Compulsory public unions threaten individual worker rights and cost taxpayers billions. Reforms to the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act are needed to restore and protect workers’ rights. No one—including government employees—should be blocked from leaving a union. To increase government integrity and accountability, policies should be adopted that ensure all special interests groups, including government unions, interact with the state government on a level playing field.

Public Union Democracy

House Committee Votes to Protect Religious Objectors to Unionism

  • May 17, 2016

House Committee Votes to Protect Religious Objectors to Unionism Bill Would End Union Control over Employees’ Charitable Contributions   May 17, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Most Pennsylvanians take for…

Press Release

Read More: House Committee Votes to Protect Religious Objectors to Unionism


Senate Protects Excellent Teachers, Sends Bill to Wolf

  • James Paul
  • May 9, 2016

In a crucial victory for both students and teachers, the Protecting Excellent Teachers Act passed the Senate this afternoon with a vote of 26 to 22. HB 805, championed…


Read More: Senate Protects Excellent Teachers, Sends Bill to Wolf

Public Union Democracy

Pension Debt Grows by Another Billion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 3, 2016

Last week the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) announced its total unfunded liability increased from $18.44 billion in 2015 to $18.79 billion. In truth, SERS'…


Read More: Pension Debt Grows by Another Billion

Government Accountability

Historic Victory for Transparency

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 14, 2016

Gov. Tom Wolf just signed Senate Bill 644, empowering the Independent Fiscal Office to estimate the cost of government union contracts before they are finalized. Matthew Brouillette, president and…


Read More: Historic Victory for Transparency

Government Accountability

Pa. Brings Transparency to State Union Contracts

  • April 14, 2016

Pa. Brings Transparency to State Union Contracts Gov. Wolf Signs Historic Reform Shining Light on Collective Bargaining Costs    April 14, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Gov. Tom Wolf today signed…

Press Release

Read More: Pa. Brings Transparency to State Union Contracts

Public Union Democracy

8 Labor Reforms to Protect Public Workers and Taxpayers

  • April 6, 2016

Pennsylvania's labor laws and practices heavily favor union executives at the expense of public employees and taxpayers. To level the playing field, state lawmakers should work to eliminate the host of…


Read More: 8 Labor Reforms to Protect Public Workers and Taxpayers

Government Accountability

Transparency Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature

  • April 6, 2016

Last month, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his “Government that Works” plan to reform contracting practices and increase transparency in government. Now, the state Legislature has given Wolf…


Read More: Transparency Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature

Government Accountability

Will Wolf ‘Walk the Walk’ on ‘Government That Works’?

  • April 6, 2016

Will Wolf ‘Walk the Walk’ on ‘Government That Works’? Government Transparency Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature   April 6, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Last month, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his “Government…

Press Release

Read More: Will Wolf ‘Walk the Walk’ on ‘Government That Works’?

Government Accountability

Big Win for Transparency

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 22, 2016

One year ago, Governor Tom Wolf began negotiating contracts worth billions of dollars with state employee unions. Despite his rhetoric about improving government transparency, these negotiations took place behind closed doors.


Read More: Big Win for Transparency

Government Accountability

House Passes Historic Government Union Contract Transparency

  • March 21, 2016

House Passes Historic Government Union Contract Transparency  Would Lift Veil of Cost Secrecy from Government Union Deals March 21, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Today, the state House passed…

Press Release

Read More: House Passes Historic Government Union Contract Transparency

Government Accountability

Wolf on Transparency: Do As I Say, Not As I do

  • March 16, 2016

Note: Gov. Wolf's press conference referred to below was cancelled.  Wolf on Transparency: Do As I Say, Not As I Do Gov. Calls for Openness, Negotiates $3.6…

Press Release

Read More: Wolf on Transparency: Do As I Say, Not As I do


No, We’re Not Underfunding Public Schools

  • James Paul
  • February 29, 2016

My latest op-ed at PennLive debunks several school funding myths that continue to haunt Pennsylvania: While local school revenue is notably high (6th in the nation), state revenue…


Read More: No, We’re Not Underfunding Public Schools

Public Union Democracy

How Pennsylvania’s Labor Laws Trap Union Members

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 25, 2016

Pennsylvania's labor laws keep union members in the dark. Union members rarely have the opportunity to voice their opinion through elections or resign their membership. A lack of transparency makes…


Read More: How Pennsylvania’s Labor Laws Trap Union Members


Ghost Teachers Cost Allentown Millions

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 25, 2016

Allentown School District is no stranger to financial troubles. The third largest public school system in the commonwealth has been in financial distress for years. In 2011, the district…


Read More: Ghost Teachers Cost Allentown Millions

Public Union Democracy

The Pretense of Democratic Unions

  • February 22, 2016

Control over the largest local teachers union in Pennsylvania is up for grabs. The Caucus of Working Educators (WE) is challenging the leadership of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers…


Read More: The Pretense of Democratic Unions


Taxpayer-Funded Union Politics in Philadelphia

  • James Paul
  • February 18, 2016

It's no secret that the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) plucks teachers out of the classroom to work as full-time union operatives. These individuals are known as ghost teachers—and their…


Read More: Taxpayer-Funded Union Politics in Philadelphia


State Supremes Strike Down Charter Caps

  • James Paul
  • February 17, 2016

Pennsylvania’s legislature granted extraordinary powers to Philadelphia’s School Reform Commission (SRC) when they created the body in 2001. Tasked with shoring up the district’s finances, the SRC was authorized to suspend…


Read More: State Supremes Strike Down Charter Caps

Public Union Democracy

Paycheck Protection Moves Forward in House

  • January 26, 2016

Paycheck Protection Moves Forward in House 67 Percent of Likely Voters Want to End Gov. Union Political Privilege January 26, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Paycheck protection is one step closer…

Press Release

Read More: Paycheck Protection Moves Forward in House


Evaluating Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law

  • James Paul
  • January 25, 2016

In 2015, several states took action to improve the functionality of their public charter school laws. Unfortunately for Pennsylvania’s 130,000 charter students—as well as the thousands of students on currently…


Read More: Evaluating Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law

Public Union Democracy

Attack Ads Funded by Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues

  • Gina Diorio
  • January 22, 2016

Seeing a political attack ad on TV is nothing new. You probably roll your eyes and change the channel. But what if you learned you unwittingly helped put that ad…


Read More: Attack Ads Funded by Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues

Public Union Democracy

Million-Dollar Ad Attack Ads Funded by Union Dues

  • January 21, 2016

Million-Dollar Attack Ads Funded by Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues America Works USA’s Ads Make Case for Paycheck Protection   January 21, 2016, Harrisburg, Pa.—Seeing a political attack ad on…

Press Release

Read More: Million-Dollar Ad Attack Ads Funded by Union Dues