Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Following Zippo’s Lead on Pensions

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 21, 2017

Zippo’s recent retirement plan transition is another example of why Pennsylvania state government should do the same. As Zippo CFO Don Hall said, defined contribution plans like 401(k)s carry…


Read More: Following Zippo’s Lead on Pensions

State Budget

Pa.’s Economic Outlook is Poor but Not Permanent

  • April 21, 2017

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released its annual Rich States, Poor States’ report, which includes economic rankings for each state. Unfortunately, the news isn’t good for Pennsylvania. The state…


Read More: Pa.’s Economic Outlook is Poor but Not Permanent


The Strong Case for?and Weak Case Against?Pension Reform

  • April 18, 2017

Pennsylvania’s public pension plans are woefully underfunded, with enough assets to cover just 60 percent of liabilities. This poor financial showing has relegated the commonwealth to the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s ranking of…


Read More: The Strong Case for?and Weak Case Against?Pension Reform

Health Care

Senate Acts to Improve Health Access, Lower Costs

  • James Paul
  • April 18, 2017

All Pennsylvanians deserve access to quality, affordable health care. That's why it was encouraging to see the Senate advance SB 25 out of the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee.


Read More: Senate Acts to Improve Health Access, Lower Costs

Health Care

Reforming Medicaid Is a Moral Imperative

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 17, 2017

Note: This op-ed was originally published in the Lancaster LNP. Do you know someone who desperately needs medical care but can’t access it? Few things are more heartbreaking. Helping people…


Read More: Reforming Medicaid Is a Moral Imperative


Op-Ed: End Perks for the Politically Connected

  • April 11, 2017

We deserve better than a system that favors the politically connected. An environment where people can advance based on merit, not lobbying prowess, will put cities like Scranton back on…


Read More: Op-Ed: End Perks for the Politically Connected

State Budget

Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: April 2017

  • April 10, 2017

Revenue collections fell below expectations for the fifth consecutive month. The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue reported collections of approximately $4.4 billion last week, which was $229.6 million less than…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: April 2017


A Guide to Corporate Welfare in Pennsylvania

  • April 6, 2017

Pennsylvania's culture of corporate welfare is pervasive. The current system rewards businesses for their lobbying prowess rather than their ability to effectively serve consumers' needs.


Read More: A Guide to Corporate Welfare in Pennsylvania


House Budget Represents a Step Towards Fiscal Stewardship

  • April 4, 2017

House Republicans committed to changing Pennsylvania yesterday. The caucus released its proposed 2017-18 budget, which stands in stark contrast to Gov. Wolf’s tax-and-spend proposals. The House Appropriations Committee has…


Read More: House Budget Represents a Step Towards Fiscal Stewardship

State Budget

Should Pennsylvania Strive to Become #51?

  • March 27, 2017

Political realities forced Gov. Wolf to scale back his record tax-and-spend proposals from the past two years. Still, he didn’t completely abandon his government-centric approach, opting to include $1…


Read More: Should Pennsylvania Strive to Become #51?

Health Care

7 Ways to Fix Health Care on the 7th Anniversary of Obamacare

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2017

Seven years ago, Obamacare became the law of the land. Later today, the US House is scheduled to vote on a controversial repeal and replace bill. While the outcome in Washington…


Read More: 7 Ways to Fix Health Care on the 7th Anniversary of Obamacare


Senate Prepares New Pension Reform Bill

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 16, 2017

The state Senate is preparing to introduce a pension reform bill nearly identical to the compromise bill that fell three House votes short last fall.  Senator Pat Browne and Majority…


Read More: Senate Prepares New Pension Reform Bill


The Cost of Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2017

In recent Appropriation Committee hearings, Pennsylvania’s two statewide pension funds (PSERS and SERS) reported $62.2 billion in unfunded liabilities (or debt) that taxpayers must pay. This number—which assumes…


Read More: The Cost of Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis


Protect Students, Not Subsidies

  • March 7, 2017

Gov. Wolf’s request to reduce tax credits by $100 million is causing a stir in the legislature. According to a Capitolwire story (paywall), Republicans raised objections on several fronts,…


Read More: Protect Students, Not Subsidies


Policy Memo: The Downside of Raising the Minimum Wage

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 6, 2017

In February, Gov. Wolf proposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $12, claiming a higher minimum wage will raise revenue, reduce welfare participation and spur job growth. These claims are…


Read More: Policy Memo: The Downside of Raising the Minimum Wage


Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: March 2017

  • March 2, 2017

February proved to be another poor month for revenue collections. For the fourth straight month—and now seven of the last eight—collections fell short of official estimates from the the Pennsylvania Department of…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: March 2017

Taxes & Economy

What the Soda Tax Can Teach us About the Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 23, 2017

The high costs of Philadelphia's soda tax are mounting by the week. The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting a 30-50 percent drop in beverage sales for some supermarkets and distributors.


Read More: What the Soda Tax Can Teach us About the Budget

Health Care

Double-Down on Reinventing Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2017

Imagine if Stephen King had written Green Eggs and Ham. What if Dr. Seuss had penned The Shining? Gov. Wolf’s third budget address was an equally disorienting shift in tone…


Read More: Double-Down on Reinventing Government


Employee Compensation Drives Spending Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2017

PennLive released a list of state government employees earning more than $100,000 in salary today. While the list should open some eyes, it doesn’t capture the full cost of…


Read More: Employee Compensation Drives Spending Growth