Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


“Free” School Trip

  • August 18, 2008

The Times-Tribune ran a story on yet another instance of school officials using tax dollars for everything but educating students. The Mid Valley School District sent some of its…


Read More: “Free” School Trip

Health Care

How free is PA’s health care market?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 18, 2008

The Pacific Research Institute released their U.S. Index of Health Ownership, 2008 last week (full report in PDF).  The report ranks states’ health care markets and regulations based…


Read More: How free is PA’s health care market?

Taxes & Economy

Five Ways to Wreck a Recovery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 18, 2008

Amity Shlaes offers lessons from Hoover and FDR on how to extend a recession and make it worse (hint: do the opposite): 1) Give in to protectionism2) Blame…


Read More: Five Ways to Wreck a Recovery

Taxes & Economy

How do you spell relief?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 15, 2008

Yesterday the Public Utility Commission released electric price estimates comparing current market prices to current capped rates and highlighting six strategies for mitigating the high cost of electricity. In…


Read More: How do you spell relief?

Taxes & Economy

High Corporate Taxes Hinder Growth

  • August 15, 2008

An article in the Wall Street Journal today underscores the issue of high corporate tax rates in Pennsylvania. It also discusses the impact of corporate tax rates on…


Read More: High Corporate Taxes Hinder Growth

Taxes & Economy

Mack Trucks bolts to Right to Work state

  • August 15, 2008

Mack Trucks is headed south ”to improve our profitability and competitiveness,” said president and CEO Dennis R. Slagle. Although the Allentown Morning Call story doesn’t mention the fact that…


Read More: Mack Trucks bolts to Right to Work state

Taxes & Economy

I-80 plan relies on traffic growth, while drivers are driving less

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2008

Congressman Peterson, the lead critic of tolling I-80, makes an astute observation: the Turnpike Commission’s financial model relies on I-80 traffic growing 2.5% annually. Yet a recent…


Read More: I-80 plan relies on traffic growth, while drivers are driving less

Taxes & Economy

Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2008

ReasonTV video looks at the ethanol craze: Ethanol, especially the corn-based variety, is bad for taxpayers, bad for consumers, bad for the environment, and horrible for the world’s…


Read More: Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!

Taxes & Economy

Only 40 states have a better business climate than Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2008

Forbes has issued its latest report on “The Best States for Business“.  Pennsylvania ranks 41st.  (Click here for the table). Amazingly, despite Governor Rendell’s “investments” in our…


Read More: Only 40 states have a better business climate than Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Are corporations dodging taxes?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2008

The AP had a story yesterday headlined, “Most companies in US avoid federal income taxes” (full study). Governor Rendell frequently makes this claim as well, when defending Pennsylvania’s…


Read More: Are corporations dodging taxes?

Health Care

Reduce the number of uninsured 25% – for free

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2008

A new study by University of Minnesota researchers finds that a simply policy change would reduce the number of uninsured by 25 to 33 percent (Greg Scandlen has a…


Read More: Reduce the number of uninsured 25% – for free

Taxes & Economy

Head for the Hills

  • August 12, 2008

“It’s tangible, the misery and hopelessness and the bleakness.” No, this is not the latest sound-bite ad for tourism in PA. It’s actually what Viggo Mortensen said about Pittsburgh,…


Read More: Head for the Hills

Taxes & Economy

U.S. Congressmen criticizes Pennsylvania’s transportation policies

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 12, 2008

U.S. Representative John Peterson explains why we should blame poor money managment, not a lack of funds, for the dilapidated state of Pennsylvania’s roads and bridges. Rep. Peterson mentions…


Read More: U.S. Congressmen criticizes Pennsylvania’s transportation policies

Taxes & Economy

Texas Is Fed Up With Corn Ethanol

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2008

Texas Governor Rick Perry in the Wall Street Journal on why the EPA needs to suspend the mandate to produce more ethanol – which is, according to Perry and…


Read More: Texas Is Fed Up With Corn Ethanol


Steelers, developer ask state to help subsidize amphitheater

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2008

Post-Gazette story on the demand that taxpayers pay $4 million dollars for an amphitheater. (HT GrassrootsPA). The developer notes, “the entertainment complex itself will be a source of…


Read More: Steelers, developer ask state to help subsidize amphitheater

Taxes & Economy

Pushed out of the top ten again

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 11, 2008

The Tax Foundation has released their yearly report ranking the state tax burden for all 50 states. Pennsylvania comes in at number 11 (1 being the worst). PA consistently…


Read More: Pushed out of the top ten again


Rendellconomics 101

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 11, 2008

Morning Call piece piece by Jarrett Renshaw debates the merits of Rendell’s economic policies – borrowing (to be paid by taxpayers) to give handouts to his favorite projects like…


Read More: Rendellconomics 101

Taxes & Economy

Rising electricity rates and the PUC

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 8, 2008

The Public Utility Commission published a number of press releases yesterday addressing the expected rise in electricity rates. – The Public Utility Commission finally gave PPL the go ahead…


Read More: Rising electricity rates and the PUC

Taxes & Economy

Who’s your cable guy?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 7, 2008

For the first time in 30 years Pittsburgh residents will be able to choose who provides their cable. The Post-Gazette reports the city is negotiating a contract that would…


Read More: Who’s your cable guy?


Bridge To Troubled Waters

  • August 7, 2008

Gov. Rendell is still touring the state dolling out taxpayers’ money for various projects across the state totaling $642 million. Much of the funding will assist infrastructure improvements for…


Read More: Bridge To Troubled Waters