Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Health Care

Obama Surtax Effects in Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 25, 2009

The Heritage Foundation has the breakdown of how many Pennsylvania residents and small businesses would be effected by the “surtax” to pay for nationalize health care (HT to…


Read More: Obama Surtax Effects in Pennsylvania

State Budget

Pennsylvania Budget Proposals Compared

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 24, 2009

Here are some resources for comparing the various Pennsylvania state budget proposals. Pennsylvania House Democrats Budget, By the Numbers PA House GOP Budget by the Numbers PA…


Read More: Pennsylvania Budget Proposals Compared

Health Care

Coalition of Groups Against Government-Run Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 24, 2009

The Commonwealth Foundation has joined a coalition of national organizations in sendinga letter to members of Congress opposing government-run health insurance, individual or employer mandates, and government rationing of…


Read More: Coalition of Groups Against Government-Run Health Care

Health Care

ObamaCare vs. Free Market Solutions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 24, 2009

The Heritage Foundation has a new analysis of the US House Democrats’ health care bill, showing that over 80 million people would lose their private insurance, and costs for…


Read More: ObamaCare vs. Free Market Solutions

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania, A Sinner In The Tort Liability Index

  • July 23, 2009

The Pacific Research Institute’s study of Tort Reform among states examines 25 reforms adopted by states in an effort to control tort law suit losses and tort insurance programs. According…


Read More: Pennsylvania, A Sinner In The Tort Liability Index

Taxes & Economy

Why Pennsylvania Should Not Build High-Speed Rail

  • July 23, 2009

Last week, Gov. Rendell  submitted an application to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a share of the $8 billion of stimulus money Congress allocated for high-speed rail. This raises…


Read More: Why Pennsylvania Should Not Build High-Speed Rail

State Budget

Is Rendell Violating the Federal Minimum Wage Act?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 23, 2009

Here’s a note from a state worker that asks us an interesting question: Is Rendell violating the federal Minimum Wage Act (which goes up again this week)…


Read More: Is Rendell Violating the Federal Minimum Wage Act?

State Budget

How Much Did Pennsylvania Spend Last Year?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 23, 2009

Here is a simple question: Given we have closed the books on last year’s state budget for three weeks, how much did  Pennsylvania spend last year?  Unfortunately, the answer isn’t…


Read More: How Much Did Pennsylvania Spend Last Year?

Taxes & Economy

Minimum wage up again

  • July 22, 2009

On Friday, Pennsylvania’s minimum wage will increase ten cents, to $7.25 an hour. During already troubling economic times, the increase in minimum wage will hurt business, and will not…


Read More: Minimum wage up again


Gaming Board Cashing Out

  • July 22, 2009

It is common knowledge that the Gaming Control Board, and its employees, receive generous paychecks, fatter than they deserve relative to the prevailing market for comparable work and skills.


Read More: Gaming Board Cashing Out

State Budget

Your $28 Million Dollar Pork Dinner

  • July 21, 2009

With growing criticism of the effectiveness of President Obama $787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan mounting, several recent purchases by the Department of Agriculture have American taxpayers in a…


Read More: Your $28 Million Dollar Pork Dinner

State Budget

Who’s Telling Half-Truths on Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 21, 2009

Chuck Ardo, the Governor’s spokesman, became incensed (as reported by John Micek) when Sen. Piccola made a strong comment against the governor. During last night’s Senate debate on a…


Read More: Who’s Telling Half-Truths on Pennsylvania Budget?

State Budget

Best Budget Practices For Legislators

  • July 21, 2009

Scott Pattison, the executive director of National Association of Budget Officers, in an interview with the Mercatus Center brought to light the most important question he feels legislators…


Read More: Best Budget Practices For Legislators

State Budget

Tax Foundation Podcast: Pennsylvania Budget Battle

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

Matt Brouillette is interviewed in the latest Tax Policy Podcast from the Tax Foundation, giving an update of the Pennsylvania Budget Battle.


Read More: Tax Foundation Podcast: Pennsylvania Budget Battle

State Budget

“Blue Dog” Democrats Still Against Pennsylvania Tax Increase

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

State Rep. John Pallone, one of Pennsylvania’s “Blue Dog” Democrats, has penned a statewide letter to the editor noting that he, along with about 20 other unnamed House Democrats, should…


Read More: “Blue Dog” Democrats Still Against Pennsylvania Tax Increase


The Faulty Premise of the Budget Impasse

  • Matthew Brouillette, Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

Governor Rendell wants the taxpayers to spend more on public schools.  So do Republicans in the General Assembly—nearly 12 percent more.  Yet education funding remains a major obstacle in the…


Read More: The Faulty Premise of the Budget Impasse

Health Care

Why We Must Ration Health Care

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2009

In a New York Times piece, a bioethics professor defends rationing in health care, stating we have to do it.  He uses a number of examples in which the…


Read More: Why We Must Ration Health Care

Health Care

ObamaCare will Raise Costs and Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 19, 2009

The Director of the Congressional Budget Office warned that the “public option” and other items in Congressional Democrats’ health care proposals would cause health care costs to increase, not…


Read More: ObamaCare will Raise Costs and Taxes

Taxes & Economy

Obama Reverses On Stimulus Promises

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 18, 2009

The GOP has a pretty hard hitting video on Obama’s stimulus promises.  First it shows Obama’s promises that the stimulus would have an “immediate impact” on creating jobs.  Then…


Read More: Obama Reverses On Stimulus Promises