Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.

Public Union Democracy

National, State Teachers’ Unions Don’t Talk to Teachers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 27, 2014

A survey of National Education Association (NEA) members, summarized by the Educational Intelligence Agency, reveals most teacher union members never hear from state and national union officials. While most…


Read More: National, State Teachers’ Unions Don’t Talk to Teachers

Government Accountability

Paycheck Protection Garners National Attention

  • January 27, 2014

The effort to protect Pennsylvania’s union members and taxpayers from union bosses is grabbing national attention in major papers. Both the Wall Street Journal (paywall) and Investor’s Business…


Read More: Paycheck Protection Garners National Attention

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania Next in Union Crosshairs

  • Nathan Benefield, Priya Brannick
  • January 24, 2014

Government union leaders are ramping up their attack messaging machine in Pennsylvania and planning a rally to bully state lawmakers as they did in Wisconsin and Michigan. But…


Read More: Pennsylvania Next in Union Crosshairs

Government Accountability

Answering the Critics About Paycheck Protection

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2014

Under current law and contracts, it’s permissible for a school district’s personnel office to act as the collection agent for Political Action Committee contributions and membership dues…


Read More: Answering the Critics About Paycheck Protection


Win for Transparency in Public School Spending

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 22, 2014

How would you like to know what’s in a teachers’ contract before your school district passes it—and locks in spending—for four years? And how would you like to track how…


Read More: Win for Transparency in Public School Spending

Public Union Democracy

Myth: Paycheck Protection Affects Firefighters’ Freedom of Speech

  • January 21, 2014

According to a WTAJ report in Altoona, there is some concern among firefighters that paycheck protection legislation would silence their voices in Harrisburg. This is wrong on two counts—firefighters…


Read More: Myth: Paycheck Protection Affects Firefighters’ Freedom of Speech

Public Union Democracy

Prohibition in Pa: 94 Years Old Today and Still Kicking

  • January 17, 2014

For Immediate Release Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901 Prohibition in PA: 94 Years Old Today and Still Kicking Gov. union leaders keep Pennsylvania stuck in the…

Press Release

Read More: Prohibition in Pa: 94 Years Old Today and Still Kicking

Government Accountability

Fact: Taxpayer Resources Are Being Used for Politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 16, 2014

One of the biggest myths used to oppose paycheck protection is the claim “union dues money can’t be used for politics” despite all evidence…


Read More: Fact: Taxpayer Resources Are Being Used for Politics


Paycheck Protection Benefits Teachers and Taxpayers

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 15, 2014

Pennsylvania’s AFL-CIO union boss Rick Bloomingdale is absolutely right that there is a “war on workers” here in Pennsylvania—he should know, because he is waging it. His recent opinion piece…


Read More: Paycheck Protection Benefits Teachers and Taxpayers

Public Union Democracy

Who is Waging a War on Workers?

  • January 15, 2014

Rick Bloomingdale, President of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, in an “attack the messenger” approach, accused the Commonwealth Foundation of waging a dastardly “war on workers.” Nothing could be further…


Read More: Who is Waging a War on Workers?

Public Union Democracy

Gov. Union Bosses Fight to Control Workers’ Paychecks

  • January 15, 2014

For Immediate Release Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901   Government Union Bosses Fight For Control Over Workers’ Paychecks Union Bosses battle to Keep Using Public Resources for…

Press Release

Read More: Gov. Union Bosses Fight to Control Workers’ Paychecks

Health Care

How Government Unions Support Obamacare

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 14, 2014

Government unions such as the NEA and SEIU lobbied for passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which will raise the cost of health care through various mandates…


Read More: How Government Unions Support Obamacare

Public Union Democracy

Video: Government Unions’ Political Power Cycle

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 7, 2014

How do government union leaders use their unfair political advantage to promote bad policies? Our latest video looks at how government unions have…


Read More: Video: Government Unions’ Political Power Cycle

Public Union Democracy

Government Unions’ Lottery Misinformation Campagin

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 6, 2014

“Save the PA Lottery,” “Seniors pay the price,” and “Corbett’s secretive scheme” are just a few examples of how government union bosses employed scare tactics to conduct a massive misinformation…


Read More: Government Unions’ Lottery Misinformation Campagin

Public Union Democracy

Poll: Healthy Majority Back Paycheck Protection

  • January 3, 2014

Pennsylvanians oppose requiring union members to contribute to political causes antithetical to their beliefs, according to Harper Polling’s year end survey conducted last month. The polling firm asked 604…


Read More: Poll: Healthy Majority Back Paycheck Protection


Union Dues Exploit Teachers, Taxpayers

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 2, 2014

What if I told you that regardless of your political beliefs, several hundred dollars will be deducted from your paycheck each year to support politicians whose views you may not…


Read More: Union Dues Exploit Teachers, Taxpayers


Keeping Teachers in the Classroom

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 2, 2014

Given our still-sputtering economy, Americans have grown used to their public schools facing tight budgets. This fiscal squeeze has drawn out a hidden crisis in public education: How do we…


Read More: Keeping Teachers in the Classroom


Top 5 Articles of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 31, 2013

Yesterday, we gave you the 5 most popular blog posts of 2013.  Today, we are highlighting the 5 most read articles of 2013 on our website. 1) The (Growing)…


Read More: Top 5 Articles of 2013


Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 30, 2013

As 2013 winds to a close, we thought we’d run down the top stories of the past year.  Here are Commonwealth Foundation’s top 5 blog posts, as chosen by you…


Read More: Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

Public Union Democracy

The Unemployed Need Opportunities, Not Handouts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 19, 2013

Those suggesting the federal government continue its temporary extension of unemployment benefits point to our stagnant economy and high unemployment as justification.  But, in truth, these results have been caused…


Read More: The Unemployed Need Opportunities, Not Handouts


Outdated Seniority Rules Harm Pittsburgh Students

  • Priya Brannick
  • December 12, 2013

Yesterday, we reported that the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers is trying to lower evaluation standards for teachers it had previously helped craft. Under Pittsburgh’s new system, which goes into…


Read More: Outdated Seniority Rules Harm Pittsburgh Students