Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Taxes & Economy

Is the Stimulus Working?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2009

Over at Cato, Chris Edwards asks Is the Stimulus Working?, taking a look at the components of GDP. As Edwards notes, “Government expansions usually cause private sector contractions” and…


Read More: Is the Stimulus Working?

Health Care

Government Managed Health Care isn’t the “Reform” We Need

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2009

The Independence Institute has another great video on the problems when government makes health care decisions – this time use Oregon as an example, and how they prioritize Medicaid…


Read More: Government Managed Health Care isn’t the “Reform” We Need


Philadelphia Pension “Reform” is Generational Theft

  • August 12, 2009

CF testifies to PA Senate on HB 1828  HARRISBURG, PA — Commonwealth Foundation senior fellow Rick Dreyfuss testified today before the Pennsylvania Senate Finance Committee that changes in the…

Press Release

Read More: Philadelphia Pension “Reform” is Generational Theft

Health Care

Lebanon Health Care Town Hall Anything but Un-American

  • August 11, 2009

I attended the Patient’s First rally in conjunction to with Arlen Specter’s today’s town hall rally at Harrisburg Area Community College in Lebanon today.  The vast majority of the crowd  (inside…


Read More: Lebanon Health Care Town Hall Anything but Un-American

State Budget

How Do Pennsylvania Taxes Stack Up?

  • August 11, 2009

Since 1990, Pennsylvania has gone from 24th in state and local tax burden to 11th.  Yet Gov. Rendell has proposed another round of tax hikes—including raising the state…

Fact Sheet

Read More: How Do Pennsylvania Taxes Stack Up?

State Budget

Putting Rendell’s Layoffs in Perspective

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 11, 2009

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell announced layoffs for 255 state workers at a press conference, and said more might be coming if lawmakers don’t pass a budget to Rendell’s liking. But…


Read More: Putting Rendell’s Layoffs in Perspective

Health Care

Effect of ObamaCare on Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 11, 2009

The Heritage Foundation has a new analysis from the Lewin Group on the impact in Pennsylvania on private health care coverage, the uninsured, and physicians and hospitals of the…


Read More: Effect of ObamaCare on Pennsylvania

Health Care

Rendell Declares Autism Mandate a Failure

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2009

In 2008, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed, and Gov. Rendell signed, a new mandate that private insurers would have to cover autism services. At the time, we said the new…


Read More: Rendell Declares Autism Mandate a Failure

State Budget

Cash for Clunkers Falls Prey to Laws of Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2009

Congress’s  ill-named “cash for clunkers” program has, like so many programs before it, failed to defy the laws of economics. As typically happens when government subsidizes something – the…


Read More: Cash for Clunkers Falls Prey to Laws of Economics

Health Care

Join the “Mob”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2009

You might find it interesting that the special interests who denounce individuals voicing opposition to ObamaCare as “astroturf,” a “mob,” and part of a vast right-wing conspiracy (and occasionally…


Read More: Join the “Mob”

Government Accountability

Dwight Evan’s Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2009

The Philadelphia Inquirer exposes another nonprofit with ties to a state lawmaker – this time House Democrat Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans – whose use of tax dollars seems sketchy…


Read More: Dwight Evan’s Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

Health Care

Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2009

President Obama, Dick Durbin, the unions, and shills at MSNBC have taken to calling protesters who disagree with their health care agenda as shills for corporate interests or “the…


Read More: Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform


Philadelphia Needs Neither Higher Taxes nor Generational Theft

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2009

The Pennsylvania House yesterday passed a bill that would allow Philadelphia to raise its sales tax another percentage point and to defer it pension payments for city employees further…


Read More: Philadelphia Needs Neither Higher Taxes nor Generational Theft

Health Care

Is Dissent Still the Highest Form of Patriotism?

  • August 5, 2009

It seems that the President is very upset that people are actually questioning his health care plan. So much so that the White House wants to be informed…


Read More: Is Dissent Still the Highest Form of Patriotism?

Taxes & Economy

Make Drill Here, Drill Now a Reality

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 5, 2009

Remember Drill Here Drill Now campaign? It’s one approval away from becoming a reality. As of October 1, 2008 no moratoriums exist on offshore oil and gas development, however,…


Read More: Make Drill Here, Drill Now a Reality

State Budget

Ed Rendell Demands More Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 5, 2009

At a press conference yesterday, Gov. Rendell says he will “compromise” on the budget – so long as he gets $1.6 billion in new revenue.  That he, he needs…


Read More: Ed Rendell Demands More Taxes

Health Care

Universal Healthcare Will Render Us Poorer

  • August 4, 2009

The democrat health-care system is a systematic move toward a single payer universal health-care system. President Barack Obama has contended that the private system will continue to exist, but…


Read More: Universal Healthcare Will Render Us Poorer

State Budget

State of Pennsylvania has 5,000 Vacant Positions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

In response to a recent question posed us – about how many actual workers vs. unfilled positions Gov. Rendell would have to eliminate when he talks about cutting state…


Read More: State of Pennsylvania has 5,000 Vacant Positions