Education is the first stepping-stone on the path to success, but Pennsylvania students face severe inequality among public school districts. Thousands who can’t afford private school are trapped in failing schools or situations that aren’t the right fit. The solution to this crisis is school choice. By offering families options outside their zip code-assigned district schools, students are better able to find their path to success. Charter schools, tax credit scholarships, education savings accounts (ESAs), homeschooling, and other types of education choice must become a priority in Pennsylvania.


How Does Pennsylvania Stack up in School Revenue?

  • James Paul
  • October 10, 2016

The National Center for Education Statistics recently released 2013-14 figures on revenues and expenditures for U.S. public schools. How does Pennsylvania stack up when it comes to funding? On a…


Read More: How Does Pennsylvania Stack up in School Revenue?


Pennsylvania’s Economy is Struggling

  • September 27, 2016

Americans finally got a raise! That's the gist of recent headlines hailing significant economic growth in 2015, but in Pennsylvania the economy is still struggling.  From 1991 to 2015,…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Economy is Struggling


Flawed Arguments Drive School Funding Suit

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 22, 2016

As I pointed out earlier this week, Pennsylvania public school spending is at an all-time high. In fact, the state's per student spending is significantly above the national average. James’ analysis…


Read More: Flawed Arguments Drive School Funding Suit


Podcast: Why Charter Schools – and School Choice – Matter

  • September 21, 2016

In Pennsylvania, 130,000 kids attend public charter schools—about 5 percent of the state’s schoolchildren. For many of these kids and parents, charter schools are a lifeline to a safer, better…


Read More: Podcast: Why Charter Schools – and School Choice – Matter


Facts about the State Share of School Funding

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 19, 2016

Should the Pennsylvania Supreme Court order the Legislature to give billions more dollars to school districts? That's what a recent lawsuit demands. But to make their case to the public, the lawsuit's advocates…


Read More: Facts about the State Share of School Funding


Teacher Shortages Haunt Philly Students

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 15, 2016

Philadelphia's teacher shortage is making headlines, and city council is demanding the district solve the problem. A classroom without a permanent teacher is certainly unfair to students, yet Philadelphia teachers…


Read More: Teacher Shortages Haunt Philly Students


Local Union Complains About Transparency

  • September 13, 2016

The school board and the local teachers union in the West Shore School District are in conflict. The two sides have been unable to agree on a contract for two…


Read More: Local Union Complains About Transparency


In School Funding, Pa. High Court Must Not Usurp Legislature

  • September 13, 2016

In School Funding, Pa. High Court Must Not Usurp Legislature Student Based Funding Formula, Not Court Mandate, Is Best for Pa. Students   September 13, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—As the Pennsylvania…

Press Release

Read More: In School Funding, Pa. High Court Must Not Usurp Legislature


Faculty Benefits Driving Up Tuition Costs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 7, 2016

APSCUF—the union representing faculty at state-owned universities—has begun a vote to authorize a strike. One of APSCUF's complaints with the proposed contract is higher health care expenses. In…


Read More: Faculty Benefits Driving Up Tuition Costs


Public Remains Supportive of School Choice

  • James Paul
  • August 30, 2016

That’s the upshot of the 10th annual public opinion survey from Education Next, which covers a range of topics including school choice, school spending, personnel policy, testing, and accountability.


Read More: Public Remains Supportive of School Choice


Charter Reform: Get it Right

  • James Paul
  • August 30, 2016

Over the next nine months, many students will have their lives transformed for the better. But for thousands of other children, this time of year is defined by disappointment. They are…


Read More: Charter Reform: Get it Right


Pittsburgh-Area Family Punished for Choosing Charter School

  • James Paul
  • August 29, 2016

Fauna Shaffer Butera, mother of two young boys just miles to the northwest of Pittsburgh, opted to enroll her sons in Young Scholars Charter School. She was shocked to learn of the…


Read More: Pittsburgh-Area Family Punished for Choosing Charter School


Understanding Your School District?s Labor Contract

  • James Paul, Jessica Barnett
  • August 17, 2016

CF reviewed labor contracts in each of Pennsylvania’s 500 school districts and uncovered several interesting findings. These contracts, known as collective bargaining agreements, are negotiated behind closed doors between…


Read More: Understanding Your School District?s Labor Contract


The Power of Educational Choice

  • James Paul
  • August 16, 2016

The story of Malachi Kuhn is a moving example of how lives are changed by educational choice. Malachi’s education savings account (ESA) helped him to literally stand…


Read More: The Power of Educational Choice


Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights

  • August 16, 2016

Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights Forced Unionism, Ghost Teachers Among Ways Contracts Exploit Teachers August 17, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—As students across Pennsylvania head back to…

Press Release

Read More: Trapped: 5 Ways Union Contracts Trample Teachers’ Rights


Making the Most of Education Dollars

  • James Paul
  • August 11, 2016

Auditor General Eugene DePasquale recently uncovered $2.5 million improperly paid to nine public charter schools. At issue is whether buildings owned by charter schools are eligible for the state's lease…


Read More: Making the Most of Education Dollars


Education Choice Benefits All

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2016

Private school choice programs benefit students, public schools, and taxpayers, according to new report from EdChoice. The report, the fourth edition of A Win-Win Solution: The Empirical Evidence on…


Read More: Education Choice Benefits All


Saving for a Rainy Day — But Whose Money?

  • James Paul
  • July 25, 2016

Let’s talk for a moment about rainy days—specifically, the need to save funds to spend on one. Several school board administrators and lobbyists have taken issue with CF’s searchable,…


Read More: Saving for a Rainy Day — But Whose Money?