Pennsylvania’s notoriously high level of regulation is a burden on our state economy. To make the Keystone State a competitive place to live, work, or grow a business, reforms are needed to rein in the regulatory process. Taxpayers deserve a streamlined regulatory process that scrutinizes proposed regulations to ensure frivolous reforms do not overburden the state economy and do not prevent job-seekers from accessing employment.


Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA study won’t tell you

  • July 31, 2009

The Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee contracted with Economics Research Associates (ERA)1 to analyze Pennsylvania’s Film Tax Credit (FTC).  In general, the ERA report, “Pennsylvania’s Film Production Tax Credit…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA study won’t tell you


Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps

  • July 30, 2009

With electricity rate caps expiring, state lawmakers are concerned that Pennsylvanians will see steep increases in their utility bills. What will happen as the electricity deregulation, which is more accurately…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps


Rendell, Harley Davidson, and Lando

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 30, 2009

In Empire Strikes Back, Lando Calrissian tells his old friend Han Solo that “I’ve just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever” before leading…


Read More: Rendell, Harley Davidson, and Lando


Gaming Board Cashing Out

  • July 22, 2009

It is common knowledge that the Gaming Control Board, and its employees, receive generous paychecks, fatter than they deserve relative to the prevailing market for comparable work and skills.


Read More: Gaming Board Cashing Out


Will Early Retirement Incentives Save PA Money, or Cost More?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 16, 2009

Among the proposal of Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner to help balance the state budget without a tax increase.  But Commonwealth Foundation Senior Fellow Rick Dreyfuss suggests this is…


Read More: Will Early Retirement Incentives Save PA Money, or Cost More?


Pennsylvania’s Gambling Addiction

  • July 9, 2009

Five years ago this month, Gov. Rendell signed into law the signature policy achievement of his tenure -- legalized slot machine gambling. Act 71 of 2004 allows for 61,000 slot…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Gambling Addiction


Could Pension Crisis Shut Down High School Sports?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 6, 2009

Patriot-News sports reporter Rod Frisco took a look at how the looming pension crisis might impact public school athletics. Derry Township School District Superintendent Linda Brewer noted that “every…


Read More: Could Pension Crisis Shut Down High School Sports?

Government Accountability

10 Ways to Balance the Budget Without Tax Hikes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 3, 2009

Contrary to the Governor’s rhetoric, there are a plethora of reforms and spending cuts that can balance the budget without firing our police, evicting our elderly, or dumbing down our…


Read More: 10 Ways to Balance the Budget Without Tax Hikes


Budget Facts 2009: Cigarette Taxes

  • July 3, 2009

Pennsylvania faces a $3 billion tax revenue shortfall in the state’s General Fund Budget.  Competing proposals from Gov. Ed Rendell and the Republican-led Senate differ on raising taxes and reducing/reprioritizing…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Budget Facts 2009: Cigarette Taxes


Has Gambling Reduced Property Taxes?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 29, 2009

In a press conference last week, Gov. Rendell patted himself on the back for all the property tax relief he has provided via gambling.  But John Delano of KDKA-TV in…


Read More: Has Gambling Reduced Property Taxes?


Thumbs Down on Film Tax Credit

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 19, 2009

The Patriot News has a scathing editorial against Pennsylvania’s Film Tax Credit.  Here is the deathblow: A closer look at the “motion picture industry” employment statistics(cited in…


Read More: Thumbs Down on Film Tax Credit


Another $1.3 Billion In Cuts for Governor Rendell

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2009

At the cabinet meeting yesterday (which the Commonwealth Foundation was escorted out of by security, being told it was a “closed meeting”, while media and staff for the PA…


Read More: Another $1.3 Billion In Cuts for Governor Rendell


Film Tax Credit Study Produced by Hollywood Consultants

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 17, 2009

One of our PolicyBlog readers sent us a note that the researchers contracted to do the study of the Pennsylvania Film Tax Credit (click here for our comments on…


Read More: Film Tax Credit Study Produced by Hollywood Consultants


Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2009

A coalition of business groups released their proposals aimed at improving Pennsylvania’s economic climate. Among the top of their list were state spending limits, lower business taxes, health care reform,…


Read More: Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy


Why Corporate Welfare Fails

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2009

Tad Dehaven has a worthwhile read on the Cato Institute's blog about why state corporate welfare subsidies make good politics, but bad economics: Instead of competing with…


Read More: Why Corporate Welfare Fails


Big Ideas for Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2009

The Patriot News has a series of “Big Ideas for Pennsylvania”, including a couple we have championed –  privatizing the state-owned liquor stores and reforming the state…


Read More: Big Ideas for Pennsylvania


New Study of Film Tax Credit Ignores Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 4, 2009

The Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee issued a report on the state’s film tax credit, concluding that the $75 million program generates over $500 million in economic activity…


Read More: New Study of Film Tax Credit Ignores Economics


Another Bad Pension Proposal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 1, 2009

The Post-Gazette has a story of another reform to municipal pension plans. The plan would be to put all new municipal employees into a statewide, defined benefit pension system.


Read More: Another Bad Pension Proposal


Will Tourism Collapse Without Taxpayer Subsidies?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 29, 2009

Letter sent from the Commonwealth Foundation to Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary of Tourism Mickey Rowley   Dear Mr. Rowley: I am writing to respond to the Pennsylvania Tourism Office's recent…


Read More: Will Tourism Collapse Without Taxpayer Subsidies?


Now is the Time to Practice Fiscal Restraint

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 21, 2009

Testimony of Mathew J. Brouillette President & CEO, Commonwealth Foundation, to the PA House Appropriations Committee Thank you for the invitation to share the Commonwealth Foundation’s analysis and perspective on…


Read More: Now is the Time to Practice Fiscal Restraint