Compulsory public unions threaten individual worker rights and cost taxpayers billions. Reforms to the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act are needed to restore and protect workers’ rights. No one—including government employees—should be blocked from leaving a union. To increase government integrity and accountability, policies should be adopted that ensure all special interests groups, including government unions, interact with the state government on a level playing field.

Public Union Democracy

Construction Workers Picket Rep. Saylor

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 6, 2012

No sooner did we release research documenting the iron grip of Pennsylvania’s labor unions on the commonwealth’s taxpayers than they obliged us with a case-in-point on union bullying tactics.


Read More: Construction Workers Picket Rep. Saylor

Public Union Democracy

How Unions Put the Squeeze on Pennsylvanians

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 5, 2012

We’ve talked before about how passing meaningful reform on anything from school choice to prevailing wage has been stymied not by a Democrat vs. Republican fight in Pennsylvania’s legislature, but…


Read More: How Unions Put the Squeeze on Pennsylvanians

Government Accountability

The Squeeze: Government Unions’ Grip on Pennsylvanians

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 5, 2012

Pennsylvania's government unions wield tremendous political influence and advance policies that harm the commonwealth's taxpayers, children, and even their own members. Pennsylvania is a forced union state, meaning even workers…


Read More: The Squeeze: Government Unions’ Grip on Pennsylvanians

Public Union Democracy

Pop Quiz: Would You Pay $126 or $84 for the Same Product?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 2, 2012

Yesterday, we noted how Pennsylvania’s prevailing wage law is a “rent” for labor unions.  Here’s an example of how it plays out in real life—when our schools are…


Read More: Pop Quiz: Would You Pay $126 or $84 for the Same Product?

Public Union Democracy

Rent Seeking: Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Musical

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 1, 2012

“Rent” isn’t just a depressing musical about New Yorkers facing AIDS. It’s also a term economists use to describe the benefits special interests win for themselves in the political…


Read More: Rent Seeking: Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Musical

Public Union Democracy

Will the Union Party Win Again?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 15, 2012

On Tuesday, everyone in the Capitol anticipated a final vote in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on a bill to increase the “prevailing wage” threshold for public construction…


Read More: Will the Union Party Win Again?

Public Union Democracy

Who Would Oppose Reforming a Costly, Unnecessary Law?

  • Nathan Benefield, Priya Brannick
  • February 14, 2012

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives may vote today on a bill to reform the 1961 prevailing wage mandate.  The prevailing wage requires government to pay higher wages and benefits for…


Read More: Who Would Oppose Reforming a Costly, Unnecessary Law?

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Law

  • February 14, 2012

Pennsylvania's Prevailing Wage Law was enacted in 1961 to protect construction workers from out-of-state competition, mandating that contractors pay the wages that "prevail" in each region on all government construction…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Law

Public Union Democracy

House Moves Unemployment Compensation Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 13, 2012

More Unemployment Compensation reform is moving through the Pennsylvania House. Yesterday, HB 1754 sponsored by Rep. Ron Miller, and HB 1852 sponsored by Rep. Seth Grove, cleared the…


Read More: House Moves Unemployment Compensation Reform

Public Union Democracy

Turn on the Fiscal Fire Hose

  • Priya Brannick
  • February 9, 2012

Since Gov. Corbett unveiled his 2012-13 budget Tuesday, we’ve noted how it reduces overall spending for only the second time in 40 years. We’ve also explained that despite…


Read More: Turn on the Fiscal Fire Hose


Not a Joke: Learn from Louisiana

  • Charles Mitchell
  • January 31, 2012

Here in Pennsylvania, we like to think we’re better than states like Louisiana.  Those folks used to have slaves, but our founder was a Quaker.  They’re poor, but we’re rich. …


Read More: Not a Joke: Learn from Louisiana


Crisis vs. Competition in Education

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 12, 2012

Here are two views on school choice, the idea that fostering a variety of schooling options for families—whether public, charter, cyber or private—is a good thing: School choice is a…


Read More: Crisis vs. Competition in Education

Government Accountability

Teachers’ Union Dues at Leisure

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 3, 2012

A full-time teacher and member of the Pennsylvania State Education Association pays $654 a year in union dues to state, national and local affiliates of the union. While part-time teachers…


Read More: Teachers’ Union Dues at Leisure


PSEA Exposed: Vex, Lies and Audio Tape

  • Priya Brannick
  • December 22, 2011

Nestled in the $4.2 million the Pennsylvania State Education Asssociation spent in 2010-11 on political activities are some very telling expenditures on polling firms.  For example, remember the much-touted…


Read More: PSEA Exposed: Vex, Lies and Audio Tape


The Growing Lobbying Might of the PSEA

  • Priya Brannick
  • December 19, 2011

The Pennsylvania State Education Association, the state’s largest government union with 192,000 members, spent an astonishing $2.6 million in 2009-10 on “political activities and lobbying.” If that seems like a…


Read More: The Growing Lobbying Might of the PSEA

Public Union Democracy

County Data Shows Prevailing Wage Hikes Costs

  • Priya Brannick
  • December 16, 2011

We have documented the racist origins of Pennsylvania’s prevailing wage law, how it artificially raises the costs of taxpayer-funded construction projects by 20 percent (or approximately $1 billion…


Read More: County Data Shows Prevailing Wage Hikes Costs

Public Union Democracy

Right to Work Helps Oklahoma Economy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 21, 2011

A new analysis from the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs shows that since the Sooner State passed a right to work law in 2001—allowing all workers to choose whether…


Read More: Right to Work Helps Oklahoma Economy


The Lesson of Ohio Might Not Be What You Think

  • Charles Mitchell
  • November 18, 2011

The Wall Street Journal recently featured a very short, very striking piece on the defeat of much-needed limits on the power of government unions in Ohio.  The conventional wisdom on…


Read More: The Lesson of Ohio Might Not Be What You Think

Government Accountability

Common Cause: Gas Political Money Can’t Match Unions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 11, 2011

The third or fourth report by Common Cause PA on political spending (campaign contributions and lobbying) by the natural gas industry reveals nothing new. According to Common Cause, the Political…


Read More: Common Cause: Gas Political Money Can’t Match Unions


Rep. Ryan Aument & Teacher Evaluations on The BOX

  • November 10, 2011

In our newest The BOX Program podcast, State Representative Ryan Aument discusses his role in spearheading education reform in the House with host Matt Brouillette. How would new teacher evaluation…


Read More: Rep. Ryan Aument & Teacher Evaluations on The BOX

Government Accountability

Government Unions Steal Worker Freedom

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 27, 2011

Pennsylvania is one of 28 states in which workers can be compelled to give part of their paycheck to a union just to keep their job.  Moreover, even non-membership is…


Read More: Government Unions Steal Worker Freedom