Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Criminal Justice Reform

Moving Toward Efficient, Effective Criminal Justice

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 22, 2019

The economy is growing, but Pennsylvania just keeps sinking deeper into debt. Since 1970, we’ve tripled our overall operating budget—but our population has grown only 8 percent. Even adjusting for…


Read More: Moving Toward Efficient, Effective Criminal Justice

Taxes & Economy

Guest Post: How Philly’s Brutal Tax Policies Drive Away Jobs

  • April 18, 2019

Businesses and people vote with their feet. As a long-time Philadelphian, I have unfortunately witnessed my neighbors taking their livelihoods to the suburbs—or beyond. Politicians cast the blame here and…


Read More: Guest Post: How Philly’s Brutal Tax Policies Drive Away Jobs


Gov. Wolf Blinded to Benefits of School Choice

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • April 16, 2019

Gov. Wolf’s 2019 budget promotes public and private options for pre-K and post-secondary education. He calls Pennsylvania’s post-secondary institutions “laboratories for innovation.” Most remarkably, the governor touts Pennsylvania Higher…


Read More: Gov. Wolf Blinded to Benefits of School Choice

Criminal Justice Reform

Fighting Poverty can be a Bipartisan Effort

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 12, 2019

Here's a letter I submitted to the Philadelphia Daily News on how Pennsylvanians of any ideology can share good intent, and work toward a common goal. I was disappointed…


Read More: Fighting Poverty can be a Bipartisan Effort

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania, Let’s Make our Taxes an Investment

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 8, 2019

What do we get for our taxes in Pennsylvania? The question is rarely asked—because the answer is just too painful. But as Tax Day approaches, it's time for taxpayers to…


Read More: Pennsylvania, Let’s Make our Taxes an Investment

State Budget

It’s Time to Tackle Debt

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • April 5, 2019

An ostrich burying its head in the sand is a classic analogy for avoiding difficult decisions. Though this is a mischaracterization—their heads are buried to protect their eggs from predators—the metaphor…


Read More: It’s Time to Tackle Debt

Taxes & Economy

New Evidence Shows Work is the Path to Prosperity

  • Jessica Barnett
  • March 29, 2019

Poverty and unemployment are vicious cycles. The longer you remain unemployed, the harder it is to find work—and poverty becomes more entrenched. As the Urban Institute puts it, “long-term…


Read More: New Evidence Shows Work is the Path to Prosperity


Economic Growth or Education OpportunityWhy not Both

  • Marc LeBlond
  • March 25, 2019

In a recent Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed, Mark Gleason explains that growing the economy and expanding educational opportunity are complementary, not competing goals: When it comes to preparing our children…


Read More: Economic Growth or Education OpportunityWhy not Both

Taxes & Economy

First Do No Harm to Pa.’s Energy Sector

  • Gordon Tomb
  • March 7, 2019

Pennsylvania’s energy industry is growing, but state government intervention through new taxes or special interest bailouts would threaten the positive trends of job growth and low energy prices. Pennsylvania ranked…


Read More: First Do No Harm to Pa.’s Energy Sector

State Budget

Rein in Spending, So Pa.’s Economy Can Race

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • March 1, 2019

My daughter recently started horseback riding lessons. She’s learning how to hold the reins with enough give for the horse to move but tight enough that the horse follows her directions. Like…


Read More: Rein in Spending, So Pa.’s Economy Can Race


5 Facts on the Proposed Nuclear Power Bailout

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 20, 2019

Should Pennsylvanians pay more for electricity to benefit nuclear power companies? A group of lawmakers are proposing a new category to our renewable energy mandates known as the Alternative…


Read More: 5 Facts on the Proposed Nuclear Power Bailout

Taxes & Economy

Raising Minimum Wage Causes Job Loss

  • February 14, 2019

In his 2019 budget address, Governor Wolf lamented “too many hardworking people are struggling to get by.” The solution is attracting high-wage jobs and encouraging more Pennsylvanians to gain valuable…


Read More: Raising Minimum Wage Causes Job Loss

State Budget

The Taxpayer Protection Act: An Updated Legislator’s Guide

  • February 14, 2019

Pennsylvanians pay $4,589 per person in state and local taxes, which equals 10.2 percent of residents’ total income. This trend must be reversed by restraining spending growth through long-term reforms…

Fact Sheet

Read More: The Taxpayer Protection Act: An Updated Legislator’s Guide

State Budget

Wolf’s Budget Rhetoric a Relief, but Doesn’t Match Reality

  • February 5, 2019

Charles Mitchell, president and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation, issued the following statement in response to Gov. Wolf’s fifth budget address: What a change four years and nine defeated…

Press Release

Read More: Wolf’s Budget Rhetoric a Relief, but Doesn’t Match Reality

State Budget

5 Takeaways from Gov. Wolf’s 2019 Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2019

1. Dramatic cost overruns lead to a $86 billion budget.  Gov. Wolf proposed a $34.146 billion General Fund budget and a total operating budget of $85.804 billion.


Read More: 5 Takeaways from Gov. Wolf’s 2019 Budget

Public Union Democracy

Why There’s “Money in Politics”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 4, 2019

The recent public corruption indictment of John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, leader of the IBEW 98 labor union, Philadelphia City Council member Bobby Henon, and a slew of other IBEW leaders shows…


Read More: Why There’s “Money in Politics”


New Report Shows Shortcomings of Corporate Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 4, 2019

Pennsylvania moviegoers who bought tickets for M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass last weekend paid more than the price of the ticket. They paid with their taxes. According to the Department of…


Read More: New Report Shows Shortcomings of Corporate Welfare

Public Union Democracy

PLCB Keeps Employees in the Dark

  • February 1, 2019

Less than one year ago, the Supreme Court declared that public sector workers’ constitutional rights to free speech and association came before government unions’ desire to collect fees from those…


Read More: PLCB Keeps Employees in the Dark

State Budget

Five Ways to Promote Prosperity & Grow the Economy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 30, 2019

Revenue collections are $400 million above projections. Next year’s budget should be easy to balance. Instead, lawmakers are looking at a projected $1.7 billion deficit. Why? Pennsylvania continues…


Read More: Five Ways to Promote Prosperity & Grow the Economy