Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Taxes & Economy

Government Spending Doesn’t Stimulate Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2010

Brian Riedl of the Heritage Foundation has a good Backgrounder on why government spending is no economic stimulus, including answering some of the points that neo-Keynesians make. (Click…


Read More: Government Spending Doesn’t Stimulate Economic Growth

Taxes & Economy

Rendell on HB 80: Now it’s war!

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 14, 2010

Yesterday, Governor Rendell had some harsh albeit entertaining words for opponents of HB 80, which would increase the state’s mandated alternative energy requirements. According to Rendell “Powerful special interests…


Read More: Rendell on HB 80: Now it’s war!

State Budget

What is Rendell Cutting in Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2010

In his mid-year budget address, Governor Rendell outlined a plan to cut spending by $170 million in the Pennsylvania state budget.  This week, he identified $161 specific cuts (see…


Read More: What is Rendell Cutting in Pennsylvania Budget?


Tax Breaks for Select Few Companies Not Creating Jobs

  • January 13, 2010

A study by Good Jobs First indicates that Pennsylvania’s tax incentives for high-tech companies has not been able to attract investment from other states. A net 43 high-tech companies…


Read More: Tax Breaks for Select Few Companies Not Creating Jobs

Government Accountability

Onorato’s Economic Plan: Some Good Ideas, Some Bad Ideas

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2010

Pennsylvania Governor Candidate Dan Onorato outlined his economic development proposals yesterday. He has some good ideas in there, but a lot of the…


Read More: Onorato’s Economic Plan: Some Good Ideas, Some Bad Ideas


Paper or Plastic?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 12, 2010

This morning I came across a ridiculous piece of legislation. Rep. McGeehan has proposed HB 2200, which would ban paper and plastic bags in grocery stores. Forget subtle…


Read More: Paper or Plastic?


Climategate & Penn State

  • January 12, 2010

Just days after news broke about what has been dubbed "Climategate," Penn State University (PSU) announced that it would investigate the conduct of Michael Mann, a professor in PSU's Department…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Climategate & Penn State

Taxes & Economy

Government Spending on Transportation Not Creating Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 11, 2010

The AP has a new story out today on how “stimulus” road spending has had little effect on unemployment. Spend a lot or spend nothing at all, it…


Read More: Government Spending on Transportation Not Creating Jobs


Pennsylvania’s Gold Rush

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 6, 2010

In economically depressed Northeast Pennsylvania shale drilling has reinvigorated local economies creating thousands of jobs (29,000) last year. Yesterday, Fox News featured the region and the Marcellus Shale “gold rush”.


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Gold Rush

Taxes & Economy

Still Movin’ Out

  • January 6, 2010

The Billy Joel song Movin’ Out sounds more eerie and more depressing every year that Pennsylvania continues to lose people. Allied Van Lines has released its 42nd Annual Magnet…


Read More: Still Movin’ Out

State Budget

Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: January 2010

  • January 5, 2010

Six months through the 2009-10 fiscal year, state revenues are $254 million below budget expenditures, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Tax collections have been below estimate in…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: January 2010


Citizen’s Guide to Electric Choice & Competition

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 5, 2010

In the late 1990s, Pennsylvania's electricity rates were 15% above the national average, despite the abundance of low-cost coal generation in the Commonwealth. At that time, electricity was sold by…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Citizen’s Guide to Electric Choice & Competition


Deal on Pennsylvania Table Games Appears Done

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 5, 2010

After Gov. Rendell threatened to lay off 1,000 state workers if he didn’t sign legislation to establish table games (and the licensing fee and tax) at Pennsylvania casinos by…


Read More: Deal on Pennsylvania Table Games Appears Done

Taxes & Economy

Financial Crisis: What Went Wrong

  • January 5, 2010

In December, Big Think, an online global forum released its series ‘What Went Wrong’, an eight week web-based series examining the causes of the financial crisis. This series brings…


Read More: Financial Crisis: What Went Wrong

State Budget

The Stimulus and State Budgets

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 4, 2010

The Wall Street Journal had a recent editorial on the impact of the stimulus on state budgets – noting that while the legislation create a one-time bailout to states,…


Read More: The Stimulus and State Budgets

Taxes & Economy

Climategate Investigator Seeks Whistleblowers at Penn State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 4, 2010

An investigator into the “climategate” controversy has emailed all of Penn State professor Michael Mann’s colleagues, highlighting the reward for those who blow the whistle on misuse of federal…


Read More: Climategate Investigator Seeks Whistleblowers at Penn State

Government Accountability

Capitol Cafeteria Another Rendell Sweetheart Contract

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 31, 2009

While some have pointed to the rodent-poo filled cafeteria at the Pennsylvania state capitol as a failure of the free market (as a private firm…


Read More: Capitol Cafeteria Another Rendell Sweetheart Contract

Taxes & Economy

The Success of Electricity Deregulation in Texas

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 30, 2009

Here are some recent numbers, from our friends at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, illustrating the success of electricity deregulation. Since 2007 Texas’ electricity market has been fully deregulated…


Read More: The Success of Electricity Deregulation in Texas

Health Care

Cynics on Why to Support the Health Care Bill

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 30, 2009

Quiet Declarations has a good blog post on why to support the Senate health care bill, basically outlining three rationales. One, if you want to pass any bill to…


Read More: Cynics on Why to Support the Health Care Bill