Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.

Public Union Democracy

Union Leaders Misrepresent Pension Reforms

  • Priya Brannick
  • August 15, 2012

CF Senior Fellow Rick Dreyfuss testified yesterday before the Pennsylvania House about how to make our public pensions current, affordable and predictable, proposing a five-step plan for doing…


Read More: Union Leaders Misrepresent Pension Reforms

Health Care

ACA a Boon to Special Interests

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2012

Tim Carney continues to highlight the role special interests— including the largest players in the health care industry—played in crafting the socalled Affordable Care Act, dispelling the myth that…


Read More: ACA a Boon to Special Interests

Health Care

Pizza, Burgers and Health Care Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 10, 2012

The devastating side effects of the Affordable Care Act are multiplying every day. It’s not uncommon to hear that premiums are rising, about 7 percent next year, according to the…


Read More: Pizza, Burgers and Health Care Reform

Government Accountability

Czars of Zinfandel Pour More Down Drain

  • August 10, 2012

Need some Zeppelin with your zinfandel, Coldplay with your chardonnay or Seger with your Seagrams?  Well, wait no more music and driving fans, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has a…


Read More: Czars of Zinfandel Pour More Down Drain


No More Solyndras in Pa.’s Future?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 9, 2012

Pennsylvania Independent’s Melissa Daniels writes that corporate welfare programs to benefit solar companies are on their way out in Pennsylvania, saving consumers more than $100 million.  Two major state…


Read More: No More Solyndras in Pa.’s Future?

Public Union Democracy

Taxpayer Tornado Sweeps Through Kansas, Union Party Swept Away

  • Charles Mitchell
  • August 8, 2012

What’s one of the few things stranger than a CF staffer reading the Huffington Post? Easy.  A CF staffer reading on the Huffington Post about a great victory for the…


Read More: Taxpayer Tornado Sweeps Through Kansas, Union Party Swept Away

Health Care

State Officials Give Medicaid Expansion a Thumbs Down

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 7, 2012

Is expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act a good idea for states? According to state budget directors across the country, the answer is a resounding no.  A recent survey conducted by…


Read More: State Officials Give Medicaid Expansion a Thumbs Down


Liquor Lies Dropping Like Flies

  • August 6, 2012

State-run liquor store advocates are watching as their most commonly trumpeted arguments drop like flies in recent weeks. First there’s the debunking of the erroneous claim that government-run liquor…


Read More: Liquor Lies Dropping Like Flies

Taxes & Economy

Welfare Anti-Fraud Measures Earn Gold Medal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 1, 2012

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare received an award for its recent efforts to curb waste and fraud.  The Council of State Governments gave DPW a 2012 Innovations Award…


Read More: Welfare Anti-Fraud Measures Earn Gold Medal


Ready for Higher Liquor Prices?

  • July 31, 2012

The floodgates have opened on the Lords of Liquor’s most infamous (and erroneous) claim that government-run liquor stores bring in lots of cash for the state. In reality, the PLCB…


Read More: Ready for Higher Liquor Prices?


Calling Shenanigans on Liquor Union Bosses

  • July 30, 2012

Pennsylvania’s liquor store union bosses have been called out by Dr. Antony Davies, an associate professor at Duquesne University, and James Harrigan, a fellow of the Institute of…


Read More: Calling Shenanigans on Liquor Union Bosses

Taxes & Economy

Olympic Lessons for Gold Medal Citizens

  • July 30, 2012

When you watch as much Olympics coverage as I do, you can learn a lot: like the size of swimming prodigy Missy Franklin’s feet (13), the weight of the tires…


Read More: Olympic Lessons for Gold Medal Citizens

Taxes & Economy

How Low Can Frackaphobes Go?

  • July 30, 2012

Winston Churchill once quipped that, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” If so, then natural gas drilling myths…


Read More: How Low Can Frackaphobes Go?

State Budget

Pennsylvania Welfare Changes will Save an Estimated $173 Million

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 27, 2012

Act 80 of 2012 amends the Pennsylvania Welfare Code to include several reforms to Department of Public Welfare spending in the 2012-13 state budget. Act 80 will save state taxpayers…


Read More: Pennsylvania Welfare Changes will Save an Estimated $173 Million

Criminal Justice Reform

Don’t Fire Arrows without Arrowheads in Corrections Reform

  • July 24, 2012

Reforming our state corrections system is not being soft on crime—it is being smart on crime.  To achieve transformative corrections reform, lawmakers should finish this critical legislative package and build…


Read More: Don’t Fire Arrows without Arrowheads in Corrections Reform

Government Accountability

‘Shocked and Appalled’ by PLCB

  • July 24, 2012

You’ve heard of shock and awe?  Well here is ‘shock and appalled,’ brought to you by the duplicitous, doublespeaking Deacons of Distilleries who are at it again, this time dumping…


Read More: ‘Shocked and Appalled’ by PLCB

Health Care

Medicaid Big Threat to States

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 23, 2012

A new study by the State Budget Crisis Task Force found Medicaid is one of the six biggest threats facing states. That should be no surprise to our readers.


Read More: Medicaid Big Threat to States

Taxes & Economy

Happy Cost of Government Day 2012

  • July 20, 2012

Today Pennsylvania reached its Cost of Government Day, according to Americans for Tax Reform’s annual report. In other words, it took the average Keystone worker until July 20, or…


Read More: Happy Cost of Government Day 2012

Public Union Democracy

Unions Bankrupt Scranton, Who’s Next?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 19, 2012

The City of Scranton is broke. It can’t pay its employees and faces a budget deficit of about $16 million this year, thanks to a toxic combination of declining…


Read More: Unions Bankrupt Scranton, Who’s Next?


Moody’s Sounds the Four Alarms

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 17, 2012

Yesterday, Moody’s Investor Services downgraded Pennsylvania’s bond rating one level. The downgrade implies Pennsylvania bonds are riskier than previously assessed, and it could make it more expensive for the…


Read More: Moody’s Sounds the Four Alarms


Map of the Day: Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities

  • July 17, 2012

Pennsylvania’s government-run liquor monopoly doesn’t make citizens safer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data on alcohol-attributable deaths ranks Pennsylvania middle of the pack in terms of deaths per…


Read More: Map of the Day: Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities