Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Public Union Democracy

Disappointed and Determined

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 12, 2015

Today, I am both disappointed and determined. I am disappointed that it is now a mathematical impossibility for any of the reforms you and countless other Pennsylvanians have demanded to…


Read More: Disappointed and Determined


Liquor Privatization Reduces Operating Cost

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 8, 2015

Union leaders, copying from the same talking point memo, have repeated an identical falsehood about liquor store privatization. In two recent letters to the editor, I correct the record of…


Read More: Liquor Privatization Reduces Operating Cost

Taxes & Economy

Former Pennsylvanians Voted with their Feet

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 5, 2015

Residents continued their exodus from Pennsylvania in 2014. The latest Census population estimates, released last month, show that Pennsylvania gained 5,913 in total population between July 2013 and July…


Read More: Former Pennsylvanians Voted with their Feet


Super Six: Important ‘Wins’ for Taxpayers, Kids this Year

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 30, 2014

Policymakers made significant strides over the past legislative session to increase school choice, save taxpayers from waste and abuse in unemployment compensation, and protect students. While critical reforms remain, it’s…


Read More: Super Six: Important ‘Wins’ for Taxpayers, Kids this Year


Government Falls Short in Subsidizing Job Creation

  • December 12, 2014

“Incomplete, misleading, and unreliable”—that is how an Auditor General report described Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of your…


Read More: Government Falls Short in Subsidizing Job Creation


Pennsylvanians Deserve True Fairness

  • December 11, 2014

Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to pursue success in our state. While Gov.-elect Wolf's intentions echo this noble sentiment, many of his proposals fall far short of his vision.


Read More: Pennsylvanians Deserve True Fairness

State Budget

Spending Restraint, Reform Needed to Balance Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 5, 2014

With an estimated $2 billion “planning deficit” announced this week, one might believe crafting a balanced budget that doesn’t raise taxes is impossible. Yet earlier this year, we…


Read More: Spending Restraint, Reform Needed to Balance Budget

Taxes & Economy

PA Ranks 27th in Economic Freedom, Lawmakers Can Make a Difference

  • December 3, 2014

Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901 PA Ranks a Mediocre 27th in Economic Freedom, Lawmakers Can Make a Difference New Report Shows Expanding Economic Freedom Could Boost Incomes by Thousands…

Press Release

Read More: PA Ranks 27th in Economic Freedom, Lawmakers Can Make a Difference

Taxes & Economy

Economic Freedom Key to a Prosperous Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 2, 2014

Pennsylvania is the 27th freest state in America according to the Fraser Institute’s annual Economic Freedom of North America report, which is hardly news to be celebrating. States were…


Read More: Economic Freedom Key to a Prosperous Pennsylvania


EPA Rule Would Increase PA Energy Bills by $1,000

  • Gordon Tomb
  • November 26, 2014

The war on coal will be a catastrophe for consumers, according to a new analysis of energy prices under new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. According to…


Read More: EPA Rule Would Increase PA Energy Bills by $1,000

Taxes & Economy

The Gift of Work

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 25, 2014

Red kettles, canned food drives, Toys for Tots—the holidays are a time when private charity shines. But have you ever wondered about the best way to help the poor? Ron…


Read More: The Gift of Work

State Budget

Pennsylvania’s New Punxsutawney Phil

  • November 20, 2014

On February 2 of each year, all eyes are on Punxsutawney Phil. The famous groundhog is responsible for predicting the duration of winter-like weather. If Phil sees his shadow, we’re…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s New Punxsutawney Phil

Health Care

New Wave of Obamacare Price Hikes Arrives

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 17, 2014

Regina Weinhardt handles benefits for her family’s plumbing business in Delaware County. In business since 1962, providing health care to their employees has always been a priority, “My father started…


Read More: New Wave of Obamacare Price Hikes Arrives


Green Jobs Threatened by EPA Regs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • November 17, 2014

John Oelbracht has managed the Westwood Generation power plant in Schuylkill County for 10 years. It’s more than a job to him—it’s an undertaking to clean up the environment while…


Read More: Green Jobs Threatened by EPA Regs

Taxes & Economy

You’re Innocent, but Your House may be Guilty

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 17, 2014

A recent episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver highlights the problem of asset forfeiture, with specific references to the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia has seized more than…


Read More: You’re Innocent, but Your House may be Guilty


PLCB Annual Report: Future of Government Booze Bleak

  • November 13, 2014

Last year, my colleague Dawn did us all a favor by providing a summary of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s (PLCB) annual report. This year, I drew the short…


Read More: PLCB Annual Report: Future of Government Booze Bleak

Health Care

Bracing for Obamacare Rate Hikes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 12, 2014

Only three days until the Obamacare exchanges open for 2015 enrollment. Last Sunday, the federal government released preliminary rates for window shopping. We compared the cheapest insurance plans in…


Read More: Bracing for Obamacare Rate Hikes

Taxes & Economy

Video: Minimum Wage Limits Opportunity

  • October 31, 2014

Giving workers a boost in their hourly wages sounds like a good thing, doesn’t it? But, like most government-imposed market restrictions, it has some pretty negative consequences—like higher prices for…


Read More: Video: Minimum Wage Limits Opportunity

Taxes & Economy

Taxes Hinder Pennsylvania’s Progress

  • October 31, 2014

It may be boring and complicated, but a state’s tax code has a real impact on individuals and families who want to improve their quality of life. For instance, if…


Read More: Taxes Hinder Pennsylvania’s Progress

Health Care

ACA Delivers Low-Quality, High Cost Care

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 30, 2014

The federal government’s health care overhaul is quickly becoming “Medicaid for all.” The more we learn about the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) newly insured population, the clearer it becomes that…


Read More: ACA Delivers Low-Quality, High Cost Care

Taxes & Economy

AP Story Errs on Wolf Spending Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 28, 2014

A recent Associated Press story questions part of our analysis of Tom Wolf’s education spending and income tax proposals, specifically the notion that Mr. Wolf would have to double…


Read More: AP Story Errs on Wolf Spending Plan