Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Public Union Democracy

Committees Vote on Paycheck Protection, Liquor Privatization

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 23, 2015

Lawmakers took action in committees today on both liquor privatization and paycheck protection. Here’s what’s happened in Harrisburg: Liquor privatization: This morning, the House Liquor Control Committee advanced HB…


Read More: Committees Vote on Paycheck Protection, Liquor Privatization

State Budget

Safeguard Family Finances with the Taxpayer Protection Act

  • February 23, 2015

For Immediate Release Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901 Safeguard Family Finances with the Taxpayer Protection Act Responsible Spending Boosts Job, Population, and Income Growth February 23, 2015,…

Press Release

Read More: Safeguard Family Finances with the Taxpayer Protection Act


Student Funding Reform

  • February 17, 2015

Pennsylvania ranks among the nation’s leaders in education spending per student. Although spending levels are high, the system for distributing state funding is outdated. Weighted student funding (WSF) is a…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Student Funding Reform

Government Accountability

Audio: Stepping Towards a Balanced Budget

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • February 12, 2015

This year, Pennsylvania lawmakers have the formidable task of eliminating a projected $1.7 billion budget deficit. Bob Dick, a CF policy analyst, spoke with Gary Sutton about what can be…


Read More: Audio: Stepping Towards a Balanced Budget


Long Term Problems are Big Opportunities for Change

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 11, 2015

Pennsylvania added nearly two dozen new lawmakers in November, and there’s a new face in the Governor’s Mansion. Indeed, that face will look very new, as Tom Wolf is the…


Read More: Long Term Problems are Big Opportunities for Change


Liquor Liberty On Tap Again

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 11, 2015

Pennsylvania voters have consistently said they want more convenience and choice by privatizing liquor sales. Not only would privatizing the state-run liquor store monopoly grant voters their wish, but it…


Read More: Liquor Liberty On Tap Again

Health Care

Beyond Medicaid Expansion: Helping the Poor

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 10, 2015

Yesterday’s announcement that Healthy PA will be rolled back in favor of full-scale Medicaid expansion misses the point. Instead of unraveling the few positive reforms incoporated in the original Medicaid waiver,…


Read More: Beyond Medicaid Expansion: Helping the Poor

Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Shale Successes Continue

  • Gordon Tomb
  • February 10, 2015

The stories continue: more jobs, increased tax revenue and cheap energy, all from the free-market production of Marcellus Shale gas. Take last week’s report from the Central Pennsylvania…


Read More: Marcellus Shale Successes Continue

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania State Budget Toolkit

  • February 6, 2015

The enacted $29 billion General Fund budget (a 1.88 percent increase over 2013-2014) and $71.4 billion total operating budget represent Pennsylvania’s highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget Toolkit

State Budget

Pennsylvania State Budget Trends, 2015

  • February 6, 2015

The enacted $29 billion General Fund budget (a 1.88 percent increase over 2013-2014) and $71.4 billion total operating budget represent Pennsylvania’s highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget Trends, 2015


Five Steps Toward a Balanced Budget

  • February 5, 2015

The consequences of overspending have plagued Pennsylvania for years. This year is no different. Lawmakers are tasked with eliminating a projected budget deficit of nearly $1.7 billion, according to forecasts…


Read More: Five Steps Toward a Balanced Budget


Crisis Management: PA’s Public Pension Problem

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 5, 2015

Crisis management can be broken down into three general phases: identifying the problem, developing the best plan to fix it, and executing that plan while adjusting as needed. It’s a…


Read More: Crisis Management: PA’s Public Pension Problem

Taxes & Economy

Audio: Wolf’s Campaign Rhetoric Meets Governing Reality

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • January 30, 2015

Governor Wolf has made some bold promises on his campaign trail, but very soon the campaign rhetoric will meet governing reality. CF’s President and CEO Matt Brouillette recently discussed…


Read More: Audio: Wolf’s Campaign Rhetoric Meets Governing Reality

Health Care

Breaking Out of the Fortress & Into the Frontier

  • James Paul
  • January 30, 2015

What is the ultimate goal of health care reform? Is it to provide all Americans with insurance cards? Or is it to enhance access to quality care at more affordable…


Read More: Breaking Out of the Fortress & Into the Frontier


Shale Gas Fuels Pennsylvania Job Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 26, 2015

It’s indisputable that where there is Marcellus shale drilling there has been robust economic growth. Over the past six years, Pennsylvania counties with Marcellus shale drilling led the state in…


Read More: Shale Gas Fuels Pennsylvania Job Growth


PLCB Limitations Shackle Entrepreneurs

  • January 26, 2015

“I’ve got products in the pipeline that I can’t sell, because they didn’t get approved,” said Mike Gonze, president of Dreadnought Wines in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article that perfectly…


Read More: PLCB Limitations Shackle Entrepreneurs

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Reform Proves a Win-Win

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 23, 2015

Unprecedented reductions in the prison population, $69.9 million in taxpayer savings, and lower recidivism rates all indicate that the 2012 corrections reforms are working. Earlier this month Don Gilliland over…


Read More: Corrections Reform Proves a Win-Win

Taxes & Economy

How to Help the Poor Leave Poverty Behind

  • January 19, 2015

Making “the rich” pay higher taxes will miraculously help the poor. This antiquated idea is the conclusion of a recent paper released by the…


Read More: How to Help the Poor Leave Poverty Behind


Doing Business in Pennsylvania Can Be Taxing

  • January 12, 2015

This post was updated to reflect the most recent data available. Tax policy may not be as exciting as discussing Golden Globe winners, but few topics rise to the level…


Read More: Doing Business in Pennsylvania Can Be Taxing