Many Pennsylvanians face chronic unemployment, welfare dependency, and the cycle of poverty. This happens because labor incentives have been overridden by bad policies that keep millions out of the workforce and enact excessive red tape. We can reverse this trend by ending the practice of waiving work requirements on able-bodied Pennsylvanians with no dependents, removing barriers to employment for those seeking a fresh start, and creating a healthcare system without burdensome regulations.

Health Care

The New Big Dig

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 21, 2008

Wall Street Journal on the pitfalls of RomneyCare.


Read More: The New Big Dig

Health Care

PA liability for state retiree health: $8.8 billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 12, 2008

The PA Office of the Budget released their actuarial report on retiree health care liabilities, revealing that the estimated unfunded liablity as of July 1, 2008 is $8.8 billion…


Read More: PA liability for state retiree health: $8.8 billion

Health Care

Address the Cost of Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2008

Here is a letter to the editor I sent to the York Daily Record on health care reform: I am responding to a May 4 op-ed by Rep. Eugene…


Read More: Address the Cost of Health Care

Health Care

Health Care Reform (the right kind) in the states

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 8, 2008

Georgia enacted a few of the health care reforms we have been touting. From the SPN Blog: Georgia eliminates a major tax inequity by allowing individuals to…


Read More: Health Care Reform (the right kind) in the states

Health Care

Savings from McCain’s Health Care Tax Credit

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 6, 2008

With the re-release of John McCain’s health care plan came a lot of criticism (along with praise) over who benefits from his tax credit. McCain would offer…


Read More: Savings from McCain’s Health Care Tax Credit

Health Care

High Risk Pools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 5, 2008

One of the key recommendations from Rick Dreyfuss’s health care testimony last week which received a number of questions was creating a state high risk pool. CAHI has…


Read More: High Risk Pools

Health Care

Healthcare Affordability

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • May 1, 2008

Healthcare Reform Principles Every reform action should be tested against two criteria: • Does it take costs out of the system?• Does it price insurance in proportion to expected…


Read More: Healthcare Affordability

Health Care

Health Care Affordability Debated

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2008

Today’s health care hearing, at which Commonwealth Foundation Senior Fellow Rick Dreyfuss testified, will be airing on PCN tonight; check here for future airings. The York Dispatch also did…


Read More: Health Care Affordability Debated

Health Care

Q& A on State Health Care Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 21, 2008

The NCPA has a new report on State Health Care Reform: Key Questions and Answers, highlighting many of the key policy questions, including “Does universal health coverage lower health…


Read More: Q& A on State Health Care Reform

Health Care

Health Savings Sabotage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 20, 2008

The Wall Street Journal has a column on a bill that passed the US House that would undermine Health Savings Accounts (also see the SPN blog on this…


Read More: Health Savings Sabotage

Health Care

The Health Insurance Mafia

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 18, 2008

Here is a great editorial in the Wall Street Journal on how the health insurance industry acts like the Mafia: Most discussions about the rising…


Read More: The Health Insurance Mafia

Health Care

“Stupid Hicks” Oppose Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 15, 2008

I wasn’t going to post anything on Barack Obama’s comments about people “clinging” to guns and religion, until Philadelphia Daily News columnist John Baer offered his Obama can…


Read More: “Stupid Hicks” Oppose Big Government

Health Care

When is a college basketball game “over”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2008

If you like sports and you like math then Bill James’s calculator to determine when a college basketball game is out of reach should be interesting (if not, then…


Read More: When is a college basketball game “over”?

Health Care

Why McCain has the best health-care plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 4, 2008

Fortune Magazine article on the health care proposals of the presidential candidates, along with the overarching question of whether we should move to government-run insurance or offer consumers greater…


Read More: Why McCain has the best health-care plan

Health Care

MCare: End it, Don’t Extend It

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2008

Governor Rendell and House Democrats have refused to extend the MCare abatements unless it is tied to their Cover All Pennsylvania’s/PA ABC plan (read my commentary…


Read More: MCare: End it, Don’t Extend It

Health Care

Give Consumers Choices in Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2008

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently passed a modified version of Governor Rendell’s "Cover All Pennsylvanians"—renaming it PA ABC (Access to Basic Care). Despite the clever acronym, the program…


Read More: Give Consumers Choices in Health Care

Health Care

Affordable Health Care Agenda

  • March 28, 2008

The Commonwealth Foundation has joined with over two dozen organizations to form the Health Care Freedom Coalition. Below is a Statement of Principles. We, the Health Care Freedom Coalition, believe…


Read More: Affordable Health Care Agenda

Health Care

RendellCare lobbyists push socialist pricing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 27, 2008

The lobbyists charged with pushing RendellCare InsurePANow has fired off another missive advocating more of Rendell’s health care agenda. They tout a bill that they proclaim will “make insurance…


Read More: RendellCare lobbyists push socialist pricing

Health Care

State Legislators’ Guide to Health Insurance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 24, 2008

The Council for Affordable Health Insurance (CAHI) and American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) have published a 2008 version of their guide to health insurance solutions, including recommendations and a…


Read More: State Legislators’ Guide to Health Insurance

Health Care

Are “Large Health Savings Accounts” the Answer?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2008

Michael Cannon has a paper on “Large Health Savings Accounts” in the Forum for Health Economics & Policy (registration required). Also listen to his Cato Podcast on the…


Read More: Are “Large Health Savings Accounts” the Answer?