Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania’s Lawsuit Racket

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2009

The Wall Street Journal has a scathing piece on pay-to-play politics in Harrisburg, specifically in relation to Gov. Rendell and his ties to another law-firm (HT John Lott):…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Lawsuit Racket

Government Accountability

PA House GOP Leader Offers Gov’t Reform Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 7, 2009

Pennsylvania House Republican leader Sam Smith unveiled a 12-point government reform plan which he calls Pennsylvania’s Agenda for Trust in Harrisburg (PATH). The proposals are: No staff…


Read More: PA House GOP Leader Offers Gov’t Reform Plan

Government Accountability

Repeal Salary Increases?

  • April 7, 2009

As of Friday, 89 members of House and 31 members of Senate have either given back their 2.8% pay increase to the Treasury Department or to charity. Senate Majority Leader…


Read More: Repeal Salary Increases?

Public Union Democracy

Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending

  • April 6, 2009

Trumpets blared last week as Governor Rendell announced an agreement with state employee unions to “save” $200 million by temporarily reducing payments by 20 percent to their benefit…


Read More: Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending

Public Union Democracy

Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

In his blog today, John Micek makes a couple of jokes about “Joe the Plumber” – probably to avoid being called “Rat Rat Rat” by union bosses (who promise…


Read More: Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

Public Union Democracy

Union Intimidation in Action

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 31, 2009

Unions claim they won’t use intimidation as one of their tactics if the Employee Free Choice Act, a.k.a. “Card Check” is passed, eliminating the secret ballot in union elections. But…


Read More: Union Intimidation in Action

Government Accountability

Gov. Creates Pennsylvania Stimulus Oversight Board

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 30, 2009

John Micek has the list of appointees (sans the GOP caucus appointments) to Gov. Rendell’s Stimulus Oversight Commission.  Unfortunately, the panel includes no representation by taxpayers, with the exception…


Read More: Gov. Creates Pennsylvania Stimulus Oversight Board

Government Accountability

“Full-Time” Lawmakers Earn Plenty of Outside Income

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 27, 2009

Team 4 Reports uncovers that Pennsylvania legislators, who earn about $80,000 per year in salary for their full-time job, also earn plenty of outside income (HT Grassroots PA).


Read More: “Full-Time” Lawmakers Earn Plenty of Outside Income

Public Union Democracy

The Coming Union Bailout

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 27, 2009

America's history is filled with stories about entrepreneurs who persevered through repeated failure before eventually succeeding. These pre-21st century men and women didn't get help from the government, they turned…


Read More: The Coming Union Bailout

Government Accountability

Veon Fallout: An End to WAMs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 26, 2009

Yesterday, Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett announced additional charges against former Rep. Mike Veon and staffer Annamarie Peretta-Rosepink for their role in directing state funds to the Beaver Initiative…


Read More: Veon Fallout: An End to WAMs

Government Accountability

Do Campaign Finance Laws Authorize Banning Books?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 26, 2009

From the Las Vegas Review Journal: Astonishingly, Malcom Stewart, deputy solicitor general of the United States, replied in the affirmative “if the book contained the functional equivalent of express…


Read More: Do Campaign Finance Laws Authorize Banning Books?

Government Accountability

Tea Party Food Drive

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 25, 2009

Our office is abuzz with preparations for the Harrisburg Tax Day Tea Party. We can’t wait to see you all on April 15th! We wanted to let you know…


Read More: Tea Party Food Drive

Public Union Democracy

Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

  • March 25, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter made news yesterday by saying he would not vote for “card check” because of both the elimination of the secret ballot and the bind arbitration provisions.


Read More: Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

Public Union Democracy

Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 25, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter made news yesterday by saying he would not vote for “card check” because of both the elimination of the secret ballot and the bind arbitration provisions.


Read More: Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

Government Accountability

Taxpayers Spend $2.3 Million to Defend Fumo

  • March 23, 2009

ABC 27 has a story on the amount of OPM – “other people’s money,” i.e. taxpayers – used to defend former Sen. Vince Fumo, who was convicted of illegally…


Read More: Taxpayers Spend $2.3 Million to Defend Fumo

Government Accountability

Taxpayers Spend $2.3 Million to Defend Fumo

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 23, 2009

ABC 27 has a story on the amount of OPM – “other people’s money,” i.e. taxpayers – used to defend former Sen. Vince Fumo, who was convicted of illegally…


Read More: Taxpayers Spend $2.3 Million to Defend Fumo

Government Accountability

More Taxpayer Money Wasted on Promotions and Marketing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2009

I’m not sure if readers are aware of this, but Congress recently passed something called a “stimulus” bill a few weeks ago.  In order to publicize the stimulus funding,…


Read More: More Taxpayer Money Wasted on Promotions and Marketing

Government Accountability

Term Limits Needed in Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 17, 2009

John Baer writes that the recent Vince Fumo conviction – the latest in a long history of corruption by long-time Pennsylvania lawmakers – is another reason why Pennsylvania…


Read More: Term Limits Needed in Pennsylvania

Public Union Democracy

AFL-CIO Pledges Votes for Specter in Quid Pro Quo

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 17, 2009

Our good friend Bill George, head of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, has promised to help out Sen. Arlen Specter, if and only if he votes for “card check”, the…


Read More: AFL-CIO Pledges Votes for Specter in Quid Pro Quo