Pennsylvania’s notoriously high level of regulation is a burden on our state economy. To make the Keystone State a competitive place to live, work, or grow a business, reforms are needed to rein in the regulatory process. Taxpayers deserve a streamlined regulatory process that scrutinizes proposed regulations to ensure frivolous reforms do not overburden the state economy and do not prevent job-seekers from accessing employment.


CF Study Helps Liquor Privatization Cause in Virginia

  • September 3, 2010

In order to drum up support for liquor store privatization in Virginia, Gov. Robert McDonnell is using the Commonwealth Foundation report Government-Run Liquor Stores to show that moving…


Read More: CF Study Helps Liquor Privatization Cause in Virginia


Traditional Energy Fuels Pennsylvania’s Economy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 31, 2010

Pennsylvania has always been a leading provider of America's energy. From timber and coal to the nation's first commercial oil well, and now the Marcellus Shale boom, traditional energy is…


Read More: Traditional Energy Fuels Pennsylvania’s Economy


Understanding PSERS’ Gains

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 30, 2010

Pennsylvania’s pension fund for school employees, PSERS, reported significant gains in the past year — a 14% return on investment. This is higher than the national average, and nearly…


Read More: Understanding PSERS’ Gains


Pennsylvania Liquor Fees to Rise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2010

As reported at KDKA, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) will be raising fees on bottles of liquor beginning in January. The fee increase is expected to generate…


Read More: Pennsylvania Liquor Fees to Rise


More on Philadelphia’s “Blogger Tax”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2010

After we noted earlier this week Philadelphia’s forcing of any blogger with blogging income to pay the city’s business privilege license ($50/year or $300 for lifetime),…


Read More: More on Philadelphia’s “Blogger Tax”


Philadelphia’s Blogger Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2010

In case you missed it, the city of Philadelphia is demanding local bloggers pay a $300 business privilege license, as reported by the Philadelphia City Paper, despite not making…


Read More: Philadelphia’s Blogger Tax


Pennsylvania Guzzles PLCB Advertising

  • August 20, 2010

Snazzy Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) internet ads are making a splash, and the “largest purchaser of wine and liquor in the United States” has a slick new website at


Read More: Pennsylvania Guzzles PLCB Advertising


Rendell’s Pinocchio Moment on WAMs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 19, 2010

During yesterday’s press conference, Roxbury News reported Gov. Rendell saying, “Opportunity Grants are not WAMS.” Really? Forget the numerous failures of Opportunity Grant recipients, like the $750,000 awarded to…


Read More: Rendell’s Pinocchio Moment on WAMs


Has Corporate Welfare Ever Failed?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2010

A reader asks us if we know of any examples of corporate welfare where it has failed – not just on the Macro level, giving grants to select corporations while…


Read More: Has Corporate Welfare Ever Failed?


Silliest Defense of Government Pension Plans Yet

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2010

A letter in the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader attacks the Commonwealth Foundation for supporting moving state government and school districts employees to a defined-contribution retirement plan, like a 401(k).  The…


Read More: Silliest Defense of Government Pension Plans Yet


SEPTA’s Extravagant Spending

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 6, 2010

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Senate Transportation Committee heard testimony from SEPTA officials defending their lavish spending habits during a state transportation funding crisis. Senator Rafferty expressed concern, saying:…


Read More: SEPTA’s Extravagant Spending


Will Philadelphia Drop DROP?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2010

Virtually everyone knows that Deferred Retirement Option Plans (DROP) are costly – at least those who know what it is – but now the City of Philadelphia has some hard…


Read More: Will Philadelphia Drop DROP?


Philly Superintendent’s $65K Bonus Criteria Released

  • August 3, 2010

Welcome to part two on Philadelphia school Superintendent Arlene Ackerman’s bonus. (If you missed “Unethical Philly Superintendent Leeching Taxpayers Dry,” click here.) The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that, though…


Read More: Philly Superintendent’s $65K Bonus Criteria Released


DEP is Successfully Regulating Gas Drilling

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 3, 2010

Environmental drilling opponents have jumped all over a new report by the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association identifying almost 1,500 violations by 43 Marcellus Shale drilling companies by the PA…


Read More: DEP is Successfully Regulating Gas Drilling


More on Government Jobs in Recession

  • July 29, 2010

The Rockefeller Institute of Government recently analyzed a Bureau of Labor Statistics report on jobs at this point in the recession. The report finds that with 9.2% unemployment,…


Read More: More on Government Jobs in Recession


Tax For Soccer

  • July 27, 2010

It’s not soccer players or fans that will be taxed to pay for the Major League Soccer stadium in Chester, but the visitors who patronize bed and breakfasts or hotels…


Read More: Tax For Soccer


Free Parking? Only in “Monopoly”

  • July 26, 2010

Privatization Watch, which warns against privatizing government services, alerts locals that if Pittsburgh parking garages are leased to a private company the per day parking cost would increase by…


Read More: Free Parking? Only in “Monopoly”


Fact Check: Pennsylvania’s Liquor Store Revenue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 26, 2010

Many myths continue about the privatization of Pennsylvania’s state-owned liquor stores. One is that the state government would lose annual revenue from liquor sales. See Wendell Young, speaking on behalf…


Read More: Fact Check: Pennsylvania’s Liquor Store Revenue


Reviewing the Financial Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 25, 2010

Nicole Gelinas has a great piece surveying a number of books on the financial crisis. Contrary to conventional wisdom, many in the finance world foresaw the collapse, some big…


Read More: Reviewing the Financial Crisis


State Pension System Going Deeper into the Red

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 25, 2010

Eleanor Chute of the Post-Gazette notes the approval of the pension contribution rates for Pennsylvania school employees (split between school districts and the state). She also notes that the…


Read More: State Pension System Going Deeper into the Red