Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Pennsylvania Stuck in Prohibition

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 6, 2013

Eighty years ago, baseball was still segregated, Social Security was non-existent and it was illegal to buy alcohol in the United States. Times have changed, and Prohibition has since ended…


Read More: Pennsylvania Stuck in Prohibition

Taxes & Economy

Taking Wind out of the Subsidy Sail

  • Gordon Tomb
  • April 4, 2013

For years, you’ve heard conservatives say the wind power industry would be better off without government subsidies. But now even wind industry advocate and Tang Energy CEO Patrick Jenevin…


Read More: Taking Wind out of the Subsidy Sail

Public Union Democracy

Union Poured Member Dues into Defeating Liquor Privatization

  • Priya Brannick
  • April 3, 2013

They’re a familiar sight in the state Capitol, wearing mustard-colored T-shirts emblazoned with their union’s logo. Now the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has reported on how United Food and Commercial Workers…


Read More: Union Poured Member Dues into Defeating Liquor Privatization

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Myths and Facts

  • April 2, 2013

For our fiscal health, and the health of families, we desperately need the flexibility to allow state officials to design a solution that fits the needs of Pennsylvanians-not an…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Medicaid Expansion Myths and Facts


Liquor Privatization: Good for Business (Except in Jersey)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 2, 2013

Ending Pennsylvania’s government liquor monopoly has some folks worried…like liquor store owners in New Jersey. Writes Jason Laday of the South Jersey Times: At any given time, on…


Read More: Liquor Privatization: Good for Business (Except in Jersey)

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Deals Don’t Deliver

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 1, 2013

Time is ticking for President Obama to get more buy-in on a pivotal part of Obamacare—Medicaid expansion. States are under immense pressure to accept an influx of federal funds in…


Read More: Medicaid Expansion Deals Don’t Deliver


Drawing Liquor Lessons from the Turnpike Commission

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 1, 2013

Following last week's House vote, the Pennsylvania Senate has the opportunity to end similar corruption and taxpayer costs by dismantling the PLCB—the Turnpike Commission's cousin in wasted money and broken…


Read More: Drawing Liquor Lessons from the Turnpike Commission

Health Care

Will Medicaid Expansion Boost Pennsylvania’s Economy?

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 29, 2013

A new study commissioned by the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania predicts that if the state expands Medicaid, the program will produce $3.2 billion in annual growth over…


Read More: Will Medicaid Expansion Boost Pennsylvania’s Economy?


A Privatization Conversation

  • March 27, 2013

Today we held our second Google Hangout broadcast and discussed the latest on liquor store privatization, including: What happened last week in the House, how social media activism was used…


Read More: A Privatization Conversation


Summary of House Bill 790 as Passed by State House

  • March 26, 2013

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed HB 790 on March 21, 2013.  This legislation would allow private retailers to sell wine and spirits and end the state government monopoly over…


Read More: Summary of House Bill 790 as Passed by State House


Pennsylvania State Budget 2013

  • March 26, 2013

Governor Corbett's proposed budget of $28.4 billion in general fund spending and $67.6 billion in spending from all funds represents our highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget 2013


Liquor Privatization Benefits Beer Distributors

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 25, 2013

In the Bucks County Intelligencer, Sen. Chuck McIlhinney suggests that the liquor privization bill that passed the House last week doesn’t do enough for beer distributors.  In contrast,…


Read More: Liquor Privatization Benefits Beer Distributors


Dispelling the Myths About Alcohol Privatization

  • March 22, 2013

The friends of government-run liquor stores have to resort to such tactics as they have neither public opinion nor facts on their side.  Here are just a few of the…


Read More: Dispelling the Myths About Alcohol Privatization

Health Care

Note to Lawmakers: The Power Is Yours!

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 22, 2013

One of my favorite cartoon’s growing up was Captain Planet. The cartoon’s catchy theme song ended with an emphatic, “The power is yours!” It’s a message all of our state lawmakers…


Read More: Note to Lawmakers: The Power Is Yours!


Liquor Liberty Victory!

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 22, 2013

Last night, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives made history, and we were a part of it! Yesterday marked the first time a vote for liquor store privatization was held, let alone…


Read More: Liquor Liberty Victory!


Historic Vote Huge Step to Liquor Liberty

  • March 21, 2013

Members of the House of Representatives made a historic vote today by passing HB 790, a vote to end the state government’s Prohibition-era liquor system in Pennsylvania. Commonwealth Foundation…


Read More: Historic Vote Huge Step to Liquor Liberty


Who Supports Liquor Liberty?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 21, 2013

Today the Pennsylvania House is poised to pass landmark legislation (H.B. 790) to privatize the 80-year-old state store system and end the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s (PLCB) inefficient and antiquated…


Read More: Who Supports Liquor Liberty?

Health Care

Expanding Medicaid: Eat Now, Starve Later

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 20, 2013

When the governor released his budget last month, the loudest opposition hinged on Medicaid - government insurance for the poor and disabled. Advocates of expanding the program via the Affordable…


Read More: Expanding Medicaid: Eat Now, Starve Later


Mailbag: Booze Q’s

  • Matthew Brouillette, Nathan Benefield
  • March 20, 2013

As legislation to get government out of the booze business is debated in the state House, CF‘s mailbox is overflowing with questions about liquor liberty! You asked, we answered: Q:…


Read More: Mailbag: Booze Q’s


What’s in New Liquor Liberty Bill?

  • March 18, 2013

Rep. Mike Turzai’s liquor store privatization bill, HB 790, heads to the House floor after successfully passing amended out of committee today. While the amendment changed the bill significantly, it…


Read More: What’s in New Liquor Liberty Bill?