Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.

Public Union Democracy

Gov. Wolf Does Understand Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 6, 2015

Last Thursday, Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed legislation passed by the general assembly that would allow private retailers to sell wine and liquor. As my colleague Bob pointed out,…


Read More: Gov. Wolf Does Understand Economics

Public Union Democracy

Pivotal Pension Reform Passes to Wolf

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 1, 2015

Yesterday, the General Assembly passed landmark legislation to free homeowners from skyrocketing property taxes, make school budgets go further, and protect public employees from politics. SB 1 bill reforms…


Read More: Pivotal Pension Reform Passes to Wolf

Government Accountability

Contract Transparency Still Critical

  • June 29, 2015

Harrisburg is abuzz as the budget battle continues. With high profile legislation on liquor privatization, pension and education reform receiving much attention, it’s easy to lose sight of a fundamental…


Read More: Contract Transparency Still Critical

Government Accountability

An Update on Union Contracts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 25, 2015

Earlier this week, the House State Government Committee moved SB 644 and SB 645—bills which would provide taxpayers greater information about contracts with government unions—to the House floor.


Read More: An Update on Union Contracts


House Votes to Protect Excellent Teachers

  • James Paul
  • June 24, 2015

Seniority-based teacher furloughs may soon become a relic of the past for Pennsylvania public schools. On Tuesday evening, the state House approved Rep. Stephen Bloom’s HB 805—the Protecting…


Read More: House Votes to Protect Excellent Teachers


Government Union Puts Politics Ahead of Teachers

  • June 18, 2015

One government union is putting its political preferences and self-interest above the interests of public school teachers. Now, teachers are fighting back. Jane Ladley, who recently retired from teaching after…


Read More: Government Union Puts Politics Ahead of Teachers

Public Union Democracy

Opening the Curtain on Government Unions

  • Priya Brannick
  • June 9, 2015

Because such labor contracts involve billions of taxpayer dollars, citizens have a right to know what each side is proposing before being legally obligated to fund them. In addition, Pennsylvania…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Opening the Curtain on Government Unions

Government Accountability

Podcast: Who Killed Harrisburg?

  • June 8, 2015

Who killed Harrisburg? That’s the question award-winning investigative reporter Chris Papst answers in his new book Capital Murder, which chronicles how Harrisburg became the only capital city in American…


Read More: Podcast: Who Killed Harrisburg?

Government Accountability

Getting the Best Deal from Government

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 27, 2015

If you’ve ever spent hundreds on a smartphone or thousands on a new car, you know what it’s like to hunt for the best deal. Yet when paying for state…


Read More: Getting the Best Deal from Government

Government Accountability

Union Contract Agreements Bolster Case for Collective Bargaining Transparency

  • May 20, 2015

The Wolf Administration finalized contracts with two government unions yesterday, perfectly encapsulating the failings of the current collective bargaining process. In a terse press release, the Wolf Administration announced…


Read More: Union Contract Agreements Bolster Case for Collective Bargaining Transparency

Government Accountability

Audio: Bills Shine Light On Union Contract Negotiations

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • May 13, 2015

Public sector union contracts are a huge cost for the state government, and they have also become a conflict of interest for Gov. Wolf. He will be negotiating contract deals with…


Read More: Audio: Bills Shine Light On Union Contract Negotiations

Public Union Democracy

Pension Reform Toolkit

  • May 12, 2015

Pension costs are ballooning so quickly, they threaten to consume funds for education, public safety and welfare.  Without reform, Pennsylvanians face cuts to services, teacher layoffs, higher property taxes, and…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pension Reform Toolkit


Release Time: Diverting Public Resources to Unions

  • May 11, 2015

Release time allows government employees to take a leave of absence from their jobs to perform union work. Many government employees working for the union are paid by taxpayers while…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Release Time: Diverting Public Resources to Unions

Government Accountability

A Transparent Win for Taxpayers

  • May 6, 2015

Today the Senate took a significant step to make state government more transparent and accountable by approving SB 644 and SB 645. Here’s a brief description of the…


Read More: A Transparent Win for Taxpayers

Government Accountability

State Senate Passes Financial Transparency Bills

  • May 6, 2015

For Immediate Release Commonwealth Foundation Contact:717-671-1901 State Senate Passes Financial Transparency Bills Lets Public in on Secret Government Union Talks Worth Billions of Dollars May 6,…

Press Release

Read More: State Senate Passes Financial Transparency Bills


Wolf’s Education Doctrine

  • James Paul
  • May 5, 2015

Governor Wolf has wasted little time crystalizing his vision for public education—and it doesn’t look promising for families supportive of school choice. If his first few months are any indication…


Read More: Wolf’s Education Doctrine


Wolf’s Education Agenda Discourages Choice

  • James Paul
  • May 1, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf has wasted little time staking out his vision for public education, and it doesn’t appear to have much room for school choice. In a recent…


Read More: Wolf’s Education Agenda Discourages Choice

Public Union Democracy

Teachers Inspire New Legislation

  • Brittney Parker
  • April 28, 2015

No one should be forced to fund political activity that they don’t support. Jane Ladley, a teacher in Chester County, didn’t want her dues money being spent on partisan political…


Read More: Teachers Inspire New Legislation

Health Care

Judge Halts Stealth Unionization Scheme

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 23, 2015

A Commonwealth Court judge has issued a preliminary injunction to stop full enforcement of Gov. Tom Wolf's executive order to stealthily unionize home healthcare workers. For folks like…


Read More: Judge Halts Stealth Unionization Scheme

Government Accountability

Pro-Taxpayer, Pro-Transparency Bills Move Forward

  • James Paul
  • April 22, 2015

Government union contract negotiations—long shrouded in secrecy behind closed-door meetings—are one step closer to openness and transparency. Today, a series of bills passed the Senate State Government Committee that will…


Read More: Pro-Taxpayer, Pro-Transparency Bills Move Forward