Compulsory public unions threaten individual worker rights and cost taxpayers billions. Reforms to the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act are needed to restore and protect workers’ rights. No one—including government employees—should be blocked from leaving a union. To increase government integrity and accountability, policies should be adopted that ensure all special interests groups, including government unions, interact with the state government on a level playing field.

Public Union Democracy

Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending

  • April 6, 2009

Trumpets blared last week as Governor Rendell announced an agreement with state employee unions to “save” $200 million by temporarily reducing payments by 20 percent to their benefit…


Read More: Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending

Public Union Democracy

Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

In his blog today, John Micek makes a couple of jokes about “Joe the Plumber” – probably to avoid being called “Rat Rat Rat” by union bosses (who promise…


Read More: Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

Public Union Democracy

Union Intimidation in Action

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 31, 2009

Unions claim they won’t use intimidation as one of their tactics if the Employee Free Choice Act, a.k.a. “Card Check” is passed, eliminating the secret ballot in union elections. But…


Read More: Union Intimidation in Action

Public Union Democracy

The Coming Union Bailout

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 27, 2009

America's history is filled with stories about entrepreneurs who persevered through repeated failure before eventually succeeding. These pre-21st century men and women didn't get help from the government, they turned…


Read More: The Coming Union Bailout

Public Union Democracy

Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

  • March 25, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter made news yesterday by saying he would not vote for “card check” because of both the elimination of the secret ballot and the bind arbitration provisions.


Read More: Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

Public Union Democracy

Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 25, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter made news yesterday by saying he would not vote for “card check” because of both the elimination of the secret ballot and the bind arbitration provisions.


Read More: Sen. Specter’s Comments on “Card Check”

Public Union Democracy

AFL-CIO Pledges Votes for Specter in Quid Pro Quo

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 17, 2009

Our good friend Bill George, head of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, has promised to help out Sen. Arlen Specter, if and only if he votes for “card check”, the…


Read More: AFL-CIO Pledges Votes for Specter in Quid Pro Quo

Public Union Democracy

Quick Trivia Question

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2009

From Mark Perry – what do the 8 states states with the lowest January unemployment rates have in common? Answer – the are all Right to Work states.


Read More: Quick Trivia Question

Public Union Democracy

The Attack on the Secret Ballot

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2009

Tom Gies has an article in The American on the Employee Free Choice Act, also known as card check, which would do away with the secret ballot in union…


Read More: The Attack on the Secret Ballot

Public Union Democracy

Warren Buffett on Card Check: Short and Sweet

  • March 9, 2009

Warren Buffett bluntly expressed his views on card check during CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning, saying that “the secret ballot is pretty important in this country.” Buffett adds his voice…


Read More: Warren Buffett on Card Check: Short and Sweet

Public Union Democracy

Card Check Would Cost Millions in Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2009

A new study finds that “card check” legislation, if enacted, would increase unemployment by 1.5 million jobs for each 3% increase in union membership (HT Tony Phyrillas).  If…


Read More: Card Check Would Cost Millions in Jobs


Pennsylvania School Boards Want Less Government

  • March 4, 2009

The Pennsylvania School Board Association (PSBA) is tired of amassing unfunded regulations from state legislators that grow school bureaucracies instead of improving education. In response, the PSBA has proposed legislation…


Read More: Pennsylvania School Boards Want Less Government

Public Union Democracy

Putting Taxpayers First?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 27, 2009

A group of Pennsylvania House Republicans today announced a series of proposals intended to reduce government spending and revitalize the Pennsylvania economy. Among the proposals: Implementing constitutional or statutory…


Read More: Putting Taxpayers First?


Some More “half” Truths on the PSEA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 21, 2009

The Tribune-Democrat features an editorial by a PSEA member in which he calls Matt Brouillette’s commentary “a hodgepodge of distortions, half-truths and unadulterated flapdoodle”. I have no idea…


Read More: Some More “half” Truths on the PSEA

Public Union Democracy

Is the secret ballot in danger?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 20, 2009

As “the first hundred days” starts today, what is in the cards for the Obama administration? A couple of weeks ago, Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal reported…


Read More: Is the secret ballot in danger?


The PSEA: A Worm in the Apple

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 7, 2009

Every taxpayer in the Commonwealth should be aware of the influence and agenda of the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA).  Despite its name, the organization’s top priority is not educating…


Read More: The PSEA: A Worm in the Apple


Why Pennsylvania leads the nation in teacher walkouts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 22, 2008

The Wall Street Journal features an article on teacher strikes in Pennsylvania, noting that the Keystone State leads the nation in school employees strikes. The piece cites a…


Read More: Why Pennsylvania leads the nation in teacher walkouts

Public Union Democracy

Taxes, Union Bailouts, and “Crybabies”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2008

Every other Tuesday, Matt Brouillette hosts The Politics of Business on Pittsburgh Renaissance Radio on WMNY 1360 AM from 2-6pm. This week he tackled a variety of issues that rankled at…


Read More: Taxes, Union Bailouts, and “Crybabies”

Public Union Democracy

PSEA: Sampling the Best of PA on Your Tab

  • December 16, 2008

The Department of Labor recently added 2008 Union LM2 records to its website. A perusal of PSEA’s LM2 (file number: 512989) reveals that the state’s largest teacher union continues…


Read More: PSEA: Sampling the Best of PA on Your Tab