Many Pennsylvanians face chronic unemployment, welfare dependency, and the cycle of poverty. This happens because labor incentives have been overridden by bad policies that keep millions out of the workforce and enact excessive red tape. We can reverse this trend by ending the practice of waiving work requirements on able-bodied Pennsylvanians with no dependents, removing barriers to employment for those seeking a fresh start, and creating a healthcare system without burdensome regulations.


Yes, Welfare is for Poor People

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 2, 2012

The Department of Public Welfare announced its plan to impose an asset test for food stamp recipients. The proposal would limit food stamps to most households with under $5,500…


Read More: Yes, Welfare is for Poor People

Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal Justice Reforms to Reduce Spending & Crime

  • February 1, 2012

Change is on the horizon for Pennsylvania’s Department of Corrections – now the third-largest state agency in the General Fund budget – which along with state debt, pensions…


Read More: Criminal Justice Reforms to Reduce Spending & Crime

Taxes & Economy

The “Facts” on Food Stamps

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2012

City Paper contributor Daniel Denvir tries to diminish the impact of our Philadelphia Inquirer column on food stamps by offering “facts” in rebuttal. Unfortunately, most of these “facts”…


Read More: The “Facts” on Food Stamps

Taxes & Economy

SNAP Back to Reality, Senators

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 24, 2012

Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Senate Democrats’ Twitter, @PaSenateDems, comes some high-stakes rhetoric during a Capitol press conference today. In reaction to the Pa. Department of Public Welfare’s decision to reapply…


Read More: SNAP Back to Reality, Senators

Taxes & Economy

Welfare Reforms Protect Poor, Taxpayers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 24, 2012

Regardless of where you stand on taxpayer-funded entitlements, few Americans argue against the maintenance of temporary safety nets or modifications aimed at ending welfare fraud, waste and abuse.


Read More: Welfare Reforms Protect Poor, Taxpayers

Criminal Justice Reform

Fiscal Outlook for Pennsylvania: Not Too Rosy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 20, 2012

This week the new Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office held its first annual seminar on the state economy and revenue. After a series of presentations on the state of the…


Read More: Fiscal Outlook for Pennsylvania: Not Too Rosy

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Reform: Another Sacred Cow?

  • January 20, 2012

Our friends at have called out Pennsylvania lawmakers’ opposition to prison healthcare reform, calling it yet another public sector union sacred cow. At issue is House…


Read More: Corrections Reform: Another Sacred Cow?

Criminal Justice Reform

Time for Pennsylvania to Get Right on Crime

  • January 17, 2012

Last week on NPR, former U.S. Attorney General and Pennsylvania Gov. Dick Thornburgh joined Adam Gelb, director for Pew’s Public Safety Performance Project, to discuss criminal justice…


Read More: Time for Pennsylvania to Get Right on Crime

Taxes & Economy

Do Millionaires Need Food Stamps?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 11, 2012

For the past few years, politicians in Harrisburg and Washington have considered it a “success” to put more families on welfare. The result is an abundance of loopholes that allow…


Read More: Do Millionaires Need Food Stamps?

Health Care

No Rush on Health Insurance Exchanges

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 22, 2011

In late November the Department of Insurance announced that Pennsylvania would begin implementing a state health insurance exchange as laid out in PPACA (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care…


Read More: No Rush on Health Insurance Exchanges


Protecting Medicaid for the Poor

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 19, 2011

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has trimmed Pennsylvania’s Medicaid rolls by 150,000 people since August. Welfare spending advocates and organizations receiving welfare dollars…


Read More: Protecting Medicaid for the Poor

Health Care

How Much Will Obamacare Cost You?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 9, 2011

The federal health care overhaul will be paid for with spending cuts and an estimated $420 billion in new taxes. How much of that $420 billion will come out of your pocket?…


Read More: How Much Will Obamacare Cost You?


Getting Serious About Welfare Abuse

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 25, 2011

The Department of Public Welfare’s effort to curb fraud and abuse continues. This week the Department announced the creation of a new office, the Office of Program Integrity. This…


Read More: Getting Serious About Welfare Abuse

Taxes & Economy

100,000+ Improperly Get Pa. Med Benefits

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 27, 2011

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare testified that hundreds of thousands of individuals were improperly receiving Medicaid, taxpayer-funded health care for the poor and the disabled. Capitolwire writes:…


Read More: 100,000+ Improperly Get Pa. Med Benefits


Welfare Funds for Home Bowling Alley

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 29, 2011

What do bowling alleys, chandeliers, and six-person hot tubs have in common? They’ve all been purchased with state welfare funds. Yesterday Tim Costa, executive deputy secretary of the Department of…


Read More: Welfare Funds for Home Bowling Alley

Health Care

Changing the Incentives in Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 22, 2011

Medicaid spending is set to skyrocket under the federal health care overhaul in the next two years, but it already consumes 31 percent of Pennsylvania’s budget. It is no…


Read More: Changing the Incentives in Medicaid

Taxes & Economy

Welfare Fraud Persists

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 12, 2011

The LIHEAP heating assistance program is once again under fire from Auditor General Jack Wagner. A 2007 audit lead the district attorney of Philadelphia to charge 18 people with…


Read More: Welfare Fraud Persists

Health Care

Pennsylvania Welfare Spending & Medicaid

  • May 20, 2011

Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed FY 2011-12 budget would represent the first time General Fund spending on the Department of Public Welfare would exceed that for the Department of Education.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania Welfare Spending & Medicaid

Health Care

Rescuing the States from Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 19, 2011

State Medicaid spending has increased four times faster than elementary and secondary education spending and nine times faster than transportation spending over the past two decades. In Pennsylvania,…


Read More: Rescuing the States from Medicaid

Government Accountability

PA House Passes Four Reform Bills this Week

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 13, 2011

The Pennsylvania State House has been especially productive this week, passing four pieces of key legislation that CF blogged on last week.


Read More: PA House Passes Four Reform Bills this Week

Taxes & Economy

House Republicans Introduce Welfare Reforms

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 6, 2011

Public Welfare is both the largest—at over $27 billion in total spending— and among the fastest growing programs in the Pennsylvania state budget.  In…


Read More: House Republicans Introduce Welfare Reforms