Many Pennsylvanians face chronic unemployment, welfare dependency, and the cycle of poverty. This happens because labor incentives have been overridden by bad policies that keep millions out of the workforce and enact excessive red tape. We can reverse this trend by ending the practice of waiving work requirements on able-bodied Pennsylvanians with no dependents, removing barriers to employment for those seeking a fresh start, and creating a healthcare system without burdensome regulations.

State Budget

Almost $2 Billion in Welfare Waste Weeded Out

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 3, 2014

Lottery winners on welfare, millionaires on food stamps and supervisors that turn a blind eye to fraud; these are the stories that drive Pennsylvanians crazy. But the…


Read More: Almost $2 Billion in Welfare Waste Weeded Out

Health Care

Liberal Group Screams “Murder” over Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 14, 2014

This week, John Micek called out Keystone Progress on his blog for what he termed a “disgusting” email that “has no place in our discourse.” What provoked this…


Read More: Liberal Group Screams “Murder” over Medicaid Expansion

Health Care

Obamacare Sticker Shock for Pittsburgh Workers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 31, 2014

The reality of Obamacare hit home for the employees of Simonetta’s Collision Repair Center in McKeesport. WTAE news captured the reaction of six employees who were told their copays,…


Read More: Obamacare Sticker Shock for Pittsburgh Workers


Protection for the Poor a First Step

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 21, 2014

It’s too easy to steal from low-income Pennsylvanians and taxpayers according to Senators Scarnati and Argall. The lawmakers say it’s time to increase fraud penalties to make stealing over $1000…


Read More: Protection for the Poor a First Step

Health Care

Five Facts about Obamacare Enrollment

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 14, 2014

On Monday the administration released the latest numbers on Obamacare exchange enrollments. Here are five key facts you need to know: Young Adults are Underrepresented: Young adults (age 18-34)…


Read More: Five Facts about Obamacare Enrollment

Health Care

How Government Unions Support Obamacare

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 14, 2014

Government unions such as the NEA and SEIU lobbied for passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which will raise the cost of health care through various mandates…


Read More: How Government Unions Support Obamacare


War on Poverty: 50 Years of Failing People

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 8, 2014

On January 8, 1964, Lyndon Johnson launched America’s “War on Poverty.” After 50 years, it’s clear poverty is winning. After five decades and more than $20 trillion in taxpayer…


Read More: War on Poverty: 50 Years of Failing People


Top 5 Articles of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 31, 2013

Yesterday, we gave you the 5 most popular blog posts of 2013.  Today, we are highlighting the 5 most read articles of 2013 on our website. 1) The (Growing)…


Read More: Top 5 Articles of 2013


Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 30, 2013

As 2013 winds to a close, we thought we’d run down the top stories of the past year.  Here are Commonwealth Foundation’s top 5 blog posts, as chosen by you…


Read More: Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

Health Care

“Healthy PA:” What’s It All Mean?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 13, 2013

Last Friday, Gov. Corbett released full details of his Healthy PA initiative, which seeks to expand government-funded health insurance under Obamacare (using Medicaid expansion funds to pay private insurance…


Read More: “Healthy PA:” What’s It All Mean?


Protect the Poor, Not Lotto Winners

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 20, 2013

Jamie Frankford won $330,000 in the Pennsylvania lottery in 2012, yet continued to collect child care subsidies and Medicaid benefits. Her story, reported by Chris Papst at CBS21, caught…


Read More: Protect the Poor, Not Lotto Winners

Health Care

Pennsylvania’s Bleak Budget Future

  • November 19, 2013

Pennsylvania’s fiscal outlook looks bleak according to a detailed report examining state revenue and spending released by the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) last week. The agency projects a general…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Bleak Budget Future

Government Accountability

Obama Supporter Soured by Obamacare Ordeal

  • November 19, 2013

Lynn Larrick doesn't fit the usual profile of someone angry with President Obama. She's a staunch Democrat, a retired Philadelphia teacher, and a union member. But when she—like more than…


Read More: Obama Supporter Soured by Obamacare Ordeal

Health Care

Obamacare: Exchange Sign-ups Dwarfed by Cancellations

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 14, 2013

Yesterday, the federal government revealed that shockingly low numbers of Americans are purchasing health insurance on the dysfunctional Obamacare exchange. In Pennsylvania, it’s clear the law is doing more…


Read More: Obamacare: Exchange Sign-ups Dwarfed by Cancellations

Health Care

A Sign of Things to Come?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 13, 2013

Cancelled health care plans, an unusable exchange website—do we still trust the federal government to deliver on its health care promises? In what could be a sign of what’s to…


Read More: A Sign of Things to Come?

Health Care

ObamaCare: Sub-Standard is the New Standard

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 7, 2013

“Junk policies,” “sub-standard plans,” “policies not worth keeping” and “bad apple insurance companies” are just a few of the terms used by the President and advocates of the ACA to…


Read More: ObamaCare: Sub-Standard is the New Standard

Government Accountability

TV Report: Waste & Fraud in Public Welfare

  • November 6, 2013

In a scathing investigative report, Chris Papst at CBS 21 revealed a widespread culture in Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Welfare (DPW)—and orders from supervisors—to look past fraudulent claims to enroll…


Read More: TV Report: Waste & Fraud in Public Welfare

Health Care

“Free” Medicaid Money Equals More Debt

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • October 31, 2013

In trying to persuade states to expand Medicaid, Obamacare advocates are using enough scare tactics to fill a haunted house. From threatening to discontinue Gross Receipt taxes to…


Read More: “Free” Medicaid Money Equals More Debt

Health Care

I Can’t Keep My Health Care Plan

  • October 23, 2013

“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” That was President Obama’s promise to Americans. He broke it. I buy my own health insurance—I…


Read More: I Can’t Keep My Health Care Plan

Health Care

Obamacare Glitches or Meaningful Refom

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 10, 2013

The federal Obamacare exchanges opened for business more than a week ago, yet users have been unable to log in (much less get affordable insurance) and hit with…


Read More: Obamacare Glitches or Meaningful Refom

Health Care

Many Pennsylvanians to See Insurance Premiums Skyrocket

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 3, 2013

Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges are off to a rough start this week. Millions were welcomed with error screens as they attempted to figure out if their health care costs would rise. Fox…


Read More: Many Pennsylvanians to See Insurance Premiums Skyrocket