Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.


Voters Support Education Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 22, 2013

Pennsylvania parents and voters want education reform. A new poll from StudentsFirst shows that Pennsylvania families strongly support educational reforms, including incentives for high performing teachers (74 percent support),…


Read More: Voters Support Education Reform

Public Union Democracy

Time to End Union Violence

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 21, 2013

Did you know that it’s illegal to stalk, harass, or threaten to use violence (and yes, weapons of mass destruction) in Pennsylvania…except if you’re a labor union (or management) in…


Read More: Time to End Union Violence

Public Union Democracy

Unions Fight to Block $40 Million in Taxpayer Savings

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 18, 2013

Pennsylvania legislative leaders continue discussions over increasing transportation funding. In return for higher spending, some negotiators are seeking modest, common sense reforms to the prevailing wage law. These reforms would…


Read More: Unions Fight to Block $40 Million in Taxpayer Savings

Public Union Democracy

Mail Bag: Union Political Spending

  • October 16, 2013

Several readers, in response to Nate’s op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer, wrote us claiming “Union dues can’t fund politics.” But that’s just not true. How do we know this?…


Read More: Mail Bag: Union Political Spending


Podcast: Teachers on Union Exploitation – Part 1

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 14, 2013

Julie Raab and Keith Williams are speaking out about how union influence affects their teaching jobs.  They, and many teachers across the state, are fed up with Pennsylvania's unfair…


Read More: Podcast: Teachers on Union Exploitation – Part 1

Public Union Democracy

Let Commonsense Prevail

  • October 14, 2013

An archaic Pennsylvania law may be stretching your school district’s budget or preventing a construction project in your area from getting off the ground. The law in question is the…


Read More: Let Commonsense Prevail


Unions’ Taxpayer-Subsidized Politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 14, 2013

How would you feel if you were forced to pay for a political cause that worked against your own beliefs and values? Outraged? Victimized? Just plain angry? Many Pennsylvania teachers,…


Read More: Unions’ Taxpayer-Subsidized Politics


Saving Pennsylvania’s Best Teachers

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 11, 2013

This week, Commonwealth Foundation placed billboards in Philadelphia subway stations to highlight the problem of seniority rules in our public schools. Currently, Section 1125…


Read More: Saving Pennsylvania’s Best Teachers

Government Accountability

Yes, Union Dues Fund Politics

  • October 1, 2013

Pennsylvania law grants government unions special privileges available to no other private organizations in the state. Union dues and even Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions are automatically deducted from…


Read More: Yes, Union Dues Fund Politics


Pa. Teacher: Union Dues Deduction is “Wage Garnishment”

  • September 20, 2013

Did you know school districts and other government agencies collect unions’ dues and political action committee money from payroll, just like a tax? Teachers are speaking out about this…


Read More: Pa. Teacher: Union Dues Deduction is “Wage Garnishment”

Government Accountability

Government Unions’ Unfair Political Privilege

  • September 19, 2013

Taxpayer resources should not be used for any political purposes. Every citizen and every organization—including government unions—should have an equal opportunity to engage in policy debates through a level playing field for…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Government Unions’ Unfair Political Privilege


Union Abuses Force Pennsylvania Teachers to Speak Out

  • September 19, 2013

Did you know teachers’ unions can force many teachers in Pennsylvania to pay dues or a “fair share fee” that’s taken directly out of teachers’ paychecks? What’s more, this withholding…


Read More: Union Abuses Force Pennsylvania Teachers to Speak Out


TODAY: Pennsylvania Teachers Protest Union Abuses

  • September 19, 2013

For Immediate Release The Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901 Union Abuses Force Pennsylvania Teachers to Speak Out Teacher unions get special treatment; force teachers and taxpayers to…

Press Release

Read More: TODAY: Pennsylvania Teachers Protest Union Abuses


How Unions Use Students as Bargaining Chips

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 18, 2013

When government unions engage in labor disputes, they use their power and monopoly to remind the public of the value of their service. However, schoolchildren should never have to bear…


Read More: How Unions Use Students as Bargaining Chips


Let Teachers Make Their Own Union Choices

  • September 12, 2013

Joe Connolly is a public high school guidance counselor in central Pennsylvania. His school district recently introduced “fair share fees” for non-union workers—meaning educators like Joe will now be forced…


Read More: Let Teachers Make Their Own Union Choices

Public Union Democracy

Is Paying Only $2.50 for Health Care Unreasonable?

  • Priya Brannick
  • September 10, 2013

If you’ve been watching back-to-school news, you’ve probably heard that teachers unions in three Pennsylvania school districts—Shaler Area, Wyoming Area and Old Forge—have gone on strike. Like…


Read More: Is Paying Only $2.50 for Health Care Unreasonable?

Public Union Democracy

“Money in Politics” Fosters Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 3, 2013

You probably hear a lot about “money in politics,” but rarely do pundits correctly identify the largest source of special interest political spending.  According to a new report, big labor…


Read More: “Money in Politics” Fosters Big Government

Health Care

Burdens of Obamacare – Commentary

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 30, 2013

Say you’re working your way through college, supplementing student loans with a part-time job managing inventory at Wegmans. You make a decent hourly wage, but your health insurance benefits are…


Read More: Burdens of Obamacare – Commentary


Unions First, Teachers & Students Last

  • August 29, 2013

The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) might take legal action against the School District of Philadelphia for … wait for it … hiring back teachers. The Philadelphia School Reform Commission…


Read More: Unions First, Teachers & Students Last

Public Union Democracy

One Marshamallow Now or Taxpayer Relief Later?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 27, 2013

What do preschoolers with marshmallows and Pennsylvania’s pension crisis have in common? Both demonstrate a failure to delay gratification. Dr. Joseph Horton at Grove City College compares Pennsylvania’s pension…


Read More: One Marshamallow Now or Taxpayer Relief Later?

Government Accountability

Playing Politics at the PLCB

  • August 23, 2013

Politics is getting in the way of reform at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, according to Tribune-Review reporter Kari Andren, who gives us a fascinating look at the internal…


Read More: Playing Politics at the PLCB