Pennsylvania’s notoriously high level of regulation is a burden on our state economy. To make the Keystone State a competitive place to live, work, or grow a business, reforms are needed to rein in the regulatory process. Taxpayers deserve a streamlined regulatory process that scrutinizes proposed regulations to ensure frivolous reforms do not overburden the state economy and do not prevent job-seekers from accessing employment.


Audio: Getting Government Out of the Booze Business

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • September 16, 2015

A majority of Pennsylvanians support a privatized liquor industry, but government unions use their financial clout to ensure the state government maintains a monopoly over wine and spirits. WILK’s…


Read More: Audio: Getting Government Out of the Booze Business


Young Teachers Pay the Price for Pension Politics

  • James Paul
  • September 15, 2015

The first month of a new school year is an exciting—but stressful—time for school teachers. This is particularly true for young, newly-hired teachers who must quickly acclimate to their students,…


Read More: Young Teachers Pay the Price for Pension Politics


The PLCB: Fermented Grape’s Gatekeeper

  • September 14, 2015

Last week 90.5 WESA published a story about the PA Preferred Wine Program—a tool designed to help promote Pennsylvania wines. The program allows in-state wine producers to apply for…


Read More: The PLCB: Fermented Grape’s Gatekeeper

Public Union Democracy

Setting the Record Straight on Pensions

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 11, 2015

Government union leaders argue against meaningful pension reform with radical rallying cries like, “Your pension is under attack!” and mounds of other misinformation. Here's a quick fact check on some…


Read More: Setting the Record Straight on Pensions


Audio: Budget Impasse Debate

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • September 10, 2015

With the state budget impasse in its third month, funding for critical things such as education and social services remains in question.  CF’s Elizabeth Stelle spoke with WHYY’s Marty Moss-Coane and opposite…


Read More: Audio: Budget Impasse Debate


Corporate Welfare’s Hazards

  • September 9, 2015

State officials often hail the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP or R-Cap) as a tool for “economic development” projects across the commonwealth. The program uses borrowed money—with interest payments financed by taxpayers—to…


Read More: Corporate Welfare’s Hazards

Public Union Democracy

Unions Must Answer for Pension Hypocrisy

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • September 8, 2015

Would you believe the most vocal opponents to public pension reform—Pennsylvania’s largest government unions—have actually implemented the very kind of reform they are fighting against?…


Read More: Unions Must Answer for Pension Hypocrisy


Audio: Weathering the Budget Impasse

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • September 2, 2015

Another day passes without a state budget in Pennsylvania, causing panic among public officials who can't pay the bills and among parents who have children attending schools unable to make payroll.  Still, Gov.


Read More: Audio: Weathering the Budget Impasse


Corruption is Spelled P-L-C-B

  • September 1, 2015

When it comes to government corruption investigations, Attorney General Kathleen Kane has dominated the conversation this summer. But now, as if seemingly miffed at the spotlight being taken away from…


Read More: Corruption is Spelled P-L-C-B


PLCB Once Again Drunk on Scandal

  • August 31, 2015

Contact: Gina Diorio, 862-703-6670, [email protected] PLCB Once Again Drunk on Scandal  Ethics Charges Latest in String of Corruption   Good evening, Today, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s (PLCB)…

Press Release

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Ridesharing Freedom En Route to Pennsylvania

  • James Paul
  • August 28, 2015

Uber and Lyft provide inexpensive rides to customers across the country despite numerous regulatory hurdles—chief among them the Philadelphia Parking Authority, which has previously thwarted the businesses from…


Read More: Ridesharing Freedom En Route to Pennsylvania


Audio: A Look at Gov. Wolf’s “Concessions”

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 26, 2015

As state budget negotiations drag on, Gov. Wolf is pointing the finger at Republicans, claiming they have refused to move after he made “concessions on everything.” So what compromises are included in…


Read More: Audio: A Look at Gov. Wolf’s “Concessions”


Borrowing ‘Dumb’ Ideas on Pension Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2015

Would you take out a second mortgage on your home to bet on the stock market? Such an idea deserves ridicule—if not alarm. You’d be putting your home and your…


Read More: Borrowing ‘Dumb’ Ideas on Pension Reform


Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Gambling Problem

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 21, 2015

There are numerous ways Gov. Wolf can balance the budget without raising taxes: reforming the pension system, cutting corporate welfare and selling the liquor business. Instead, he…


Read More: Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Gambling Problem

Public Union Democracy

Exposing Union Myths and Hypocrisy on Pension Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 20, 2015

Pennsylvania government unions rely on disproven myths to lobby against pension reform. Their actions, however, demonstrate they don't believe their own snake oil, and offer their employees' the same retirement plans…


Read More: Exposing Union Myths and Hypocrisy on Pension Reform

Public Union Democracy

Pension Reform to Protect my Kids

  • August 19, 2015

Legislative leaders have rightly rejected a so-called pension reform “compromise,” a plan that fails to address the problems in our pension system and continues to put our kids and grandkids on…


Read More: Pension Reform to Protect my Kids


Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow

  • August 18, 2015

Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow Who’s Really Being ‘Disingenuous’ During Budget Talks? As budget negotiations continue, Gov. Wolf recently called Republicans “disingenuous” for criticizing his pension “compromise.” But…

Press Release

Read More: Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow


Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2015

Gov. Wolf proposed a new “compromise” on pensions and the budget last week, according to news reports. Here is what that compromise includes: A defined contribution plan for new…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise


Pension Reform to Protect my Kids

  • August 17, 2015

I chose teaching because I enjoy interacting with students and helping them learn.  My science classes show students that certain actions yield predictable results.  With this in mind, I am…


Read More: Pension Reform to Protect my Kids