Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Taxes & Economy

Natural Gas & Forced Pooling

  • July 21, 2010

The soon-to-be unbalanced FY 2010-11 state budget, included language that a severance tax on natural gas would be passed in Pennsylvania by October 1. Many drillers would support a…


Read More: Natural Gas & Forced Pooling

Taxes & Economy

Reforms for PA’s UC Fund include CF Proposals

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 21, 2010

State Representative Scott Perry has proposed new legislation to reform PA’s bankrupt unemployment compensation (UC) fund. A few of his suggested reforms are…


Read More: Reforms for PA’s UC Fund include CF Proposals


Your Liquor Dollars at Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2010

The Post Gazette highlights the continued efforts of the liquor control board to be a better business. This includes the ridiculous: The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is…


Read More: Your Liquor Dollars at Work


PA’s Largest Employers Then and Now

  • July 20, 2010

The Center for Workforce Information & Analysis provides a list of Pennsylvania’s top 50 employers in ranked order. In 1967, Pennsylvania’s top five largest employers were: U.S. Steel Corporation…


Read More: PA’s Largest Employers Then and Now

Taxes & Economy

Win PennFuture Junk!

  • July 16, 2010

Over on the home page Commonwealth Foundation has responded to PennFuture’s allegations of “serious errors” in our report, “PennFuture’s Lobbying: Hypocritical, Unethical and Possibly Illegal.”…


Read More: Win PennFuture Junk!

Taxes & Economy

CF Responds to PennFuture Demands

  • July 16, 2010

A July 14, 2010 letter from PennFuture’s attorney claimed the Commonwealth Foundation’s Policy Brief, “PennFuture’s Lobbying: Hypocritical, unethical, and possibly illegal,” contained three inaccuracies and demanded…

Press Release

Read More: CF Responds to PennFuture Demands

Taxes & Economy

New Drilling Study Highlights Regulation Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 16, 2010

Recently, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council released a study on Marcellus Shale drilling focusing on what Pennsylvania needs to do to ensure responsible development of this newly tapped resources. As…


Read More: New Drilling Study Highlights Regulation Reform

Taxes & Economy

Anti-Drilling Groups Pressure Penn State

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 16, 2010

Opponents of natural gas drilling are attacking the integrity of a Penn State study on the economic effects the Marcellus Shale development, which was funded by the industry. Complaints center…


Read More: Anti-Drilling Groups Pressure Penn State

State Budget

Are There WAMs in the PA Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2010

A reader called our office today, following a conversation with his local lawmakers, who denied there were any WAMs in the budget, and claimed there had not been in many…


Read More: Are There WAMs in the PA Budget?

Taxes & Economy

EOG Resources Mans Up After Drilling Accident

  • July 15, 2010

On Tuesday, DEP released the results of an investigation into the June 3 Clearfield County gas well incident. The well, as you might recall, shot gas and flow-back water…


Read More: EOG Resources Mans Up After Drilling Accident

Taxes & Economy

Penn State and PennFuture: Two Peas in a Pod

  • July 14, 2010

While PennFuture’s Jan Jarrett whines about alleged Commonwealth Foundation smears of themselves and of Climategate scientist Michael Mann, The Atlantic‘s Clive Crook — a…


Read More: Penn State and PennFuture: Two Peas in a Pod

Taxes & Economy

Combined Reporting Has Consequences

  • July 14, 2010

Lancaster Online recently produced a number of articles concerning Mandatory Unitary Combined Reporting, one of many tax revenue increases offered by Governor Rendell. Combined Reporting did not make it…


Read More: Combined Reporting Has Consequences

State Budget

Voters Blame Politicians’ Overspending for Budget Woes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 14, 2010

Reason highlights a new Rasmussen Poll on state budget crises. A whopping 75% of voters blame current budget crises on politicians’ unwillingness to cut spending. Only 13% think…


Read More: Voters Blame Politicians’ Overspending for Budget Woes


Pension Reform Is Good for Teachers

  • July 13, 2010

Recently, the New York Daily News published an article by public school teacher Emmanuel George. He has taught in both traditional public schools and in a charter school.


Read More: Pension Reform Is Good for Teachers

Government Accountability

BP-Funded PennFuture Attacks the Messenger

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2010

PennFuture’s Jan Jarrett launches a tirade against the Commonwealth Foundation’s exposé of PennFuture’s lobbying. For starters, she repeatedly labels it a “smear campaign” (and even includes…


Read More: BP-Funded PennFuture Attacks the Messenger

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania’s Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying Failure

  • July 13, 2010

From 1998-2002, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania spent no money on lobbying the federal government (although independent agencies – the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and the Higher Education Assistance Agency –…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying Failure


Pet Projects Lap Up Funds

  • July 13, 2010

State Legislators awarding funds to pet projects flies in the faces of Pennsylvanians who want their state to eliminate a deficit before tapping revenue for pet projects. Capitolwire (subscription)…


Read More: Pet Projects Lap Up Funds


The Real Problem with the Specter Library

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2010

As part of the state budget deal, Gov. Rendell secured $600 million in new borrowing for pork-barrel projects, including $10 million for the "Arlen Specter Library" at Philadelphia University and…


Read More: The Real Problem with the Specter Library


Is. Rep. Turzai a Drug Pusher?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 12, 2010

In another over-the-top criticism of liquor store privatization, Don Wert of Pennsylvanians Concerned about Alcohol Problems attacked Rep. Mike Turzai’s proposal to license private stores to sell wine and…


Read More: Is. Rep. Turzai a Drug Pusher?