Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

State Budget

What Do July Revenue Collections Mean?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released the July 2009 revenue collections yesterday.  The state collected $1.65 billion in General Fund revenue in July. Normally, this report would include how…


Read More: What Do July Revenue Collections Mean?

State Budget

States Have Only Themselves to Blame for Fiscal Mess

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2009

Steve Chapman writes on Reason.com that there’s nothing surprising about the crises in state budgets though it apparently caught many governors and legislators by surprise. States dramatically increased spending…


Read More: States Have Only Themselves to Blame for Fiscal Mess

State Budget

What the #$#! is Going on with Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

If you are following any of the proceedings on the Pennsylvania budget – such as #pabudget on Twitter – you will find a lot has changed with nothing really…


Read More: What the #$#! is Going on with Pennsylvania Budget?

Health Care

The Two Big Lies of Health Care “Reform”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

Here are a couple of good readings on health care policy: The Hoover Institution has a “second opinion” with ten reasons why health care in the U.S. is…


Read More: The Two Big Lies of Health Care “Reform”

Taxes & Economy

Where Were These Guys a Few Months Ago?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2009

At a recent town-hall meeting, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said he had to ‘hold my nose’ over bailouts. I wish he had expressed some of those misgivings when…


Read More: Where Were These Guys a Few Months Ago?

Taxes & Economy

Energy Conservation Myth is a Vicious Cycle

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 3, 2009

Studies from the McKinsey group and National Research Council released this week claim that we can substantially reduce the country’s energy usage (15-32% by 2020) by replacing inefficient appliances…


Read More: Energy Conservation Myth is a Vicious Cycle


Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA study won’t tell you

  • July 31, 2009

The Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee contracted with Economics Research Associates (ERA)1 to analyze Pennsylvania’s Film Tax Credit (FTC).  In general, the ERA report, “Pennsylvania’s Film Production Tax Credit…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA study won’t tell you

Health Care

Reasons ObamaCare Is Wrong for America

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2009

The Heritage Foundation has, on their new health care website, the Top 10 Reasons Obamacare Is Wrong for America, starting with the fact that individuals would lose their current…


Read More: Reasons ObamaCare Is Wrong for America

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Pulls the Shade on Sunshine

  • July 31, 2009

Commonwealth Foundation president and CEO Matthew J. Brouillette issued the following statement today in response to closed-door budget negotiations between Gov. Rendell and selected legislative leaders: “A mere…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Pulls the Shade on Sunshine

Taxes & Economy

Federal Spending by the Numbers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 31, 2009

The Heritage Foundation has a new report on federal spending. The short document includes lots of good tables and charts showing the effects of Bush-Obama spending increases.


Read More: Federal Spending by the Numbers


Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps

  • July 30, 2009

With electricity rate caps expiring, state lawmakers are concerned that Pennsylvanians will see steep increases in their utility bills. What will happen as the electricity deregulation, which is more accurately…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps


Rendell, Harley Davidson, and Lando

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 30, 2009

In Empire Strikes Back, Lando Calrissian tells his old friend Han Solo that “I’ve just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever” before leading…


Read More: Rendell, Harley Davidson, and Lando

Government Accountability

Victory for Transparency in State Government

  • July 29, 2009

HARRISBURG, PA — Commonwealth Foundation president and CEO Matt Brouillette issued the following statement today in response to the General Assembly’s decision to make Conference Committee meetings on the state…

Press Release

Read More: Victory for Transparency in State Government

State Budget

PA Senate Democrats Still Playing Games

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 29, 2009

Yesterday, the Senate rejected a bill to fund the University of Pittsburgh by a 30-20 vote.  (It was actually 30 ‘yes’ votes, but the bill needed 2/3 majority to pass. …


Read More: PA Senate Democrats Still Playing Games

State Budget

Post-Gazette’s Nonsense on Pennsylvania Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2009

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette editorial board cribs Gov. Rendell’s talking points on the state budget, and pastes it into an editorial.  They state that lawmakers should not “balance…


Read More: Post-Gazette’s Nonsense on Pennsylvania Budget


Who’s For the Children?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 27, 2009

In the television comedy The Office, dim-witted boss Michael Scott remarks that he likes giving presents because they are “like this tangible thing that you can point to and say…


Read More: Who’s For the Children?

Taxes & Economy

Do Voters Want Higher Taxes?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 27, 2009

On his blog with the Times Herald, state Senator Daylin Leach makes a couple of absurd claims. First he suggests that residents are more concerned about potholes than high…


Read More: Do Voters Want Higher Taxes?

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Gets Another Poor Grade for Business Climate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 27, 2009

CNBC has compiled a ranking of “America’s Best States for Business.” Pennsylvania ranks 33rd overall on their index, and gets very poor marks on categories “Cost of Business”, “Workforce”,…


Read More: Pennsylvania Gets Another Poor Grade for Business Climate