Education is the first stepping-stone on the path to success, but Pennsylvania students face severe inequality among public school districts. Thousands who can’t afford private school are trapped in failing schools or situations that aren’t the right fit. The solution to this crisis is school choice. By offering families options outside their zip code-assigned district schools, students are better able to find their path to success. Charter schools, tax credit scholarships, education savings accounts (ESAs), homeschooling, and other types of education choice must become a priority in Pennsylvania.


Report: PA School Spending Not Linked to Performance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2010

A new study from the 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education (STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) finds little relationship between education spending and performance. Specifically, the…


Read More: Report: PA School Spending Not Linked to Performance


2010 SAT Scores by State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 16, 2010

EDITORS NOTE: Click here for the 2014 SAT Scores by state The College Board has released the results of the 2010 SAT. We prepared a chart of SAT performance…


Read More: 2010 SAT Scores by State


School Choice Saves Education in New Orleans

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 14, 2010

Just over five years ago, New Orleans was devastated by Katrina, but the city’s education system was in shambles long before the storm. Today, New Orleans has witnessed a…


Read More: School Choice Saves Education in New Orleans


New Report Card on American Education

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 3, 2010

ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, today released their latest Report Card on American Education. The annual report looks at both student performance and inputs into the education system, evaluating…


Read More: New Report Card on American Education


Gov. Rendell’s Gamesmanship

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2010

While table games have been in Pennsylvania casinos for more than a month, I don't know if Gov. Rendell has tried his luck. But it would be a safe wager…


Read More: Gov. Rendell’s Gamesmanship


Teachers and their Unions, Part II

  • August 26, 2010

This is another look raising legitimate questions as to how, or even if, teacher unions can reasonably be said to recommend their members which, of course, they maintain they do. …


Read More: Teachers and their Unions, Part II


Teachers and Their Unions

  • August 19, 2010

Teacher unions like to say they represent their members and look out for their best interests, including protecting their rights to speak out without reprisal.  Teachers  are by the nature…


Read More: Teachers and Their Unions


Who Got PSEA Money?

  • August 18, 2010

The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) remains one of the most powerful special interest groups in Harrisburg, whether it be fighting school choice and merit pay for teachers,…


Read More: Who Got PSEA Money?


Administrative Costs Keep Tuition High

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 17, 2010

The Goldwater Institute puts higher education on the spot in a new study entitled: Administrative Bloat at American Universities, authored by Jay Greene. The study finds university administration costs…


Read More: Administrative Costs Keep Tuition High


Seven PA Universities Have High Racial Graduation Gaps

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 16, 2010

Several universities in Pennsylvania have a large gap between white and black graduation rates, according to a recent report from Education Trust. Shippensburg University, with a 30.3% difference…


Read More: Seven PA Universities Have High Racial Graduation Gaps


Onorato Endorses School Choice Proposal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2010

On Tuesday, we released a commentary noting that both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania – Tom Corbett (R) and Dan Onorato (D) – were advocates…


Read More: Onorato Endorses School Choice Proposal


A School Choice Governor?

  • August 10, 2010

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett recently made headlines by announcing his support for full-fledged school choice in Pennsylvania. Democrat Dan Onorato has also expressed support for school choice, particularly the…


Read More: A School Choice Governor?


Are Taxpayers Subsidizing Learning or Partying?

  • August 9, 2010

The good news: Penn State is no longer the #1 party school in the US, according to the Princeton Review’s (user account) annual student-produced rankings. It has fallen…


Read More: Are Taxpayers Subsidizing Learning or Partying?


AP Distorts Pennsylvania Education Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 9, 2010

In an article about potential cuts to state appropriations to school districts – which represent cuts to the approved budget, not to last year’s spending, and would be more…


Read More: AP Distorts Pennsylvania Education Spending


Rendell’s Made-Up Government Workers Layoffs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 5, 2010

Here is a letter to the editor I recently submitted on Gov. Rendell’s threats of layoffs if Congress doesn’t give him FMAP Money: Gov. Rendell has been busy lobbying…


Read More: Rendell’s Made-Up Government Workers Layoffs


Philly Superintendent’s $65K Bonus Criteria Released

  • August 3, 2010

Welcome to part two on Philadelphia school Superintendent Arlene Ackerman’s bonus. (If you missed “Unethical Philly Superintendent Leeching Taxpayers Dry,” click here.) The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that, though…


Read More: Philly Superintendent’s $65K Bonus Criteria Released


Pay Kindergarten Teachers Like Baseball Players?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 2, 2010

The New York Times reports on some research – HT to Greg Mankiw – on the value of kindergarten improvement, and teachers, on earnings later in life. However,…


Read More: Pay Kindergarten Teachers Like Baseball Players?


More on Government Jobs in Recession

  • July 29, 2010

The Rockefeller Institute of Government recently analyzed a Bureau of Labor Statistics report on jobs at this point in the recession. The report finds that with 9.2% unemployment,…


Read More: More on Government Jobs in Recession


Do Conservatives Support National Education Standards?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 26, 2010

The Fordham Institute, long advocates of national education standards, are celebrating the adoption of the Common Core Curriculum, calling it “national standards conservatives can love”. The basis for this…


Read More: Do Conservatives Support National Education Standards?


Cyber School Rewarded for Its Effectiveness

  • July 23, 2010

Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has renewed the charter for the state’s first cyber charter school to offer all grades K-12. CEO Dr. Nick Trombetta acknowledged this accomplishment:…


Read More: Cyber School Rewarded for Its Effectiveness