Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Health Care

Is Health Care a ‘Right’?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Many advocates of a single-payer, government run health care system use the argument that “health care is a right.” But as John Graham points out on State House Call,…


Read More: Is Health Care a ‘Right’?

Taxes & Economy

Thousands Attend Pittsburgh Tea Party

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 11, 2009

The Tribune Review reports that several thousand protesters showed up to the Pittsburgh Tea Party held today (HT GrassrootsPA). Instapundit has more, including a picture…


Read More: Thousands Attend Pittsburgh Tea Party


Pennsylvania Pie Fight

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 10, 2009

Wall Street Journal picks up on the fight over government regulation of homemade pies at church bake sales in Pennsylvania. My favorite part of the story is this:…


Read More: Pennsylvania Pie Fight

Taxes & Economy

Which Tax Cuts Have Stimulated the Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

“‘We tried that, and it didn’t work,’ Obama and his partisans sneer in response to arguments that tax cuts are the key to restoring economic growth.”  But as Peter…


Read More: Which Tax Cuts Have Stimulated the Economy?

Taxes & Economy

Video: Understanding The Financial Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

Great (and frightening) video from Stop Spending Our Future on the costs of “fixing” the financial crisis.


Read More: Video: Understanding The Financial Crisis

Taxes & Economy

Philadelphia Tries to Stop Tea Party

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

UPDATE: Victory ‘Thanks for everyone’s help in putting pressure on the city of Philadelphia! The problem has been resolved. They tea party is only required to pay for…


Read More: Philadelphia Tries to Stop Tea Party

Taxes & Economy

Big Business Still Loves Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2009

HT to Joe Collins for pointing me to Timothy Carney’s article in the Washington Examiner. Despite the oft-repeated rhetoric that free market advocates are the puppets of big…


Read More: Big Business Still Loves Big Government

Taxes & Economy

The Sunspot Recession Crisis

  • April 7, 2009

According to NASA, we are in the midst of the greatest sunspot recession since 1913. Analysts believed the sunspot recession had hit bottom in 2008, but activity has continued…


Read More: The Sunspot Recession Crisis


Electricity Deregulation: A Successful Transition

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 7, 2009

Most Pennsylvania residents will soon see significant increases in their electricity bills. Many state lawmakers are concerned about the political backlash they will receive as a result. But it is…


Read More: Electricity Deregulation: A Successful Transition

Taxes & Economy

Citizens Protest Taxes with Tea Parties

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 7, 2009

The Pittsburgh Tribune review has a story on Tea Parties going on in Pennsylvania, and specifically in Pittsburgh, which has upcoming events with Alan Keyes and Glen Meakem speaking.  …


Read More: Citizens Protest Taxes with Tea Parties

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Deficit Watch | April 2009

  • April 3, 2009

Update on Pennsylvania’s Revenue Shortfall from the Commonwealth Foundation The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released the March revenue collections showing state General Fund revenues are $1.61 billion short…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch | April 2009

Taxes & Economy

Please No More Taxes Video Contest Deadline Extended

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 3, 2009

The deadline for the Please No More Taxes Video Contest has been extended to June 1st! Are you tired of paying high taxes? Enter the Commonwealth Foundation’s “Please…


Read More: Please No More Taxes Video Contest Deadline Extended

Taxes & Economy

FASB Eases “Mark to Market”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 3, 2009

The Federal Accounting Standards Board voted to ease “mark to market” accounting rules, which forced financial firms to markdown the value of their assets.  This is pretty wonkish, but…


Read More: FASB Eases “Mark to Market”

Taxes & Economy

Tax Freedom Day for PA is April 14

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 2, 2009

The Tax Foundation has released the latest report on Tax Freedom Day (get the Full Report in PDF). This year Tax Freedom Day will occur on April 13…


Read More: Tax Freedom Day for PA is April 14

Taxes & Economy

A pop quiz on how Pa. leaders opt to spend your dollars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

John Baer has a pop quiz on Pennsylvania’s recent government spending.  How much do you know about taxpayer-funded bonuses to legislative staffers, legal fees to defend those bonuses, international…


Read More: A pop quiz on how Pa. leaders opt to spend your dollars

Public Union Democracy

Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

In his blog today, John Micek makes a couple of jokes about “Joe the Plumber” – probably to avoid being called “Rat Rat Rat” by union bosses (who promise…


Read More: Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger


Philadelphia’s “Pension Reform” is Generational Theft

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • March 31, 2009

Faced with significant budget deficits and the burden of ever-increasing pension contributions, Philadelphia is attempting to finesse itself out of a financial dilemma. In simple terms, the city cannot afford…


Read More: Philadelphia’s “Pension Reform” is Generational Theft