Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Oink-oink: Spend, spend, spend

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 26, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on corporate welfare and ‘walking around money’: “Better for Pennsylvanians if their money never ‘walked’ at all.”…


Read More: Oink-oink: Spend, spend, spend

Taxes & Economy

State leaders won’t confront hard decisions

  • June 26, 2006

Columnist in New Jersey’s Express-Times nails it on the head–he writes: “It’s called a tax shift and has nothing to do with reducing the tax burden. In fact, ‘reducing’…


Read More: State leaders won’t confront hard decisions

Government Accountability

Legislative Pensions: Avoid Them to Fix Them

  • June 26, 2006

The distance between the rulers and ruled continues to widen in Pennsylvania. For retiring and defeated members of the Pennsylvania House and Senate, the daily perks and privileges of office…


Read More: Legislative Pensions: Avoid Them to Fix Them


Reformers should alter pension plan

  • June 25, 2006

In this exclusive Patriot-News commentary, former lawmaker John Kennedy encourages the dozens of future lawmakers (likely 50-60 new faces will be in Harrisburg come January 2007) to eschew the…


Read More: Reformers should alter pension plan

Taxes & Economy

Minimum Wage Myth-Busting

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 23, 2006

While the minimum wage debate heat up in DC and Harrisburg, check out this article in today’s Wall Street Journal on the “Labor Lost” from increasing the minimum wage…


Read More: Minimum Wage Myth-Busting


School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2006

Interesting article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about property tax hikes. Twenty of 43 school districts in Allegheny are planning to raise tax rates. Their justification is that the county…


Read More: School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County


Lovely parting gifts

  • June 22, 2006

Lancaster New Era on legislative pensions. Once again demonstrating that “serving the public” doesn’t cost, it PAYS!…


Read More: Lovely parting gifts

Public Union Democracy

Your Tax Dollars at Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 19, 2006

Fine tribute to public sector unions, paid for with your tax dollars. I guess we were wrong to identify the Historical and Museum Commission as an example of pork…


Read More: Your Tax Dollars at Work


Ousted legislators find silver lining

  • June 18, 2006

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Some lawmakers who lost their jobs in the May primary will collect pensions almost as big as their current salaries. “Powerhouse Republican Sen. Robert Jubelirer,…


Read More: Ousted legislators find silver lining

Taxes & Economy

Does faux reform kill real reform?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 16, 2006

Brad Bumstead in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the likelihood that significant property tax relief is dead following the passage of the facade of reform passed Wednesday. Read our News…


Read More: Does faux reform kill real reform?

Health Care

Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through Competition

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2006

NCPA Analysis of how allowing insurers to offer healthcare coverage across state boundaries would reduce the cost of insurance. Examining only a handful of states, they find a discrepancy…


Read More: Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through Competition

Taxes & Economy

Decoding the Swann Property Tax Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2006

The property tax relief plan introduced by gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann last month offers a radically different approach to the problem. Swann’s proposal contains some good provisions, some flawed provisions,…


Read More: Decoding the Swann Property Tax Plan

Taxes & Economy

FEMA funds spent on divorce, sex change

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 14, 2006

AP story on fraud in FEMA aid – as much as $1.4 Billion (16% of all FEMA aid for Katrina and Rita victims) may have been used improperly. My…


Read More: FEMA funds spent on divorce, sex change


Arrogant PHEAA: More stonewalling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 13, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial review on how the public agency PHEAA refuses to disclose how they spend their money. Hence we propose privatizing PHEAA in our Pennsylvania Piglet…


Read More: Arrogant PHEAA: More stonewalling


Cut the Fat

  • June 13, 2006

While Gov. Ed Rendell claims that his administration is “squeezing every nickel out of government,” an analysis of state spending released by the Commonwealth Foundation and Citizens Against Government Waste…


Read More: Cut the Fat

Government Accountability

Agency: Unvouchered expenses ‘income’

  • June 12, 2006

The REPUBLICAN & Herald notes that two lawmakers paid taxes on their “unvouchered expenses.” But I thought UEs are not “income” so as not to be a direct violation…


Read More: Agency: Unvouchered expenses ‘income’


New York’s Pension Peril

  • June 9, 2006

E. J. McMahon, the director of the Manhattan Institute’s Empire Center for New York State Policy, writes in the New York Post about NY’s pension problem.


Read More: New York’s Pension Peril

State Budget

Cut (half) the Waste!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2006

Williamsport Sun-Gazette editorial on the Pennsylvania Piglet Book 2006.


Read More: Cut (half) the Waste!

Taxes & Economy

The More You Know … The More You Wish You Didn’t

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 7, 2006

How does a $56,000 salary sound? Not bad? What if that salary was for working on a political campaign? Still better? Now imagine that salary was for your 2nd job,…


Read More: The More You Know … The More You Wish You Didn’t