Pennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.

Government Accountability

Memo to Senate State Government Committee Members

  • May 7, 2007

MEMORANDUM TO: Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee Members (Senators Piccola, Folmer, A. Williams, Scarnati, Brubaker, Corman, Punt, McIhinney, Fontana, Hughes, and Tartaglione) FROM: Commonwealth Foundation, Democracy Rising PA, Rock the…


Read More: Memo to Senate State Government Committee Members

Government Accountability

Taxpayers Need Protection

  • May 3, 2007

Delivered on Thursday, April 26, 2007 Good morning Chairman Corman, Senator Regola, and Senator Folmer. It is indeed a pleasure and an honor to be able to come before you…


Read More: Taxpayers Need Protection

Government Accountability

In Support of a Limited Constitutional Convention

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 28, 2007

Delivered on Monday, March 26, 2007 Thank you Chairman Piccola and members of the Senate State Government Committee for the opportunity to share with you the position of the…


Read More: In Support of a Limited Constitutional Convention

Government Accountability

The Elections Big Winner: Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2006

Did voters reject Republicans and embrace Democrats in the 2006 elections? Of course; the gains in seats held by Democrats (both nationally and statewide) suggest they did. But the reasons…


Read More: The Elections Big Winner: Reform

Government Accountability

Majority believes government doing too much

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 30, 2006

A poll showing what everyone already knew, including CNN – except lawmakers at the federal and state level, who (in the words of John McCain) “have increased government in…


Read More: Majority believes government doing too much

Government Accountability

The Sanford Model

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 30, 2006

Wall Street Journal uncovers that there is at least one fiscal conservative remaining in the Republican Party.


Read More: The Sanford Model

Public Union Democracy

Right To Work States Benefit from Faster Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 26, 2006

Data sheet from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research show how Right to Work states have faster economic growth and greater purchasing power than Forced-Unionism States (including…


Read More: Right To Work States Benefit from Faster Growth

Government Accountability

Late-night legislating reawakens reformers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 26, 2006

Patriot News article on the late night shenanigans of our General Assembly. Also read our News Release on the manner in which “Cover All Kids” was passed. Eric…


Read More: Late-night legislating reawakens reformers

Government Accountability

What to do about mediocre political leaders

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 24, 2006

TCS Daily – The Leadership Myth: “We have to expect mediocrity from political leaders. …The libertarian view is that private institutions, both for-profit and non-profit, are better at…


Read More: What to do about mediocre political leaders

Government Accountability

General reassembly

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2006

The York Daily Record series of editorials on the merits of a state Constitutional Convention and other governmental reforms.


Read More: General reassembly

Government Accountability

House limits access to roll calls during session

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 20, 2006

UPDATED: According to, access to roll call votes have been restored and The Speaker also wrote the House is exploring ways “to provide the public with real time access…


Read More: House limits access to roll calls during session

Government Accountability

Judge sues to refuse pay raise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 20, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article on Superior Court Judge Joan Orie Melvin’s lawsuit to not have her pay raised. I guess she doesn’t agree with Chief Justice Cappy that judges are…


Read More: Judge sues to refuse pay raise

Government Accountability

A Tale of Two GOPs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 16, 2006

Wall Street Journal editorial points out that Republicans are in strong shape in places where they stuck to the conservative principles they campaigned on (Florida) and are in deep…


Read More: A Tale of Two GOPs

Public Union Democracy

Teachers walk the picket line

  • October 3, 2006

The labor union in Littlestown are striking over health care. Currently, teachers pay only 2.6% of the premium for their health care benefits. The school board wants them…


Read More: Teachers walk the picket line

Public Union Democracy

Union Slams Proposed Teacher Strike Ban

  • October 3, 2006

With a teacher strike currently occuring in Adams County, the effort to ban teacher strikes in Pennsylvania is building steam. Despite the fact that 38 other states prohibit government…


Read More: Union Slams Proposed Teacher Strike Ban

Government Accountability

Lame ducks ruffle feathers in 3 statehouses

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 2, 2006 article on Lame Duck legislatures. Guess which state is the leader in post-election shenanigans.


Read More: Lame ducks ruffle feathers in 3 statehouses

Government Accountability

The Incumbents We Need

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • September 26, 2006

Pennsylvania’s 2006 elections will go down in the history books as one in which citizens overturned the apple cart of many incumbent state legislators. While many career politicians are already…


Read More: The Incumbents We Need