Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Health Care

Four Reasons to Avoid Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 6, 2013

Medicaid expansion is bad news for all Pennsylvanians. Here are four reasons why: 1. Expansion undermines the quality of health care. Medicaid patients suffer from limited access to care. A…


Read More: Four Reasons to Avoid Medicaid Expansion


Why We Can’t Just “Let Act 120 Work”

  • May 6, 2013

In a guest post, State Rep. Glen Grell addresses the pension reform myth that Act 120 has fixed the pension crisis.  For more facts & myths, click here. The…


Read More: Why We Can’t Just “Let Act 120 Work”

Health Care

Reality Check: We’re Overspending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 2, 2013

Bad revenue collections and updated projections highlight a big problem in the state budget: We are spending more than we are collecting. The problem is much worse than a recent…


Read More: Reality Check: We’re Overspending

Health Care

Corbett’s Wise Medicaid Stance

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 30, 2013

While advocates of expanding the welfare state are using new studies to push Gov. Tom Corbett to expand Medicaid, his position of resisting the “free money” argument is wise given…


Read More: Corbett’s Wise Medicaid Stance


Social Impacts of Liquor Privatization

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2013

Submitted Testimony of the Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives to the Senate Law & Justice Committee, April 30, 2013 The Commonwealth Foundation would like to thank…


Read More: Social Impacts of Liquor Privatization


Consensus: Liquor Privatization No Threat to Safety

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 29, 2013

A recent Philadelphia Inquirer piece tries to give both sides of the debate over liquor privatization.  But one key fact ingored was that the Community Preventive Services Task Force…


Read More: Consensus: Liquor Privatization No Threat to Safety


Sobering Facts on Liquor Privatization

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 29, 2013

Sen. Daylin Leach’s editorial on liquor store privatization repeatedly misstates facts. Here is my letter to the editor in the Delaware County Times to set the record straight:…


Read More: Sobering Facts on Liquor Privatization

Health Care

States Fix Medicaid

  • April 26, 2013

That's why leaders in statehouses across the country should do the right thing and follow Pennsylvania's lead. Instead of waiting for dollars and dictates from D.C. to expand a broken…


Read More: States Fix Medicaid


PLCB Boondoggles

  • April 25, 2013

Getting government out of the booze business would eliminate conflicts of interest, stop government from freezing out Pennsylvania wineries, reduce opportunities for cronyism, eliminate taxpayer-funded boondoggles and allow the PLCB…

Fact Sheet

Read More: PLCB Boondoggles


Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis: Myths and Facts

  • April 25, 2013

Pennsylvania’s two main government worker pension systems, the Public School Employee Retirement System (PSERS) and the State Employee Retirement System (SERS), are dramatically underfunded. Together these funds owe more than…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis: Myths and Facts


McIlhinney Renews Hope for Liquor Privatization!

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 24, 2013

On Tuesday, Senator Chuck McIlhinney appeared on The Dom Giordano Program on 1210 WPHT in Philadelphia to discuss liquor privatization—giving taxpayers and consumers renewed hope that Pennsylvania may finally…


Read More: McIlhinney Renews Hope for Liquor Privatization!

Taxes & Economy

Name Change Won’t Fix Welfare

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 23, 2013

Pennsylvania’s welfare system is broken, and significant reforms are needed to help lift individuals out of poverty. Changing the name of the Department of Public Welfare to the Department of…


Read More: Name Change Won’t Fix Welfare


Talking Pensions with Rep. Gabler

  • April 17, 2013

In CF‘s latest Google+ Hangout, we talk with Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield and Elk) about the latest on Pennsylvania’s pension crisis, how it will affect taxpayers, and what we…


Read More: Talking Pensions with Rep. Gabler


Are You a Bootlegger?

  • April 17, 2013

If you’ve ever bought alcohol in other states and brought it back into Pennsylvania to drink, you’re a bootlegger. You’ve broken a state law….but you’re certainly not alone. As a…


Read More: Are You a Bootlegger?

State Budget

Budget Facts 2013: Spending Increases By Department

  • April 17, 2013

Governor Corbett's proposed budget of $28.4 billion in general fund spending and $67.6 billion in spending from all funds represents our highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Budget Facts 2013: Spending Increases By Department


Public Pension Crisis Averted?

  • April 16, 2013

Has Pennsylvania’s public pension crisis been averted? Not by a long shot. This weekend, the Tribune-Review heralded a $69 million budget surplus in the Pennsylvania School…


Read More: Public Pension Crisis Averted?

Taxes & Economy

Jobs Killed by Lack of Freedom

  • April 12, 2013

Earlier this week, GE announced plans to move 950 jobs from Erie, Pa. to Texas.  What is one of the key reasons Pennsylvania continues to lose jobs and population…


Read More: Jobs Killed by Lack of Freedom


Mailbag: Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis

  • Priya Brannick
  • April 10, 2013

Several readers wrote in with questions on my Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed from Sunday, “Pension Crisis is Going to Hit Hard.” Here are answers to some of the most common…


Read More: Mailbag: Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis


Fact Check: Liquor Liberty in Washington

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2013

In 2011, voters in Washington State approved a ballot measure to privatize the state wholesale and retail liquor monopoly, allowing private retailers to sell liquor. Unlike Pennsylvania, wine was already…


Read More: Fact Check: Liquor Liberty in Washington

Taxes & Economy

Free-market Gas Outshines Subsidized Solar

  • Gordon Tomb
  • April 9, 2013

One news story highlights hundreds of jobs lost and millions of taxpayer dollars down the drain via corporate welfare. Another celebrates millions of new state revenue and free market job…


Read More: Free-market Gas Outshines Subsidized Solar


Millions Blown in Border Bleed

  • April 8, 2013

It’s time for another look at common myths opponents use against getting the government out of the booze businesses. Find more myths debunked here and here. Myth #5:…


Read More: Millions Blown in Border Bleed