Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Government Accountability

Tort Reform Opponents: “Let Us Eat Cake”

  • June 16, 2010

This month the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) released its U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report chronicling the critical condition of tort, one facet of America’s law system. Pennsylvania shuffles…


Read More: Tort Reform Opponents: “Let Us Eat Cake”


Rendell’s $52 Billion Pension “Reform”

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • June 15, 2010

Gov. Rendell and the Democrat-controlled House are trying to redefine pension "reform" by further deferring the scheduled taxpayers' contributions to the state's largest government pension plans - the Public School…


Read More: Rendell’s $52 Billion Pension “Reform”

Government Accountability

Why Every Teacher Should Stop Paying PSEA Dues

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2010

A couple of stories about Pennsylvania’s pension crisis reveal some crazy talk (HT Grassroots PA). First, in an article covering some proposed reforms, Gov. Rendell claims gambling will…


Read More: Why Every Teacher Should Stop Paying PSEA Dues

Taxes & Economy

Hey, PennFuture: Return Your BP Money

  • June 15, 2010

In today’s Washington Times, the husband-and-wife team of David and Amy Ridenour at the National Center for Public Policy Research make the case that nonprofit organizations and…


Read More: Hey, PennFuture: Return Your BP Money


Are Pennsylvania Taxes “Money Well Spent?”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2010

Gov. Rendell proposes balancing the state budget with a combination of new and higher taxes, another federal bailout, and additional state borrowing.  When confronted by opposition to additional taxes on…


Read More: Are Pennsylvania Taxes “Money Well Spent?”

Taxes & Economy

Economics is Funky

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 14, 2010

In discussing a natural gas severance tax, Patriot News reporter-columnist Laura Vescey makes fun of the fundamental economic principle that companies…


Read More: Economics is Funky

Taxes & Economy

PA Senators Effectively Support Job-Killing Cap & Trade

  • June 14, 2010

Last week, the United States Senate voted on legislation that would have stopped the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, 53 Senators, including Pennsylvania’s Casey and Specter, voted…


Read More: PA Senators Effectively Support Job-Killing Cap & Trade

Government Accountability

Budget Ideas for PA from Other States

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 14, 2010

The April 2010 edition of the Inside ALEC newsletter has a number of ideas Pennsylvania lawmakers should look at to balance the state budget, and for long-term fiscal reform.


Read More: Budget Ideas for PA from Other States


Babies Buying Beer?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2010

Those who profit from Pennsylvania’s current liquor distribution monopoly have an ongoing campaign to stop liquor store privatization. One ad shows a man at a gas pump looking at cases…


Read More: Babies Buying Beer?

State Budget

Severance Tax Wish List

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 11, 2010

Legislators are justifying the enactment of a natural gas severance tax by claiming the revenue will go towards environmental impacts. In reality, the environment is just one of a host…


Read More: Severance Tax Wish List


Green Jobs and the Broken Window Fallacy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2010

On behalf of the Commonwealth Foundation, an independent, nonpartisan public policy research and educational institute based in Harrisburg, we would like to thank Chairman Saylor and the members of the…


Read More: Green Jobs and the Broken Window Fallacy

Public Union Democracy

Are Government Workers Underpaid?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2010

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a new report showing state and local government workers earn far more than their private sector counterparts. The Wall Street Journal…


Read More: Are Government Workers Underpaid?


Ethics of Tobacco Advisory Committee Goes Up in Smoke

  • June 10, 2010

Several groups have requested investigation of, or filed ethics complaints against, members of the FDA’s new Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC). Identified in March 2010, the TPSAC’s…


Read More: Ethics of Tobacco Advisory Committee Goes Up in Smoke

State Budget

National Groups Weigh in on Pennsylvania Tax Hike

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2010

The National Taxpayers Union send a recent letter to Pennsylvania lawmakers on proposed tax hikes to balance the PA state budget.  John Stephenson, NTU…


Read More: National Groups Weigh in on Pennsylvania Tax Hike


Tobacco Tax Fact Check (Part Two)

  • June 10, 2010

This is the second half of a two part blog, fact checking tmyths about tobacco taxes.  This blog focuses on what the some call a good tax model –…


Read More: Tobacco Tax Fact Check (Part Two)

State Budget

Lay Off the Private Sector with Public Sector Layoffs

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • June 10, 2010

Gov. Rendell is threatening once again to lay off state government employees if the General Assembly refuses to go along with his spend-more, tax-more budget proposals. But should the public…


Read More: Lay Off the Private Sector with Public Sector Layoffs


Why Taxing Natural Gas Won’t Solve PA Budget Woes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2010

Here is a letter I sent in to the Scranton Times Tribune (a slightly edited version was printed today) on the proposed natural gas severance tax and the Pennsylvania…


Read More: Why Taxing Natural Gas Won’t Solve PA Budget Woes


The $52 Billion Pension Deferral Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2010

Legislation that would implement Gov. Rendell’s deferral of payment on state pension obligations is under debate in Pennsylvania House. HB 2497 would limit the annual increased in the…


Read More: The $52 Billion Pension Deferral Plan

Taxes & Economy

Leaky Reporting by the Post-Gazette

  • June 8, 2010

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week cast an uncritical eye — in fact, you could call it cheerleading — upon a project touted as part of Allegheny County’s…


Read More: Leaky Reporting by the Post-Gazette

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Natural Gas Boom

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 8, 2010

The Marcellus Shale formation is believed to be the largest unconventional natural gas reservoir in America, and its exploration has been coined a modern-day gold rush. More than a mile…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Natural Gas Boom

Taxes & Economy

The Overton Window

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2010

The Overton Window – the title of Glenn Beck’s new book, a work of fiction which borrows from the idea- is a concept that help drives the work of…


Read More: The Overton Window