s 500 school districts and uncovered several interesting findings. These contracts, known as collective bargaining agreements, are negotiated behind closed doors between…


Read More: Understanding Your School District?s Labor Contract

Government Accountability

School District Labor Contracts: Surprising Provisions

  • August 17, 2016

More than 1.7 million students rely on Pennsylvania’s 500 school districts to meet their diverse educational needs. School boards from each district agree to collective bargaining agreements (labor contracts) with local teachers’…


Read More: School District Labor Contracts: Surprising Provisions


Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights

  • August 16, 2016

Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights Forced Unionism, Ghost Teachers Among Ways Contracts Exploit Teachers August 17, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—As students across Pennsylvania head back to…

Press Release

Read More: Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights

Public Union Democracy

Poll: Union Leaders Out of Touch, Too Powerful

  • August 11, 2016

Poll: Union Leaders Out of Touch, Too Powerful Just 25% of Current or Former Union Members Say Union Leaders Represent Workers Well August 11, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Out of…

Press Release

Read More: Poll: Union Leaders Out of Touch, Too Powerful

Government Accountability

Introducing Commonwealth Insight, a Biweekly Podcast

  • August 10, 2016

We're excited to announce the launch of Commonwealth Insight, a biweekly podcast where we'll bring you conversations with thought leaders and influencers from around our state and the country.


Read More: Introducing Commonwealth Insight, a Biweekly Podcast

Government Accountability

Unlearned State Budget Lessons

  • July 15, 2016

Charles Mitchell, newly appointed President and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation, appeared last week on PMA Perspective to discuss this year’s state budget process and the “unlearned lessons” of last…


Read More: Unlearned State Budget Lessons


PSERS Revokes Ghost Teachers? Illegal Pension Credit

  • Gina Diorio
  • July 12, 2016

In a victory for taxpayers, the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) has revoked pension credit illegally given to Allentown “ghost teachers” who were hired to teach but instead…


Read More: PSERS Revokes Ghost Teachers? Illegal Pension Credit

Public Union Democracy

Union Demands vs. Fiscal Realities

  • June 30, 2016

One government union’s insatiable appetite for more tax dollars has hit a brick wall. The Wolf Administration is in the process of negotiating a contract with the state’s largest…


Read More: Union Demands vs. Fiscal Realities

Criminal Justice Reform

My Journey to Commonwealth Foundation’s Board

  • June 30, 2016

How did a registered Democrat and the daughter of former Democratic Governor George Leader find a place on Commonwealth Foundation’s Board? …


Read More: My Journey to Commonwealth Foundation’s Board


The Taxpayers? False Choice

  • James Paul
  • June 28, 2016

Governor Wolf and legislative leaders present Pennsylvanians with two options. The first requires taxpayers to fork over hundreds of millions in higher taxes. The second calls for steep cuts…


Read More: The Taxpayers? False Choice

Public Union Democracy

Our Collision Course with Pa.’s Pension Iceberg

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • June 17, 2016

As Pennsylvania continues approaching the public pension iceberg at full speed, how can we avoid a collision? Simply put, through reforms that mirror steps taken by the private sector years…


Read More: Our Collision Course with Pa.’s Pension Iceberg

Public Union Democracy

PA’s Long Tradition of Faux Pension Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 16, 2016

Pennsylvania's pension problem is nothing new. Over the years, lawmakers have tried to salvage the fundamentally broken system instead of creating a system that works. The latest attempt, SB…


Read More: PA’s Long Tradition of Faux Pension Reform

Government Accountability

Local School District Leads the Way on Transparency

  • June 14, 2016

The Quakertown Community School Board (QCSB) is scrapping a conventional collective bargaining practice. Normally, unions and public employers don’t reveal the details of a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) until after…


Read More: Local School District Leads the Way on Transparency

Government Accountability

A Superhero President? Dream On

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 13, 2016

Note: This commentary appeared in the Lancaster LNP, among other news outlets. If the thought of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the Oval Office frightens you, you’re not…


Read More: A Superhero President? Dream On


Ghost Teachers Bill Advances in State House

  • June 7, 2016

Ghost Teachers Bill Advances in State House Legislation Strictly Limits Union Work on School Time June 6, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Today, the state House Education Committee advanced HB 2125,…

Press Release

Read More: Ghost Teachers Bill Advances in State House


Ghost Teaching Put to Rest?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 7, 2016

Are ghost teachers about to be put to rest? Ghost teachers in Pennsylvania would be strictly limited under legislation approved by the state House Education Committee today. HB 2125 restricts…


Read More: Ghost Teaching Put to Rest?